College of Arts, Sciences, and Letters (UM-Dearborn)


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The College of Arts, Sciences, and Letters (formerly Literature, Philosophy and the Arts VRC) online image collection serves the departments and disciplines within the college, especially Literature, Philosophy and The Arts. The core physical collection numbers approximately 90,000 slides and 300 videocassettes. The collection is located in 3045 CB (College of Arts, Sciences, and Letters building on the Dearborn campus).

Copyright limits viewing of most images in this collection to members of the University of Michigan community.

Images recorded in our database are all available in digital format.

Rights and Permissions

The copyright law of the United States (Title 17, U.S. Code) governs the making of copies of copyrighted material. When using these images, it's your responsibility to observe the rights of the copyright holders and to comply with the University of Michigan Copyright Policy, University of Michigan Standard Practice Guide,

The person using this material is liable for any infringement. What are your rights?

  • You may download or copy an image for a class paper.
  • You may download or copy an image for a class/seminar/conference presentation.
  • You may link to an image from your webpage or course page, but remember that non-UMich users will not be able to access the image.
  • You may NOT download or copy an image to put on your (or any other) website.
  • You may NOT download or copy an image for any other type of publishing, without gaining permission from the copyright holder. In most cases we have contact information should you need to contact the copyright holder. Please contact us for further information or with any questions you might have.
  • You may NOT retain any images after leaving the University.
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