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A Worthy Asset: The Adjunct Faculty and the Influences on Their Job Satisfaction Rich, Telvis
Creating a Supportive Teaching Culture in the Research University Context: Strategic Partnering and Interdisciplinary Collaboration Between a Teaching Center and Academic Units Brown, Marie Kendall; S., Ralston, Patricia A.; Baumgartner, Kathy B.; Schreck, Melissa A.
Encouraging Faculty Attendance at Professional Development Events Burdick, Dakin; Doherty, Tim; Schoenfeld, Naomi
Implementing a University–Wide Change Initiative A.Styron, Jr.Ronald; Michaelsen, Larry K.; Styron, Jennifer L.
A Teaching Conference of One's Own: Inviting Faculty into the Scholarly Work of Teaching Sievers, Julie
Mentoring Within a Community of Practice for Faculty Development: Adding Value to a CTL Role Calderwood, Patricia E.; Klaf, Suzanna
Teaching Renewal for Midcareer Faculty: Attending to the Whole Person Ross, Catherine
Negotiating a Seat at the Table: Questions to Guide Institutional Involvement Siering, Gregory J.; Tapp, Suzanne; Lohe, Debra Rudder; Meixner, Micah
A View From the Margins: Situating CTL Staff in Organizational Development Gravett, Emily O.; Bernhagen, Lindsay
Overcoming Pedagogical Solitude: The Transformative Power of Discipline–Specific Faculty Learning Communities Tovar, Mariela; Jukier, Rosalie; Ferris, Jennie; Cardoso, Kristen
Developmental Stages of New Graduate Student Instructional Consultants: Implications for Professional Growth Wright, Mary C.; Schram, Laura N.; Gorman, Kristen S.;
Flipping the Mindset: Reframing Fear and Failure to Catalyze Development Boyd, Diane E.; Baudier, Josie; Stromie, Traci
Systems Alignment for Comprehensive Faculty Development in Liberal Arts Colleges Baker, Vicki L.; Lunsford, Laura G.; Pifer, Meghan J.
Unpacking and Communicating the Multidimensional Mission of Educational Development: A Mission Matrix Tool for Centers of Teaching and Learning Schroeder, Connie