An Ge 安哥, An Ge: Jie tu ji shi 安哥 结图纪事. Guangzhou: Nanfang Ribao chubanshe 南方日报出版社, 2009. 455 p. ISBN 978-7-80652-906-5. Text in Chinese and English. One of a series of small-format “small black books” devoted to individual photographers.

An Ge 安哥, Gege bushi chui niu pi: An Ge de gushi 哥哥不是吹牛皮 安哥的故事. Guangzhou: Hua Cheng chubanshe 花城出版社, 2009. 312 p. ISBN 978-7-5360-5252-9

Anne Lacoste, Felice Beato, a Photographer on the Eastern Road. With an essay by Fred Ritchin. Los Angeles: Getty Publications, 2010. 208 p. ISBN 978-1-60606-035-3. Exhibition catalog. An illustrated exhibition checklist can be downloaded at This abundantly illustrated book accompanies an exhibition—the first devoted to Beato's entire oeuvre—on view at the J. Paul Getty Museum from December 7, 2010, to April 3, 2011. The text includes an engaging narrative of his life and entrepreneurial career and a thought-provoking essay on Beato and the photography of war. There is a generous selection of his photographs, including panoramas and hand-colored Japanese studies, along with captivating period ephemera, lithographs based on his work, and humorous caricatures of the artist. Anne Lacoste [is] assistant curator in the Department of Photographs at the J. Paul Getty Museum [source:]

Claire Roberts, Liu Xiao Xian From East to West. Melbourne: RMIT Gallery, RMIT University, 2009. 47 p. ISBN 978-0-9803679-7-3. Exhibition catalog. Claire Roberts is a research fellow with the Australian Research Council–funded Federation Fellowship at the Australian National University (ANU). Previously, she was senior curator of Asian arts and design at the Powerhouse Museum in Sydney and currently is a visiting scholar at Harvard University. Liu Xiao Xian, a resident of Australia, is known for his “ of optical tricks and his desire to question photographic truth...[p. 6].”

Eduard Kögel, “Researching Ernst Boerschmann,” China Heritage Quarterly, no. 24 (Dec. 2010), []. Boerschmann (1873-1949) was a German architect and historian of China’s traditional architecture, particularly religious architecture. During the course of his surveys in China in 1906-1909 and 1933-1935, he took numerous photographs that were published some years after his sojourns in China. Boerschmann was the subject of an international symposium in Berlin in 2010.

Edward Stokes, Hong Kong Nature Landscapes. Hong Kong: Photographic Heritage Foundation in association with Hong Kong University Press, 2010. 176 p. ISBN 978-988-8028-18-4. Stokes is a noted landscape photographer and founder of the Photographic Heritage Foundation. Several of his books, such as this retrospective, focus on the natural, unbuilt, environment of Hong Kong.

First Photographs of Hong Kong, 1858-1875. Texts by Régine Thiriez, Edwin K. Lai, and Ko Tim-keung. Hong Kong: Oxford University Press, 2010. 200 p. ISBN 9-78193-966420. Exhibition catalog. Text in Chinese and English. A small selection of photographs in the exhibition can be viewed at [].

Edwin Lai’s comment from that website:

"The photographs in this exhibition were taken in Hong Kong during the period from 1858 to 1875 which, as French curator Dr. Régine Thiriez aptly designates, were the formative years of Hong Kong photography. Although photography was introduced to Hong Kong more than a decade ago, the earliest activities had been limited, intermittent and generally insignificant. It was only in this period that photographers firmly established their footholds in Hong Kong, and more importantly, contributed to the development of a set of subjects and styles that have immensely influenced the photographic and visual representation of Hong Kong for many years to come."

Geoffrey Batchen, Suspending Time: Life-Photography-Death=時の宙づ : 生・写真・死, with essays by Yoshiaki Kai and Masashi Kohara. Shizuoka, Japan: Izu Photo Museum, 2010. 255 p. ISBN: 9784904257081. Published in conjunction with an exhibition at the Museum, Apr. 3, 2010 - Aug. 20, 2010. Text in Japanese and English. Geoffrey Batchen’s publications include Burning with Desire: The Conceptions of Photography (1999), and Each Wild Idea: Writing, Photography, History (2002), both published by the MIT Press.

Hu Wugong 胡武功, Hu Wugong: yan huo ren jian 胡武功 烟火人间. Guangzhou: Nanfang Ribao chubanshe 南方日报出版社, 2009. 455 p. ISBN 978-7-80652-909-6. Text in Chinese and English. One of a series of small-format “small black books” devoted to individual photographers.

Jane Perkins, Tibet in Exile. Foreword by The Dalai Lama; photography by Raghu Rai. Singapore: Editions Didier Millet, 2009. 152 p. ISBN 978-981-4217-72-9. An updating of the original 1990 edition, with 42 additional photographs. Both color and black-and-white photos, a number of which are of historical interest, depict Tibetans in exile in India. An extensive text documents historical and political developments of Tibet and the Tibetans in the 20th century. Raghu Rai, who made the new photographs, is one of India’s foremost photographers.

Jason Toh, Singapore Through 19th Century Photographs. Singapore: Editions Didier Millet, 2010. 160 p. ISBN 978-981-4260-06-0. Exhibition catalog. Jason Toh is a curator at the National Museum of Singapore. The exhibition draws on museum and private collections. The more than 130 photographs reproduced in the book are accompanied by extensive on-page identifications. Some of the useful features of this book are a timeline of early photography (pp. 166-167), maps of early Singapore (pp. 168-169), a brief bibliography (p. 171), and a guide to 19th century photographers in Singapore (pp. 164-167). Toh introduces the images with his essay “Capturing a Landscape of Perpetual Change [pp. 10-27]” and provides an introductory essay for each of the three subsequent chapters along with additional essays throughout the book. The page-wide images are reproduced in sepia.

Jeffrey W. Cody and Frances Terpak, ed., Brush and Shutter: Early Photography in China. Los Angeles: Getty Research Institute, 2011. 220 p., 61 colored and 75 black-and-white illustrations. ISBN 978-1-60606-054-4.

The essays in this volume shed new light on the birth of a medium. Jeffrey Cody and Frances Terpak, together with Edwin Lai, discuss the medium’s evolution, commercialization, and dissemination; Wu Hung examines the invention of a portrait style through the lens of Milton Miller; Sarah Fraser investigates how this style shaped China’s national image; and Wen-hsin Yeh addresses the camera’s role in Republican Shanghai and wartime Chongqing. The catalogue accompanies an exhibition of the same name at the J. Paul Getty Museum from February 8 to May 1, 2011
[source:], accessed 19 Feb. 2011].”

Kitajima Keizō 北島敬三, Kitajima Keizō 1975-1991 : Koza, Tōkyō, Nyū Yōku, Tōō, Soren コザ, 東京, ニューヨーク, 東欧, ソ連 = Kitajima Keizō 1975-1991 : Koza, Tokyo, New York, Eastern Europe, U.S.S.R. Tokyo: Sankei Shinbunsha 産経新聞社, 2009. 214 pp. Exhibition catalog.

Liu Heung Shing and Karen Smith, Shanghai: A History in Photographs, 1842-Today. Victoria, Australia: Penguin Group, 2010. 501 p. ISBN 9780670080908. Contents: Foreword, by Paul French; Notes & Thanks; Shanghai History; Timeline [illustrated]; The Birth of Modern Shanghai, 1842-1926; The Nanjing Decade, 1927-1937; War at the Door, 1938-1949; A Great Leap of Faith, 1949-1977; From Boiler-Plate to Blueprint, 1978-1999; The Future Here Today, 2000-2010; Photographers’ Biographies; Photo Credits; Bibliography. The reproductions, some of which are accompanied by related postcards in color, are clearly printed in various sizes, with identifying labels and dates, where available. Many of the photographs might have been published here for the first time or are otherwise not well known. Each chronological series of photographs is preceded by an essay that puts the photographs into historical context.

Morimura Yasumasa 森村泰昌, Morimura Yasumasa : nanimono ka e no rekuiemu-senjō no chōjō no geijutsu 森村泰昌 : なにものかへのレクイエム-戦場の頂上の芸術. Tokyo: Shashin Bijutsukan 東京都写真美術館, 2010. 121 p.

Nadav Kandar, Yangtze: The Long River. Intro. by Kofi Annan; text by Nadav Kandar and Paul Tchang. Ostfildern: Hatje Cantz, 2011. 188 p., 77 colored photographs. ISBN 9783775726832. A series of colored photographs along China’s Yangtze [Changjiang] River that visually document current life and developments along the 4,000 mile length of Asia’s longest river. Kandar views the Yangtze as a metaphor for constant change [source:,]9 Feb. 2011].

Régine Thiriez, “William Saunders, Photographer of Shanghai Customs,” Visual Resources, vol. 26, no. 3, September 2010, p. 304-319. Saunders (1832-1892) was an English commercial photographer in Shanghai. In this essay, Thiriez reveals that some of the Saunders images were staged and others “...were used and published over the following decades to become iconic resources on Shanghai during China’s late imperial period and beyond [p. 304].” The author is a pioneering figure in the study of early photography of China.

Sarah E. Fraser, “The Face of China: Photography’s Role in Shaping Image, 1860-1920,” Getty Research Journal, no. 2, 2010, p. 39-52. The author is Associate Professor of Art History at Northwestern University. This paper relates to the author’s participation in the symposium “The Role of Photography in Shaping China’s Image, 1860-1937” held at Northwestern University, 24-25 April 2009.

Sebastian Dobson, “Delineating Edo: Photography and the Prussian Expedition to Japan, 1860-61.” The Transactions of the Asiatic Society of Japan, fifth series, vol. 1, 2009, p. [99]-122. The Prussian government provided the expenses of an official expedition photographer, initially Carl Bismarck, and all the equipment he required. This article details plotting, intrigue, scandal, diplomacy, and the disappearance of the negatives made during the Expedition. The author is an independent scholar of the history of photography and has published several works on the photography of Japan, including Art and Artifice: Japanese Photographs of the Meiji Era (Boston: MFA Publications, 2004).

Sun Mengying 孙孟英, Lao Shanghai de hun li 老上海的婚礼=Weddings in Old Shanghai. Shanghai: Shanghai cishu chubanshe 上海辞书出版社, 2010. 122 p. ISBN 978-7-5326-3086-8.

Sun Mingjing 孙明经, Ding ge Xikang : ke kao she ying jia jing tou li de kang zhan hou fang 定格西康 : 科考摄影家镜头里的抗战后方 [cover title also in English: Xikang : the vanished province : Chinese photographer Sun Mingjing’s remarkable record of 1939 and 1944]. Guilin : Guangxi Shifan Daxue chubanshe 广西师范大学出版社, 2010. 252 p.

Tong Bingxue 仝冰雪, Yi zhan, yi zuo, yi sheng: yige Zhongguo ren 62 nian de ying xiang zhi 一站一坐一生 一个中国人62年的影像志. Shanghai: Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences Press, 2010. [264] p. ISBN 978-7-80745-747-3.

Wang Huangsheng 王璜生  ed., Di san jie Guangzhou guoji sheying shuang nian zhan 2009—-kan zhen 第三届广州国际摄影双年展 2009=2009 Guangzhou Photo Biennial: Sightings: Searching for the Truth. Nanchang 南昌: Jiangxi meishu chubanshe 江西美术出版社, 2009. 411 p. Text in Chinese and English.

William Schaeffer, ed., Photography’s Places. Special issue of Positions [Duke University Press], vol. 18, no. 3, Winter 2010. 230 p. Contents: William Schaeffer: Guest Editor’s Introduction; Maki Fukuoka: Toward a Synthesized History of Photography: A Conceptual Genealogy of Shashin; Andrew F. Jones: Portable Monuments: Architectural Photography and the “Forms” of Empire in Modern China; Yomi Braester: Photography at Tiananmen: Pictorial Frames, Spatial Borders, and Ideological Matrixes; Nicole Huang: Locating Family Portraits: Everyday Images from 1970s China; Kirsten Cather: A Thousand Words: The Powers and Dangers of Text and Image; Sarah Frederick: Novels to See/Movies to Read: Photographic Fiction in Japanese Women’s Magazines.