spobooks bbv9810.0001.001 in

    Appendix A: Using Common Music with MIDI and the Open Music System

    Common Music references a file named cminit.lisp when it is launched. The purpose of cminit.lisp is to initialize Common Music so that it works with your hardware and software. The file cminit.lisp should reside in the root level of the Common Music application directory.

    To configure Common Music so that it works with the OMS MIDI Driver, include a line of code in the cminit.lisp file that establishes the MIDI connection. The code takes the general form:

    (setf *midi-default-connections* '(("input-device" "output-device")))

    where input-device and output-device are the MIDI device names in your OMS Setup.

    Example A.1 is a sample line of code included in cminit.lisp that establishes MIDI communication with aRoland JV-80, Roland Sound Canvas, Akai S2000, and a Zeta VC-225. The MIDI input and output device names are consistent with the device names in the OMS Setup as seen in Figure A.1.

    Example A.1

    (setf *midi-default-connections*
    '(("JV-80" "JV-80")
    ("Sound Canvas" "Sound Canvas")
    ("S2000" "S2000")
    ("Zeta VC-225" "Zeta VC-225")))

    After launching Common Music, use the Common Music command open midi to open a MIDI connection. Common Music responds with the following message:

    Registering "Common Music"...
    #<Midi Driver: Open>
    To establish the Common Music syntax as MIDI, use the Common Music function IN-SYNTAX either at the Common Music or Stella prompt, in cminit.lisp, or in your Common Music source code.
    Stella [Top-Level]: (in-syntax :MIDI)
    #<Syntax: MIDI>