The Court Rolls of Ramsey, Hepmangrove, and Bury, 1268–1600

BLAdd.Roll39653D (AD1457)





[JURORS:] Thomas Cok, John Horwode, Thomas Plomer, William Abbot, Philip Aleyn, Richard Cok, Thomas Boner, Andrew Claxton, William Wayte, John Aubys Bocher, John Sewer, John Ridman, John Dalby, Robert Pycard, John Russell, Thomas Vigerous, John Fen, John Duffeld, Roger Nicolas, John Baker.


Complaint of debt by Thomas Boner against William Edward of Upwood, who is attached by one horse valued at 6 s. 8 d., which horse is returned to him because he found pledges, namely Thomas Filhous and Thomas Sowle. William is essoined by Thomas Love, who is ordered to warrant his essoin.


[CAPITAGE:] 6 s. 8 d. as certain fine.



3 d. each from William Ridman and Thomas Tyler for not purging their ditches between New Field Holt [2] and New Field. [3]


1 d. [4] from (John) [5] Ridman, 1 d. from Robert Reignold and 4 d. from Thomas Cleryvaux for not purging the common water runnels extending from Huntingdon Way. [6]


4 d. from the Prior of Ramsey for having earth and clay lying in the common road called Beterestrete taken up and carried away, as a result of which the water there remains [on the surface] more than in other places, to the nuisance of passers-by.


Order to Thomas Ussher and Thomas Cok that they purge the water runnels in Beterestrete opposite the land they hold before the feast of St James next, [7] under an individual penalty of40 d.


2 d. from John Treygo for obstructing the common water runnels at the end of his tenement in Ramsey Field, [8] to the nuisance of neighbors.


4 d. from John Beronger for obstructing the common ditch between New Field [9] and the tenement in which he lives, to the nuisance of all navigating there.


Order to the same John that he purge that ditch sufficiently before Michaelmas next, [10] under penalty of a half-mark.


2 d. each from Richard Harpour and John Baveyn, and 1 d. from John Cornewayle for putting dung in the common ditch at the end of their orchards in the Wyght, to the nuisance of all navigating there.


Ordinance that all tenants in the vill well and sufficiently clean their ditches throughout the whole vill, both in purging and in enlarging as well as in shoring up the banks, before Michaelmas, [11] under an individual penalty of a half-mark.


[No amercement recorded] from Robert Barugh for assaulting Thomas Love and making rescue from him by taking the lord's beasts, which were being seized to distrain [Robert] concerning anamercement.12 d. each from Mariot Baveyn and Katherine Harpour, 20 d. from Agnes Faunt, 16 d. from Alice Couper, 8 d. from Marion Amy, 20 d. each from Joan Wake and Joan Overton, 3 d. each from (Agnes Deryng) and Agnes Notecorn, 2 d. from Isabelle Newman, and 6 d. each from Katherine Love and Joan Beres, common brewers, for selling ale contrary to the assize and for charging too much.


3 d. each from Finetta Water and Joan Brampton, 1 d. from Rose Rynge, 3 d. each from Margaret Skynner and Alice Dobbys, 1 d. from Alice Cokfeld, 3 d. from Joan Cobbe, 1 d. from Joan Nicolas,3 d. each from Isabelle Stedeman and Inglasia Goldsmyth, 1 d. from Joan Smyth, 3 d. each from Alice Hunte and Ellen Erle, 1 d. each from Margaret Lode, Margery Faukes and Florence Couper, 2 d. each from Agnes Treygo and Agnes Gelam, 3 d. from Joan Warde, 1d. from Margaret Berford, 3 d. each from Alice Belamy, Alice Reeston and Margaret Poolyerd, 1 d. each from Joan West and Isabelle Merwyk, 3 d. from Alice Dixy, 1 d. from Margaret Trotter, 3 d. from Joan Shirwode, 2 d. from Ellen Wynde, 3 d. each from Alice Aubys and Margaret Baker, and (no amercement) from Agnes Randes, common retailers, for selling ale contrary to the assize.


4 d. from Richard Wayte, 6 d. from William Wayte, 1 d. each from Nicholas Burgeys and William Wykes, 6 d. from Robert Grene, 4 d. from John Sowle, 12 d. each from Richard Toute, Robert Tayllor and John Tayllor, 2 d. each from Richard Tayllor and Thomas Bonfaye, and (12 d. from William Ridman), tailors, for charging too much in their art.


3 d. from Richard Cok, 2 d. from Richard Faukes, 1 d. from John Hyde and 3 d. from William Basse, weavers, for charging too much in their art.


6 d. each from Richard Geyte and Walter Basse, and 1 d. each from John Missangle and Nicholas Mayden, cobblers, for charging too much in their art.


16 d. each from William Faunte, Thomas Cok and John Aubys, 6 d. from William Dally and 1 d. from John Berford, butchers, for selling meats that are harmful and objectionable to the human body and for charging too much.


20 d. each from Thomas Plomer and John Asplond, bakers of bread, for selling contrary to the assize.


6 d. each from John Duffeld and John Couper, ale-tasters, for not performing their office.


6 d. each from Thomas Cok, [12] John Hunt and William Faunt,(no amercement) from John Berford, 6 d. from John Aubys, 1 d. from John Amy, 6 d. from Agnes Denton, 1 d. from Thomas Smyth, 3 d. from John Asplond, 2 d. from John Massy, 6 d. from Alice Keteryng, 3 d. from John Whete, (no amercement because he is dead) from Thomas Peer, 1 d. from Agnes Treygo, and 1 d. from Margaret Lode, common victualers of the vill, for charging too much in selling victuals.


1 d. from Robert Barugh for entering, with force and arms, the abbey of Ramsey and seizing and carrying off, without licence, two of his nets that he found there and which had been seized by the Bailiff for a trespass committed by Robert against the abbot by fishing in his waters.


3 d. from William Faunt, 6 d. from Walter West and 12 d. from John Geyte for assaulting Gilbert Clerk and Robert (Ware) and attempting to beat them, against the King's peace.


3 d. from Gilbert Clerk and 1 d. [13] from Robert Ware for assaulting the said William, Walter and John, against the King's peace.


6 d. from John Hervy and 2 d. from Robert Hervy for assaulting Walter Hayward with force and arms, against the peace.


1 d. from Walter Hayward for assaulting the said John and Robert with force and arms, against the peace.


6 d. from William Tayllor for assaulting Edward Gyller of Upwood with force and arms, with a drawn dagger, and trying to stab him, against the peace.


6 d. from John Fowler for assaulting John Jakes and for throwing him from the bank into the water and beating and mistreating him, against the peace.


6 d. from Thomas Filhous for assaulting John Fen with force and arms, with a cudgel, and for striking him on the head and drawing blood from him, against the peace.


6 d. from Thomas Notecorn for assaulting William Abbot, his uncle, with force and arms, with his dagger, and for stabbing him and drawing blood from him, against the peace.


1 d. from William Water for assaulting Thomas Symmes and striking him on the head with a cudgel, against the peace.


1 d. from Robert Stone for assaulting John Sowle, against the King's peace.


1 d. from John Sowle for assaulting Robert Stone, against the peace.


6 d. from Robert Hervy for breaking into the house of William Trotter, entering and taking and carrying away four yards of cloth of bloody color valued at 2 s. 9 d. from William's goods and chattels, against the peace.


12 d. from John Palmer Souter for breaking into a chest of William Borugh and taking and carrying away 4 s. 4 d. in cash, 12 yards of silk ribbon valued at 10 d., one pound of pepper and saffron valued at 14 d., one purse valued at 4 d., and one document called a testament, from William's goods and chattels, against the peace.


6 d. from Thomas Gillyng Tayllor for breaking into and entering the house of John Motle in Hepmangrove and taking and carrying away 6 s. 10 d. found in a chest there, from John's goods and chattels, against the peace.


1 d. each from Thomas, son of Thomas Stucle, William, servant of Richard Toute, Robert Hervy, Thomas, servant of John Berford, William Wake, Thomas Rolf, Robert Tayllor, William Tayllor, Robert Tayllor, servant of Thomas Ussher, Thomas, servant of John Brouse, Thomas Derby and William Wotton for being 12 years old or older and not being in tithing.


2 d. from Robert Barugh, 6 d. each from Richard Toute, Walter West and Henry Shirwode for making stamps and weirs between Fanners Holt [14] and Bake House Weir [15] and putting their nets there, most unjustly, where no one should put le Slepyngtawe, because it is common to all tenants for fishing with whatever type of fishing device except the Slepyngtawe, [and has been] as of ancient usage.


12 d. from Brother Richard Walsoken for making a gully in the common ditch next to Werkrevesmede, by which the correct course of water was impeded, to the nuisance of the neighbors.


1 d. each from Agnes Faunt, brewer, Joan Wake, Agnes Notecorn, Isabelle Newman and Agnes Depyng for not bringing their measures, as exacted.


Order to all brewers and retailers, that each of them come to the next leet with their measures, namely with a gallon, a pottle and a quart, under an individual penalty of 12 d.


1 d. each from Alice Hunt, Ellen Erle, Margery Faux, Florence Couper, Agnes Treygo, Joan West, Isabelle Merwyk, Joan Shirwode, Ellen Wynde, Alice Aubys and Agnes Randes, retailers, for not bringing any [containers.] [16]


Presentment that John Kyngard Junior of Ramsey, labourer, in the county of Huntingdon, on Monday, the feast of the Translation of St Benedict, in the thirty-fifth year of the reign of King Henry VI, [17] at Ramsey, feloniously entered the close of William Goldfynch of Ramsey and there feloniously burned a house of the said William erected and built there called "le Logge," and that afterwards the said John was arrested and imprisoned in the lord Abbot's gaol in Ramsey for the said felony, and that on Tuesday, the morrow of the feast of the Beheading of St John the Baptist, in the thirty-sixth year of the said King, [18] he was delivered from the said gaol by Walter Tayllard, Henry Gymbir and Gerard de la Haye, assigned justices of Gaol Delivery for that gaol both by letters patent of the King and by the ancient liberties of the abbot as confirmed by the King's progenitors. And on that Tuesday the said John was indicted before the said justices, and a panel of sworn names was returned by the Bailiff of the Banlieu, and John put himself upon those jurors, who found him guilty of the said felony. Later, he was hanged at the gallows of Wistow, within the banlieu, and had 3 s. in cash, which remains in the hands of the Bailiff, to be answered for the lord Abbot. This session of Gaol Delivery, with all the processes touching upon it, was set down in writing, and it is kept by the lord Abbot.


6 d. each from Nicholas Stucle and John Wakirle, 3 d. from the tenants of the land once held by Alice Wardeboys, 2 d. from John Newman, 4 d. from Richard Weston, 2 d. each from Walter West, the tenants of the land of John atte Assh, John Draper, the tenants of the land of John Crosse of Farcet, 1 d. each from Thomas Besevile and John Braye, 2 d. from William Basse, 3 d. from Nicholas Herde, 4 d. from Thomas Cleryvaux, 2 d. each from John Missangle, Robert Barugh, Robert Grene, Robert Skynner, John Tomas and Richard Wytlesey, [no amercement recorded] from John Randes, 1 d. from John Rolf, [no amercement recorded] from Robert Stote, and 1 d. from John Jakes, owing suit, for default.


Election and swearing-in of John Horwode and Thomas Boner as Constables. Election and swearing-in of Henry Brampton and John Aleyn as ale-tasters.



6 d. from Katherine Ednam, common brewer, for selling ale contrary to the assize.


3 d. from Isabelle Pycard, common retailer, for the same.


3 d. from John Draper for not purging his ditch opposite his land in Fisshers Street. [19]


[No amercement] from Thomas North (because he is dead) for not purging the ditch near Huntingdon Way. [20]


1 d. each from Robert Ramsey and Robert, servant of Robert Ednam, who are 12 years old or older, for being out of tithing.


1 d. from John Russell, ale-taster, for not performing his office.


1. 20 July, 1457.

2. MS: Newfeldholt.

3. MS: le Newefeld.

4. Deleted.

5. Deleted: Willelmus.

6. MS: Hyntyngon Weye.

7. 25 July.

8. MS: Ramsey feld.

9. MS: Newefeld.

10. 29 September.

11. 29 September.

12. Deleted: Hunt.

13. Deleted: ii d.

14. MS: Fanneresholt.

15. MS: Bakhouswere.

16. MS: non tulerunt aliquas tenuras.

17. 11 July, 1457.

18. 30 August, 1457. This entry indicates the later composition of the roll, since the Gaol Delivery described occurred after the date of the present view of Frankpledge.

19. MS: Fyshheristrete.

20. MS: Huntingdon Weye.