Lineage, life and labors of Jose Rizal, Philippine patriot: a study of the growth of free ideas in the trans Pacific American territory, by Austin Craig ... Introduction by James AlexanderRobertson, I., II. p.

Lineage, life and labors of Jose Rizal, Philippine patriot: a study of the growth of free ideas in the trans Pacific American territory, by Austin Craig ... Introduction by James AlexanderRobertson, I., II. p.
Craig, Austin, 1872-
Yonkers-on-Hudson,: World book co.,
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Rizal, José, -- 1861-1896
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"Lineage, life and labors of Jose Rizal, Philippine patriot: a study of the growth of free ideas in the trans Pacific American territory, by Austin Craig ... Introduction by James AlexanderRobertson, I., II. p." In the digital collection The United States and its Territories, 1870 - 1925: The Age of Imperialism. University of Michigan Library Digital Collections. Accessed September 11, 2024.


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