
Política común is a bilingual (English-Spanish) open access journal accepting submissions engaged in the task of rethinking the projection of Hispanic Studies in the current global academic field. With particular emphasis on work of a comparative nature and with a basis in theory, the journal is committed to reevaluating the history and theory of the social bond by moving beyond the standard elements of the academic field—namely, language, culture, and literature. Política común therefore sponsors relevant philological research while encouraging an expansion of the field towards political and historical thought, intellectual history in the largest sense of the term, visual culture, and psychoanalytic theory.

The original impulse for Política común took shape in the aftermath of the colloquium Por una teoría crítica en castellano: pensamiento, lenguaje, digitalidad convened in Mexico City by 17, Instituto de Estudios Críticos in early January 2009. The initiative, whose pre-history was shaped by discussions on the relation between critical thought and psychoanalysis, cultural and academic production, the place of different languages in contemporary intellectual endeavors, and the dilemmas posed by today’s fast-evolving editorial devices and circuits, first took shape as a digital platform sponsored by 17, Instituto de Estudios Críticos (Mexico), the University of Salerno (Italy) and the University of Aberdeen (Scotland); during this period its exchanges occurred in Spanish, Italian and Portuguese. Its second phase consisted in a Journal of Thought, published on-line and off-, in Spanish and English, with the continued sponsorship of the aforementioned institutions, plus Texas A&M University. The challenges of international distribution in paper then led us to experiment with two different digital formats: the e-book and the on-line academic journal, which has now become standard. Having opted for the latter, we are delighted to have transferred its production and publication (including the three original issues) to the University of Michigan. We warmly thank all those involved in making the venture possible: the Dipartimento di Scienze Umane, Filosofiche e Della Formazione of the University of Salerno; the Glasscock Institute for Humanities Research at Texas A&M University; the Center for Modern Thought at the University of Aberdeen; and of course 17, Instituto de Estudios Críticos. Among those who have helped to sustain the project up to now we wish to mention, for their contribution as editors, Francisco Roberto Pérez (Mexico), Peter Baker and Michela Russo (Texas). Others who assisted us with editorial, technical and legal aspects include Andrea Fernanda Aviña, Wendy Hidalgo, Alejandro Malo and Edgar Valdés-Kinney (Mexico). Our logo was designed by Ónix Acevedo-Frómeta (Mexico).

All submissions are peer reviewed. Authors retain the copyright and agree to make their work available under the Creative Commons Attribution license (CC BY).