Title |
Author(s) |
An Introduction to the Dossier on Geoffrey Bennington's Scatter on Geoffrey Bennington's Scatter 1. The Politics of Politics in Foucault, Heidegger, Derrida. (New York: Fordham UP, 2016.)
Moreiras, Alberto |
The Undecidability of the Politics of Politics: On Geoffrey Bennington’s Scatter 1
González Núñez, Humberto |
To Be Decided Remains to Be Decided
Mendoza-de Jesús, Ronald |
A ‘Decision’ for Existence. Infrapolitics and the Politics of Politics.
Moreiras, Alberto |
Is There an Infrapolitical Dignity Worthy of the Name?
Williams, Gareth |
The Politics of Philosophy: On Geoffrey Bennington’s Scatter 1
Cerrato, Maddalena |
Some Notes Toward the Dignity of this Pipe (which is not one)
Rosenthal, Adam R. |
Passive Decision
Villalobos-Ruminott, Sergio |
The Resistance to Scattering in Geoffrey Bennington’s Scatter 1
Levinson, Brett |
Bennington, Geoffrey |
El Anarcorrepublicanismo marrano de Karl Marx
Muinelo Paz, Eugenio |
Ideología de la Deuda y Populismo de la Memoria: Conjeturas en torno a la Democracia Argentina
Foa Torres, Jorge |
Raúl Ruiz: Imagen Estilema
Thayer, Willy |