464 MICHIGAN QUARTERLY REVIEW tinues, GEORGE is "studying" EDWARD quite openly, staring at him with frank interest. EDWARD is very conscious of GEORGE's overt scrutiny. It makes him nervous. He looks at GEORGE, then looks away, uneasily. A pause. EDWARD becomes more uneasy. He straightens his tie and looks at his wrist-watch. GEORGE. [suddenly, pleasantly] Where you goin', Bud? EDWARD. [startled] Oh! - I - don't know. GEORGE. You don't know? EDWARD. No -that is -well, my -er -wife got the tickets andwell-I don't know where to exactly. All I know is the flight number. GEORGE. Your wife got the tickets? EDWARD. That's right. The - er - porter at her hotel is very good and he got them for her. GEORGE. At her hotel? You don't live in the same hotel? EDWARD. No - that is - well, it's rather complicated. GEORGE. Yeah, sounds that way. EDWARD. [suddenly indignant] Why the hell should I explain to you, anyway? GEORGE. Guess you shouldn't, if you're ashamed of it. EDWARD. I'm not ashamed of it! It's just that we want to get away somewhere-it doesn't really matter where. GEORGE. Meeting her here? EDWARD. That's right. She ought to be here soon. I got here a little early. Pause. He looks at his watch. The PA speaker drones on. There is the noise of planes taking off and landing. GEORGE continues to look at EDWARD, who looks away in an attempt to discourage further conversation. GEORGE. So you don't know where you're goin'? EDWARD. [exasperated] What the hell is so strange about that? Where are you going? GEORGE. Oh, I ain't goin' nowhere. EDWARD. You ain't goin' nowhere? GEORGE. That's right. EDWARD. That's crazy. GEORGE. It ain't any crazier than to be goin' somewhere that you don't know where. EDWARD. At least I have a destination. GEORGE. You got a destination but you don't know where it is. EDWARD. I'll know as soon as my wife gets here. GEORGE. Leavin' your destination all in her hands, eh? EDWARD. That's just the way it happened! 0
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