Lloyd's steamboat directory, and disasters on the western waters, containing the history of the first application of steam, as a motive power; the lives of John Fitch and Robert Fulton ... History of the early steamboat navigation on western waters ... Full accounts of all the steamboat disasters ... A complete list of steamboats and all other vessels now afloat on the western rivers and lakes ... maps of the Ohio and Mississippi rivers ... List of plantations on the Mississippi river ... One hundred ... engravings, and forty-six maps ... By James T. Lloyd.



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Lloyd's steamboat directory, and disasters on the western waters, containing the history of the first application of steam, as a motive power; the lives of John Fitch and Robert Fulton ... History of the early steamboat navigation on western waters ... Full accounts of all the steamboat disasters ... A complete list of steamboats and all other vessels now afloat on the western rivers and lakes ... maps of the Ohio and Mississippi rivers ... List of plantations on the Mississippi river ... One hundred ... engravings, and forty-six maps ... By James T. Lloyd.
Lloyd, James T.
Page 127
Cincinnati, P.,: J. T. Lloyd & co.,
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Steam-navigation -- Mississippi River Valley.

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"Lloyd's steamboat directory, and disasters on the western waters, containing the history of the first application of steam, as a motive power; the lives of John Fitch and Robert Fulton ... History of the early steamboat navigation on western waters ... Full accounts of all the steamboat disasters ... A complete list of steamboats and all other vessels now afloat on the western rivers and lakes ... maps of the Ohio and Mississippi rivers ... List of plantations on the Mississippi river ... One hundred ... engravings, and forty-six maps ... By James T. Lloyd." In the digital collection Making of America Books. https://name.umdl.umich.edu/ahj1422.0001.001. University of Michigan Library Digital Collections. Accessed July 27, 2024.
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