Plays and poems: by George H. Boker.

THE BETROTHIAL. 33 I'11 venture. with your talents, you can prove, Against all comers, that incontinence Is but a wide benevolence; that murder - Under the million given circumstances With which your nimble wit shall hedge it in Is a humane achievement; theft, an instinct; Cheating, a thrifty thoughtfulness of self; And so forth, on through all the deadly sins. Poh! poh! what stuff you talk! Rogo. Back to our subject. Costanza di Tiburzzi should be dauglhter To an old dwindled noble of -that name: Is it not so? IEar. It is. Rogo. They want your wealth. Mar. And they shall have it! Our long-shadowed name Shall blaze, with a new light, through Italy. Rogo. O, ho! "our name i" ly sword crawls in its scabbard. Friend, you have not one generous aim in this; Your own huge pride awakes this forward zeal: But you'11 learn wisdom through humility. Mar. How, raven, how? Rogo. A hundred little things Shall make you gnaw your fingers to the quick. You'11 haply blunder at the first grand feast: At which Lord So-and-so will titter, titter; And Lady Somebody will simper, simper; And sly Count Nobody, a noted wit, Will wink and wink; while some bluff honest duke Howls out his laughter. Then our father wriggles, And stares straight through a six-foot granite wall; VOL. II. 3

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Plays and poems: by George H. Boker.
Boker, George H. (George Henry), 1823-1890.
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Boston,: Ticknor and Fields,

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"Plays and poems: by George H. Boker." In the digital collection Making of America Books. University of Michigan Library Digital Collections. Accessed March 13, 2025.
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