(a) A bench, a seat; esp., a long, backless seat; (b) a royal seat, the throne of a ruler; setten on benk, to put (sb.) on a throne, do honor to (sb.); (c) benk ende, the end of the bench.
A dwelling; farm, village, town; bi-milne, town mill. [Common in place names and field names of the East Midland and the North (the Danelaw). See A. H. Smith PNElem. 1.66, & the thorp, by, tun map in……
(a) A cross for crucifixion, a gibbet; (b) the cross of Christ; holi cros; Exaltacioun of the cros, a feast, Sept. 14; feste of the holi cros, feast of the Invention of the Cross, May 3; (c) winnen……
(a) The neck; hongen bi the hals, to hang (sb.) with a rope around the neck; fro hals to croupoun, from neck to rump; hals gund [OE heals-gund], a neck tumor; also in asseveration: bi mi hals; (b) the……
(a) A harrow for cultivating land, a drag; gon at harwe, to drive a harrow; (b) fig. the Old or New Testament; the power of Love (with pun on arwe); also, in proverb; (c) harwe tind (toth), a tooth of……
(a) An enclosed piece of land; in hide and in hein, in field and in enclosure, everywhere, completely [?nonce phr. due to exigencies of rime]; (b) hein wod-silver, the commutation of the service of……
(a) Low, swampy ground; a marsh, bog, fen; ker miln, a mill by a marsh; ker side, the side of a marsh; (b) a marsh overgrown with alders or other small trees or shrubs; alder ker.
(a) The young of a goat; kide lomb; (b) the meat of a young goat; -- often pl.; also, a carcass of a kid slaughtered for meat or prepared as a dish; (c) kides blod, the blood of a young goat; kide……
(a) A plow; also, a plow with its draft animal(s; --also coll.; (b) gates of the plough, furrows; plough lenge, the length of a plowshare; ?the length of a plow; (c) gon (gangan) at the plough, gon……
(a) To pull or stretch (sb. or sth.), tug at fiercely; -- also without obj.; also, torture (sb.) by pulling or stretching; (b) to drag (sb.); (c) to tear (sb. or sth.), tear (one's hair); ruggen and……
(a) To rebuke, reprove; reprove (sb.), rebuke; also, abuse (sb.); censure (sinful behavior); (b) to rebuke (sb.) for (just criticism); snibben of (for), reprove (sb.) for (sinful or improper conduct)……
(a) As; ?also, error for soth adj. [quot. a1225]; sum that, where [cp. as conj. 10.]; as fer sum, so fer..sum, insofar as; so (as) sum, as, just as; also, as though [quot.Orm .3694]; swich (al-swich)……
(a) To ingest, drink; consume (food, drink); thiggen of, to drink from (pools of water); thiggen on et and on wet, consume (too much) in eating and drinking; also, in construction with infl. inf……
(a) Confidence (in sb. or sth.), reliance (on sb. or sth.), trust; haven trust, to have confidence (in sb. or sth.), rely (on sb. or sth.); with inf.: haven more trust..thanne, think it preferable (to……
(a) To be confident; also refl.; also, take heart, take courage [quot. c1384, 1st]; trusten in (of, on, to, unto, upon), have confidence in (sb., sth., oneself); rely on (sb. or sth.) for guidance……
An organ of flight, usu. paired: (a) a wing of a creature whose sole or primary means of locomotion is flight (a bird, an insect, a bat, etc.);—occas. with sg. for pl.; also in fig. context; also, fig……
(a) Wise, prudent; knowledgeable; also, cunning, skilled, able [the precise gloss is determined by the context]; witter and wale (ware, wise), wise and witter; witter of eie, observant
(b) requiring……