(a) Of an edged or pointed weapon, a sharp implement, a stroke, etc.: to cut or pierce, make a cut or incision, inflict a stroke that cuts or pierces; have the property of cutting or piercing; also fi……
(a) To ingest, drink; consume (food, drink); thiggen of, to drink from (pools of water); thiggen on et and on wet, consume (too much) in eating and drinking; also, in construction with infl. inf……
(a) To be confident; also refl.; also, take heart, take courage [quot. c1384, 1st]; trusten in (of, on, to, unto, upon), have confidence in (sb., sth., oneself); rely on (sb. or sth.) for guidance……
(a) To be in motion, esp. back and forth or up and down, shake, flutter, swing; also fig. with ref. to (e) [quots. a1387 & a1425]; of teeth: be loose; of a boat: rock with the waves; of flesh: wobble……