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1. arvel n.

1 quotation in 1 sense
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Funeral feast, wake.

2. at adv. with infinitive

41 quotations in 1 sense
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To (do, eat, etc.).

3. ayẹ̄n adv.

155 quotations in 8 senses
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(a) Back or away from something; to the rear, back, backwards; drawen ayen, ten ayen, draw back, withdraw; holden ayen, hold back, check, restrain; putten ayen, set or thrust back or away; turnen

4. bōde-wǒrd n.

Additional spellings: bodeword
30 quotations in 3 senses
Sense / Definition
(a) A commandment (of God); the bode-word(es, the (ten) Commandments; forbeden bode-word, impose a prohibition; (b) a command or edict.

5. brant ppl. adj.

8 quotations in 1 sense
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(a) Steep, high; brant up, straight up, erect; brant upright, perpendicular; (b) arched (eyebrows) [cp. OI bretta brȳrnar raise the eyebrows]; (c) ?smooth (forehead); (d) in place names [see Smith PN

6. brẹ̄ch n.

55 quotations in 5 senses
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(a) The undergarment covering the lower part of the body; underpants, drawers, or tights; brech and sherte, sark and brek; (b) brech, brek, as pl.; a pare brech, a pair of breeches.

7. brim n.(1)

7 quotations in 1 sense
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A body of water, such as the sea, a pool, spring, river.

8. derf adj.

41 quotations in 4 senses
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(a) Bold, daring, courageous; valiant, doughty, noble (knight, king); (b) audacious, forward; impudent, wicked.

9. drēm n.(2)

60 quotations in 3 senses
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(a) A vision experienced in sleep, a dream; a nightmare; a prophetic dream; (b) dremen drem, meten drem, sen drem, to have a dream; in drem, on drem, in a dream or dreams; sweven and drem, drem or

10. eg(ge n.(1)

Additional spellings: egge
36 quotations in 3 senses
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(a) The edible egg of a domesticated fowl; (b) glair or whit of an egge, the white of an egg; oil of egges, an oil extracted from eggs; yolk or yelk of an eg; (c) fried egge; hard eg, an egg roasted…

11. eightend ord. num.

20 quotations in 2 senses
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Eighth in order;-- (a) with a noun; (b) without a noun.

12. gil n.(1)

31 quotations in 2 senses
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(a) A deep and narrow valley; ravine, glen; gil strem, a torrent; (b) in surnames and place names [see Smith PNElem. 1.199, 200, 212].

13. hōd(e n.

Additional spellings: hode
27 quotations in 2 senses
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(a) Quality, rank, condition, status; the order of knighthood; (b) holy orders, priest's or bishop's orders, etc.; also, an order as of monks, canons, etc.; (c) one of the orders or choirs of angels.

14. kinerīche n.

40 quotations in 2 senses
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(a) A state or community ruled by a king, kingdom; (b) royal rule, sovereignty; (c) the territory ruled by a king; (d) the king's subjects.

15. mēlen v.

74 quotations in 1 sense
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(a) To speak, talk; -- also refl.; of birds: sing; melen with mouth; melen ayen, contradict (natural law) [quot.: Jos.Arim. 106; see kinde n. 7. (b)]; melen forth, proceed (with a narrative); melen of

16. scōle n.(1)

9 quotations in 2 senses
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(a) A drinking cup or bowl; (b) ?a bucket, tub, or vat [cp. skele n.]; ?a storage container [cp. scale n.(1) 3.(b)].

17. shāme n.

295 quotations in 9 senses
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(a) The feeling of having offended against propriety or decency; the feeling of having done something disgraceful; an instance of such feeling; embarrassment or revulsion caused by awareness of one's…

18. shāmen v.

158 quotations in 6 senses
Sense / Definition
(a) To feel shame, be ashamed; blush, show physical signs of shame; also fig.; shamen for, be ashamed in the presence of (sb.); ppl. shamed, ashamed, filled with shame; (b) to be ashamed of (sb. or…

19. shau(e n.

Additional spellings: shaue
51 quotations in 1 sense
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(a) A wood or forest; a grove; a thicket; at a shau side, at the edge of a forest; shau of (the) wod, a wodes shau; under (the) shau, beneath the foliage of a wood, in the shade; in thickets; also…

20. shīnen v.

256 quotations in 7 senses
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(a) To send forth light, be bright; also fig.; -- also refl.; shinen in; (b) of plants, precious stones, etc.: to shine with intrinsic radiance; also fig.; (c) ppl. shining(e, effulgent, brilliant…

21. soul(e n.

Additional spellings: soule
672 quotations in 16 senses
Sense / Definition
The spiritual and rational element in man, the Christian soul, understood: (a) to animate and control the body; (b) to have an eternal destiny as a moral agent; also person.; cure of soule(s

22. spā v.

1 quotation in 1 sense
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To prophesy, foretell.

23. stairen v.

3 quotations in 1 sense
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To make a lunge, strike out, thrust; also, attack; stairen thurgh, transfix (sb.), pierce through.

24. stulth n.

2 quotations in 1 sense
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Stealing, theft.

25. thī̆r(e pron.

Additional spellings: thire
18 quotations in 1 sense
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(a) Used anaphorically, pointing to previously mentioned persons, things, actions, etc.: these, they; also, these, them [quots. 1st & c1450(?a1400)]; alle thir; also, pointing to one of two previously…

26. thī̆r(e adj.

Additional spellings: thire
24 quotations in 2 senses
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With noun, pron., or num. as noun, referring to specific members of a class: (a) used anaphorically, pointing to persons or things previously mentioned: these, those;—sometimes further specified by an…

27. tor-fer(e n.

Additional spellings: torfer, tor-fere, torfere
18 quotations in 1 sense
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(a) Hardship, misfortune, trouble, distress; also, a hardship, difficulty; (b) physical suffering, torment; also, a physical torment; (c) a disaster; (d) obstructiveness, ill will.

28. traist(e adj.

Additional spellings: traiste
19 quotations in 1 sense
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(a) Trusting, trustful; (b) trustworthy, faithful; traist and treue, treue and traist; (c) assured, certain; also, secure, safe; be ye traist; (d) as adv.: securely; also, firmly.

29. traisten v.(1)

47 quotations in 1 sense
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(a) To have confidence; traisten in (of, on, to, upon), have or place confidence in (sb., oneself, sth.), rely on;—also refl.; also, confide in (sb.) [quot. a1425(?a1350)]; (b) to have confidence in…

30. twī̆fōlden v.

3 quotations in 1 sense
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(a) To double the gravity of (one's sin); (b) translating L distinguere: ?to speak, or speak otherwise than one ought; also, ?utter (a vow).

31. twingen v.

3 quotations in 1 sense
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To afflict (sb.), torment, oppress.

32. uggen v.

33 quotations in 2 senses
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(a) To be fearful, fear; also, tremble, shudder, quake;—also refl. [quot. ?c1450]; uggen with, be fearful because of (sth., a devil), shudder at, dread (b) impers. him uggeth, he fears (to do sth.); …

33. vīl(e n.

Additional spellings: vile
17 quotations in 2 senses
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(a) Offensive speech, idle or evil words (b) that which is of no value, a worthless thing; the vilest, the least fine thing or things; (c) the vilest, the foulest or most disgusting thing; also, the…

34. waght n.

8 quotations in 1 sense
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(a) Pl. A set of counterpoises for use in weighing [cp. weght n. 6.(c)]; (b) in comb.: hal-peni waght, the weight of a halfpenny; (c) in waght, fig. in a state of uncertainty, in doubt, at risk.

35. waith n.

19 quotations in 1 sense
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(a) Game taken in a hunt; the spoils of venery (b) the act of hunting, a hunt; ?also, good hunting [1st quot.]; (c) pl. prey, as of wild animals; (d) in surnames and place names [see Smith PNElem.

36. wandāle n.

12 quotations in 1 sense
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(a) A division of land; (b) in place names [see Smith PNElem. 2.245].

37. weik adj.

112 quotations in 9 senses
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Lacking physical rigidity, flexible, pliant [glossing L flexibilis, lentus]; also, thin, slender.

38. weinen v.

3 quotations in 1 sense
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(a) To lament or wail; (b) ?to complain about (sth.); ?error for weiven v.(1) 1.(c).

39. weiven v.(2)

28 quotations in 2 senses
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(a) To move to and fro, sway; flutter, flap; also, swing, dangle; of a ship: be tossed about; of smoke: be blown about, swirl; wind-waiving, swaying in the wind (b) to wander, stray; fig. go without…

40. yolster n.

2 quotations in 1 sense
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A willow tree.