(a) A stall at a market or fair, a merchant's shop; ?also, house of prostitution [L meritorium]; (b) a temporary dwelling, arbor of branches, tent, hut; also a poor dwelling, a hovel; (c) in personal……
(a) Of persons: ready, prepared; also, armed; boun in, clothed in (sth.); expert in (astronomy); of things: in readiness, prepared; of a weapon: drawn; of parts of buildings: made, built; of wages or……
(a) Of a person, an animal: healthy, sound; alive; uninjured, safe; (b) of a thing: intact, undamaged; (c) spiritually sound or healthy; quert from, safe from (sin); (d) at ease, untroubled.
(a) A scrap of cloth, rag; (b) a strip of cloth, bandage; a streamer on a banner or pennon; (c) a flap or lappet of a garment; (d) sg.& pl. tattered or ragged clothing; also fig.; (e) ?a shred of……
(a) A strip of land forming a boundary; also, a strip of land marked out as lists; (b) a furrow; (c) a barrier, an embankment; (d) in place names [see Smith PNElem.2. 82].
(a) To lift up (sb. or sth.), hold up; engage in lifting and carrying [quot.: 1446]; reisen up; reisen eien, reisen up eie-sight, look up; reisen eres, of an elephant: stretch out the ears; reisen up……
With adjectives, adjectival phrases, etc. in the pred.: (a) of persons, their countenance, speech, etc.: to appear to be (sick, honest, of great age, etc.); ppl.seminge as adv.: outwardly……
(a) The feeling of having offended against propriety or decency; the feeling of having done something disgraceful; an instance of such feeling; embarrassment or revulsion caused by awareness of one's……
(a) To rebuke, reprove; reprove (sb.), rebuke; also, abuse (sb.); censure (sinful behavior); (b) to rebuke (sb.) for (just criticism); snibben of (for), reprove (sb.) for (sinful or improper conduct)……
(a) As; ?also, error for soth adj. [quot. a1225]; sum that, where [cp. as conj. 10.]; as fer sum, so fer..sum, insofar as; so (as) sum, as, just as; also, as though [quot.Orm .3694]; swich (al-swich)……
(a) To move, go, go quickly, hasten; also, of a current: move (sb.) along, carry; (b) to move in a swaying or sweeping motion; also, stoop, bend; ppl.sweande as adj., of a sail: billowing, swelling……