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1. abhomināble adj.

38 quotations in 3 senses
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Of a thing, a sight, a disease, an action, etc.: physically loathsome, disgusting, repulsive; abhominable to the stomak, nauseating.

2. ablā̆tī̆f, -ī̆ve adj. & n.

Additional spellings: ablative
16 quotations in 1 sense
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(a) The ablative (case) of Latin; a noun or adjective in the ablative case; (b) in a pun (with ref. to L ablātiō a taking away & ablāt-um taken away, stolen): carried off, stolen; ablatif cas, the…

3. āble adj.

126 quotations in 6 senses
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(a) Of persons: capable of doing something, expert in an art or science, qualified to practice a trade or profession, skilful, competent; able maister, able werkman; of a woman: old enough to marry…

4. ablūtī̆f adj.

1 quotation in 1 sense
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5. abǒund adj.

9 quotations in 1 sense
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(a) Existing in great quantity, overflowing; (b) possessing in quantity, rich (in gold, etc.); -- with of; (c) full (of mercy, blossoms, etc.); -- with of or with; (d) bountiful, generous.

6. abǒundāble adj.

1 quotation in 1 sense
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Ample, sufficient.

7. abǒundaunt adj.

46 quotations in 3 senses
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(a) Present or existing in great number or quantity, many, much, abounding; also, overabundant, excessive; of shot: thick, fast; of waters: overflowing; (b) of fruitfulness, gifts, grace, mercy…

8. absent adj. (& n.)

29 quotations in 2 senses
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(a) Not in a particular place, not present, absent; -- often with fro, from; (b) of things, qualities, etc.: absent, lacking, non-existent.

9. abstersīve adj.

4 quotations in 1 sense
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Of medicines: able to remove pus or other impurities from a wound or sore; cleansing, detergent.

10. abstractī̆f adj.

1 quotation in 1 sense
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Gram. Of nouns: abstract (as opposed to concrete).

11. acceptāble adj.

40 quotations in 3 senses
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(a) Of things, actions, ideas, etc.: agreeable, pleasing -- often with to, tofore, unto; acceptable in the sight of, pleasing in the sight of, agreeable to (sb.); (b) appropriate, suitable; time

12. accessī̆ble adj.

1 quotation in 1 sense
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Capable of being approached, accessible.

13. accō̆rdāble adj.

5 quotations in 1 sense
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Consonant, harmonious, conforming; fitting, proper.

14. accō̆rdaunt adj.

24 quotations in 2 senses
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(a) Conforming (to sth.); in accordance or in agreement (with sth.); -- with to; (b) compatible; harmonious; (c) mus. harmonious; hence, pleasing; (d) similar (to sth.); alike.

15. accǒunta(u)nt adj. & n.

Additional spellings: accountaunt
5 quotations in 1 sense
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(a) Liable to render account; (b) charged with accounting; officer accountant; (c) as noun: an accounting officer.

16. ac(c)ūsatīf adj. & n.

Additional spellings: accusatif
8 quotations in 1 sense
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(a) Accusing, self-accusing [note the play on the word cas in GRom.]; (b) gram. accustif (cas).

17. actī̆f, -ī̆ve adj.

Additional spellings: active
32 quotations in 4 senses
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Of human actions: done (as opposed to suffered), voluntary; actif cursing, self-excommunication.

18. actūā̆l, -ē̆l adj.

Additional spellings: actuel
22 quotations in 2 senses
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(a) Of things, conditions, emotions, qualities: existing in fact, real; of actions: really done; (b) surg. real (as opposed to potential); actual cauterie, a cauterizing operation involving the…

19. acū adj.

4 quotations in 1 sense
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Acute (fever).

20. acūtīves adj. (plural) as n.

1 quotation in 1 sense
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Medicines for sharpening or improving (the hearing).

21. adjectī̆f, -ī̆ve adj. & n.

Additional spellings: adjective
10 quotations in 1 sense
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Gram. (a) Adjectival; noun adjectif, an adjective; verb adjectif, a verbal noun or adjective; (b) as noun: adjective.

22. adminiculātī̆f, -ī̆ve adj. & n.

Additional spellings: adminiculative
4 quotations in 1 sense
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(a) Supplementary; (b) a supplement.

23. adoptī̆f adj.

2 quotations in 1 sense
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By adoption; sone adoptif, adopted son.

24. adversaire n. & adj.

5 quotations in 1 sense
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(a) An opponent or enemy; (b) opposing, hostile.

25. adversatī̆f adj.

1 quotation in 1 sense
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Gram. Of a conjunction: adversative.

26. adversaunt adj.

4 quotations in 1 sense
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(a) Hostile, inimical; (b) harmful, unfavorable; adversaunt thing, mishap, misfortune.

27. adverse adj.

14 quotations in 1 sense
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Contrary, opposing, opposed, hostile; of fortune: unfavorable; adverse part(i, the opposing side in war, a lawsuit, etc.

28. affectī̆f adj.

2 quotations in 1 sense
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(a) Pertaining to the emotions or to the will; affectif parti; (b) = effectif; affectif cause, efficient cause.

29. affectūǒus adj.

8 quotations in 1 sense
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(a) Eager, earnest; (b) loving, affectionate, well-disposed.

30. affẹ̄raunt adj.

1 quotation in 1 sense
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Suitable, appropriate.

31. agrẹ̄āble adj.

19 quotations in 2 senses
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Of things: (a) pleasing, pleasant; (b) satisfactory (to sb.); agreeable, acceptable; (c) suitable, convenient.

32. agrest, -a adj. & n.

Additional spellings: agresta
5 quotations in 1 sense
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(a) Uncultivated, wild (plant); (b) win agrest, agresta, verjuice.

33. agū(e adj.

Additional spellings: ague
3 quotations in 1 sense
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Acute (fever).

34. al-hōl adj. & adv.

Additional spellings: alhol
36 quotations in 2 senses
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(a) Entire, whole, as a whole; intact, undiminished, full (voice); Bretaine al-hol, all Britain; (b) fully preserved, unharmed; al-hol and sound, hale and sound; (c) fully recovered or relieved…

35. āliēn, ālien adj.

37 quotations in 4 senses
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(a) Of nationality, domicile, or provenience: foreign (ruler, merchant, etc.); foreign (country); foreign (goods, ship, etc.); (b) of a religious establishment: granted or subject to a foreign…

36. allǒuāble adj.

14 quotations in 1 sense
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(a) Praiseworthy, commendable; proper; (b) logic admissible, valid; (c) law permissible, admissible; (d) of reimbursement: due, appropriate.

37. alterāble adj.

1 quotation in 1 sense
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Changeable, subject to deterioration.

38. alteratī̆f, -īve adj.

Additional spellings: alterative
7 quotations in 1 sense
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(a) Causing or promoting alteration in quality (hot-cold, moist-dry); -- as noun: an 'alterative' medicine; (b) alteratif vertu, the natural faculty of altering 'quality' in the body.

39. alū̆mǒus adj.

1 quotation in 1 sense
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Infused with alum.

40. āmāble, -āblī adj.

Additional spellings: amabli
2 quotations in 1 sense
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Friendly, courteous.

41. amāt adj.

5 quotations in 1 sense
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Overcome (as with fatigue or surprise); exhausted, confounded.

42. ambiciǒus adj.

7 quotations in 1 sense
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(a) Overbearing, arrogant, over-ambitious; -- also as noun; (b) craving, yearning; ambicious of, eager for (sth.).

43. ambulātī̆f adj.

3 quotations in 1 sense
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Of ulcers: creeping, serpiginous.

44. amēne adj.

2 quotations in 1 sense
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Pleasant, gentle.

45. amēr adj. as n.

1 quotation in 1 sense
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don amer, deal bitter blows, inflict severe wounds.

46. āmiāble adj.

28 quotations in 2 senses
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(a) Like a friend; kindly, friendly, affable (person); friendly, affectionate (behavior, missive); (b) propitious, favorable (planet).

47. amorǒus adj.

30 quotations in 4 senses
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Of persons: (a) inclined or given to love; affectionate, amorous: (b) in love, enamoured; -- with of, on, upon, or unto phrase.

48. ample adj.

6 quotations in 1 sense
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Great, abundant; ample grace, abundant generosity; in as ample fourme (wise), in as full a manner or measure.

49. angard n. & adj.

6 quotations in 1 sense
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(a) Forwardness, arrogance, insolence; angardes pride, etc.; (b) adj. arrogant, proud.

50. anglēr adj. as n.

2 quotations in 1 sense
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A cornerstone or quoin; also fig.; square angler, such a stone cut to a right angle; angler skouchon, cut to an obtuse angle [cp. scochoun shield].

51. angūlēr adj.

1 quotation in 1 sense
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Occupying a cardinal point of the zodiac [see angle (2), sense 4].

52. angwisshǒus adj.

20 quotations in 4 senses
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(a) Full of anxiety or worry: anxious, troubled; solicitous; (b) arousing anxiety or apprehension.

53. annuē̆l adj. & n.

17 quotations in 2 senses
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(a) Of income, rent, a feast, etc.: yearly, annual; (b) of service: lasting a year, by the year; (c) of persons: engaged or appointed by the year; (d) annuel prest, a priest who performs anniversary…

54. annuel(l)ēr adj. & n.

Additional spellings: annueller
6 quotations in 1 sense
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A priest who celebrates anniversary memorial masses for the dead, or is endowed for this purpose; prest annueler.

55. anoiǒus, -eus adj.

Additional spellings: anoieus
10 quotations in 1 sense
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(a) Troublesome, difficult; disturbing; (b) harmful, injurious; (c) grievous; (d) troubled, sad; (e) irritable or irritating.

56. antecēdent adj. & n.

19 quotations in 3 senses
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Logic & ethics A prior assumption or principle, a premise; antecedent trouth; antecedent ded, a preceding act as causing a later act.

57. apert adj.

43 quotations in 5 senses
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(a) Plain, evident, obvious; in apert, in appearance; maken apert, make clear or manifest; (b) apert fol, plain or outright fool; king apert, a king in fact; apert justice, plain or sheer justice.

58. apostatā n. (& adj.)

30 quotations in 4 senses
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One who abandons or renounces an established religion or an article of faith; an apostate; tyrant apostata.

59. ap(p)araunt, -ent adj.

Additional spellings: apparaunt, aparent, apparent
13 quotations in 2 senses
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(a) Clear to the sight or the mind; visible, perceptible; evident; vivid (dream); (b) genuine, true; (c) indisputable, true (heir); as noun: heir apparent; also fig. [Cleanness quot.].

60. apparisaunt adj.

2 quotations in 1 sense
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(a) Visible; (b) manifest.

61. appellatī̆f, -ī̆ve adj.

Additional spellings: appellative
3 quotations in 1 sense
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Of a noun: designating one of a class, common (noun).

62. ap(p)odiātī̆f adj.

Additional spellings: appodiatif
1 quotation in 1 sense
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63. appreciāble adj.

1 quotation in 1 sense
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64. ap(p)rentīs adj.

Additional spellings: apprentis
2 quotations in 1 sense
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(a) Unskilled; (b) ?making ready, practicing.

65. aqueintāble adj.

1 quotation in 1 sense
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Gracious, affable.

66. Arabī n. & adj.

17 quotations in 1 sense
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(a) Arabia; Fenix of Arabi; (b) an Arab; (c) the Arabic language; (d) an Arabian horse; (e) gomme (of) Arabi, gum Arabic.

67. Arābien, -ian adj. & n.

Additional spellings: Arabian
11 quotations in 1 sense
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(a) Arabian; an Arab; (b) a religious sect [see quot.].

68. Arabī̆k adj. & n.

11 quotations in 1 sense
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(a) Arabic; Arabik tonge; (b) gomme Arabik, gum Arabic.

69. arāble adj.

14 quotations in 1 sense
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Fit for tillage; arable lond, arable land, land under cultivation.

70. archanǧelīk adj.

2 quotations in 1 sense
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Fig. Like the order of archangels, superior.

71. ardaunt adj.

20 quotations in 2 senses
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(a) Burning with desire or passion; fervent, ardent, passionate ; (b) ?also, ?controlled, ?ordinate [?error for, or aberrant form of, ordeined ppl.]

72. arested adj.

1 quotation in 1 sense
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Awn-like, pointed, ?barbed.

73. arǧent n. & adj.

15 quotations in 1 sense
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(a) Silver, silver coin; cash (specifying a cash price as opposed to a discounted price or price paid in installments); (b) her. silver-colored, silver-gilt; (c) vif argent, argent vif, [L argentum

74. arǧentīne adj.

3 quotations in 1 sense
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(a) Made of silver; (b) silver-colored, bright.

75. argūmentātī̆f adj.

1 quotation in 1 sense
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Syllogistic, sophistic.

76. arōmaunt adj. & n.

3 quotations in 1 sense
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(a) Fragrant, aromatic; (b) pl. aromatic substances, spices.

77. arrogaunt adj.

2 quotations in 1 sense
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Presumptuous, overweening.

78. artetīk, -ica adj. & n.

Additional spellings: artetica, arthetica, arthretica, aretica
8 quotations in 1 sense
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Arthritic, rheumatic; arthritis, rheumatism; goute artetik, arthritis, gout.

79. artīk adj. & n.

13 quotations in 1 sense
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(a) belonging to the celestial north; pol artik, the north pole of the heavens; specif., the North Star as marking its position; under the pol artik, under the North Star, in the North; of artik, of…

80. artilǒus adj.

1 quotation in 1 sense
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81. asaut adj. & n.

3 quotations in 1 sense
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In heat, in rut.

82. askoin adv. and adj.

4 quotations in 1 sense
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(a) On a slant; (b) (look) askanse.

83. asperaunt adj.

1 quotation in 1 sense
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Spirited, bold.

84. aspre adj.

13 quotations in 1 sense
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(a) Harsh: harsh (words); sharp, severe (pain, grief), angry (mood); cruel (experience, fate); fierce (conflict); cruel, savage (people); (b) of wine: harsh to the taste, dry.

85. as(s)ẹ̄th adv. & adj.

Additional spellings: asseth
2 quotations in 1 sense
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86. assidūēl adj.

6 quotations in 1 sense
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Constant, persistent, assiduous.

87. assīse adj.

4 quotations in 1 sense
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Established (custom); fixed (rent); standard (foot), etc.

88. astrai adj. & adv.

14 quotations in 2 senses
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Away from the right place; out of bounds or control: (a) away; striken astrai, run away; (b) of cattle: straying from the owner, astray; (c) of a steed: wandering about without a rider, loose; gon

89. ā̆sūr n.(1) & adj.

46 quotations in 3 senses
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The blue stone lapis lazuli; enamel made of powdered lapis lazuli.

90. at(t)emprẹ̄ adj.

Additional spellings: attempre
26 quotations in 3 senses
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(a) Of persons: observing proper measure, temperate, moderate; atempre of port, word, etc.; (b) of habits or behavior: moderate, modest, restrained.

91. attenda(u)nt adj. & n.

Additional spellings: attendaunt
21 quotations in 3 senses
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(a) Solicitous, diligent, careful; considerate; (b) ben attendant on, to, take care of, attend.

92. attentī̆f adj.

2 quotations in 1 sense
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Attentive, diligent; devout.

93. auburn(e, -orn(e adj.

Additional spellings: auburne, auborn, aborn, auborne, aborne
5 quotations in 1 sense
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Reddish or yellowish brown, blond.

94. auctorīsāble adj.

1 quotation in 1 sense
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95. augard n. & adj.

5 quotations in 1 sense
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(a) Forwardness, arrogance, pride; (b) adj. proud, excellent; exceeding.

96. auncien(t adj.

Additional spellings: auncient
29 quotations in 3 senses
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(a) Of great age or antiquity, old; of wine: well aged; (b) having existed in a certain state from early times; auncien demene, ancient demesne, property held by a tenant and by his ancestors; also…

97. a(u)nǧelīk adj.

Additional spellings: aungelik
17 quotations in 1 sense
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(a) Resembling an angel, befitting an angel, angelic; (b) belonging or pertaining to the angels; (c) consisting of angels; (d) done by an angel; angelik salutacioun, Gabriel's salutation, the Ave…

98. auricūlēr adj.

1 quotation in 1 sense
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Of confession: spoken into the ear, private.

99. aust adj.

1 quotation in 1 sense
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Worthy of honor, august.

100. austēre, austē̆rne adj.

Additional spellings: austerne
16 quotations in 2 senses
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(a) Of persons, speech, manner: harsh, severe, stern; (b) rigorously moral, austere; (c) grim, fierce.