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1. ablā̆tī̆f, -ī̆ve adj. & n.
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(a) The ablative (case) of Latin; a noun or adjective in the ablative case; (b) in a pun (with ref. to L ablātiō a taking away & ablāt-um taken away, stolen): carried off, stolen; ablatif cas, the……
3. accǒunta(u)nt adj. & n.
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(a) Liable to render account; (b) charged with accounting; officer accountant; (c) as noun: an accounting officer.
4. ac(c)ūsatīf adj. & n.
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6. adjectī̆f, -ī̆ve adj. & n.
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Gram. (a) Adjectival; noun adjectif, an adjective; verb adjectif, a verbal noun or adjective; (b) as noun: adjective.
7. adminiculātī̆f, -ī̆ve adj. & n.
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(a) Supplementary; (b) a supplement.
8. adversaire n. & adj.
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(a) An opponent or enemy; (b) opposing, hostile.
9. agrest, -a adj. & n.
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(a) Uncultivated, wild (plant); (b) win agrest, agresta, verjuice.
14. annuel(l)ēr adj. & n.
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A priest who celebrates anniversary memorial masses for the dead, or is endowed for this purpose; prest annueler.
15. antecēdent adj. & n.
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Logic & ethics A prior assumption or principle, a premise; antecedent trouth; antecedent ded, a preceding act as causing a later act.
18. Arābien, -ian adj. & n.
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(a) Arabian; an Arab; (b) a religious sect [see quot.].
22. artetīk, -ica adj. & n.
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artetica, arthetica, arthretica, aretica
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Arthritic, rheumatic; arthritis, rheumatism; goute artetik, arthritis, gout.
26. attenda(u)nt adj. & n.
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(a) Solicitous, diligent, careful; considerate; (b) ben attendant on, to, take care of, attend.
29. barbariē̆n(e adj. & n.
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(a) Foreign or heathen; (b) a foreigner, i.e. not a Roman; (c) a native of the Barbary Coast; a Berber.
30. barbarī̆n(e n. & adj.
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(a) A foreigner, barbarian, heathen; a non-Greek, a non-Roman; (b) foreign, non-Greek; also, rugged [quot.Chauliac].
38. calefactī̆f adj. & n.
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Med. (a) Of a remedy or a diet: producing heat in the body, warming; (b) a medicine which increases heat.
42. cerimoniāl adj. & n.
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43. certificatōrie adj. & n.
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A certifying letter or document, a certificate; lettre certificatorie.
44. champain(e n.(1) & adj.
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(a) Open country; a plain; (b) champain countrē, champain lond; champain heritages, inherited open country.
45. cheisil, -el adj. & n.
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(a) Made of fine linen; cheisil cloth, cheisil smok; (b) fine linen cloth; (c) an overgarment made of this kind of linen.
48. chevalrǒus adj. (also as n.)
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(a) Excelling in warfare; filled with the spirit of knight-errantry; valiant, brave; chevalrous of dedes; (b) filled with the ideals of chivalry (i.e. prowess, generosity, allegiance, courtly……
50. cicatrizatī̆f, -ī̆ve adj. & n.
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(a) Promoting cicatrization; (b) a medicine promoting cicatrization.
56. cǒmfortatī̆f adj. & n.
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Heartening, cheering, consoling.
57. conglūtinatī̆f adj. & n.
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(a) Of a medicine: having the property of closing wounds or knitting fractured bones by producing a glutinous substance; (b) a medicine having this property.
58. consenta(u)nt adj. & n.
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(a) Agreeing in sentiment; (b) inclined, willing; (c) acquiescent; accessory (to a crime).
59. conservatīf adj. & n.
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(a) Tending to preserve or protect; (b) as noun: a means of preservation, a preservative.
60. consolidatīf adj. & n.
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Of a medicine: having the property of promoting cicatrization or closing of a wound; as noun: a medicine of such properties.
61. constrictī̆f, -ī̆ve adj. (& n.)
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(a) Of medicines: having the property of thickening and thus arresting the discharge of bodily fluids; (b) of a bandage or truss: restraining or preventing a discharge or distention.
62. consumptī̆f adj. & n.
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(a) Of a medicine: having the property of reducing or eliminating morbid 'humors' or tissue; (b) a medicine having this property.
63. contemplātī̆f, -ī̆ve adj. & n.
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(a) Of a person: devoted to the contemplation of the Divinity and the divine order (as a monk or recluse); (b) as noun: a person so devoted; (c) a devotee (of the devil).
65. corrō̆sī̆f, -ī̆ve adj. & n.
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(a) Chemically corrosive; water corrosif, an acid; also fig.; (b) a chemically corroding substance, as an acid.
76. demonstrātīf adj. & n.
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(a) Characterized by logical reasoning, logical; proceding from true premises, demonstrable, certain; -- as noun, personified; demonstratif conning, the science of logic; also, knowledge based on……
77. derivatī̆f adj. & n.
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(a) Such as to draw off blood; (b) as noun: a derived word or form, a derivative.
79. dī̆minūtī̆f adj. & n.
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Gram. A derivative word denoting a small kind of the primitive, a diminutive; also noun diminutif.
80. discō̆rdaunt adj. & n.
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(a) Conflicting in nature or kind; discordaunt fro, discordaunt to, discordaunt unto, not conforming to (sth.), differing from (sth.); (b) dissonant; (c) as noun: a discordant element.
81. discǒuncellẹ̄ adj. as n.
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One who is without counsel, helpless person.
83. doctrī̆nāl adj. & n.
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(a) Of Scripture: dealing with doctrines or precepts of conduct; (b) a treatise dealing with the principles of a field of knowledge.
85. dorma(u)nt adj. & n.
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(a) Of a table: remaining in place, permanent; table dormant, bord dormant; (b) as noun: a permanent table (i.e. one not taken down after a meal has been served).
86. dorrẹ̄, dōrī adj. & n.
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(a) Golden or reddish-yellow; (b) cook. glazed with a yellow substance; pome(s dorre, sopes dorre.
89. Ēǧipcien, -ian n. and adj.
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As noun: a native of Egypt, an Egyptian.
92. epilentī̆k adj. & n.
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(a) Affected with epilepsy, epileptic; (b) an epileptic.
96. fēmē̆l(e, -āl(e adj. & n.
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femele, femal, female
50 quotations in 3 senses
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(a) Of man and animals: female; a female; (b) femel complexioun, the physiological 'constitution' of a female (in accordance with the 'humor' theory).