(a) A harrow for cultivating land, a drag; gon at harwe, to drive a harrow; (b) fig. the Old or New Testament; the power of Love (with pun on arwe); also, in proverb; (c) harwe tind (toth), a tooth of……
(a) The cereal grain, oats; (b) haver bern, haver gerner, a storehouse for oats; haver bred, oaten bread; haver cake, a loaf made from oaten flour; also as surname; haver mele, oaten flour; (c) haver……
(a) To thrust (sth.), drive (a stake, etc.); picchen in (o, to, into), stick, thrust, or drive (sth.) into (sth.); surround (a wood) with a palisade [quot.: a1450, 1st]; (b) to pierce (sb. or sth.)……
(a) The handle of a plow; (b) a wooden crutch; an artificial leg, peg leg; also, a stilt; stilt bond, a strap for attaching a stilt or a peg leg; (c) ?one of the uprights of a ladder; (d) in surname.
(a) The fatty tissue of an animal; fatty tissue from around the kidneys or other internal organs of an animal; also fig. and in fig. contexts [some fig. quots. could also be construed as other senses……
(a) To be confident; also refl.; also, take heart, take courage [quot. c1384, 1st]; trusten in (of, on, to, unto, upon), have confidence in (sb., sth., oneself); rely on (sb. or sth.) for guidance……
(a) A bundle, bunch, or wisp, as of straw, pea plants, etc.; ?also, a clump of seaweed [glossing L alga; may belong to wose n.(2)]; ?also, flax [glossing L stuppa]
(b) a torch; a bundle of straw……
(a) A small circular weight placed on a spindle to serve as a flywheel, a pulley used in the operation of a spinning wheel, a spindle whorl; ?also, a small circular object serving to attach or hold……