(a) To scratch (sth.); esp., scrape with claws or fingernails; -- also without object; (b) to scratch oneself to relieve itching; scrape (sth.) lightly with claws or nails; (c) to comb (cloth) to make……
?Any substance for whitening, bleaching, or stiffening fabrics; also used for washing the face [quot. a1500]; sterche flour, starch in powdered form.
(a) The handle of a plow; (b) a wooden crutch; an artificial leg, peg leg; also, a stilt; stilt bond, a strap for attaching a stilt or a peg leg; (c) ?one of the uprights of a ladder; (d) in surname.
(a) A feeling or personal condition of doubt or uncertainty; also, hesitancy, indecision; double wer, a state of doubt or indecision between two alternatives; in (a) wer, in a state of doubt or……