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1. baithen v.

5 quotations in 1 sense
Sense / Definition
(a) To inquire, ask; (b) to grant (a request); baithen bon; (c) to consent, agree.

2. bẹ̄n v.

1165 quotations in 17 senses
Sense / Definition
(a) To be, exist, live; there is (was, were, etc.); that was, who formerly lived, now dead; if his liking be, if it be his will; if (sth.) ne were, if (sth.) had not been, if it were not for (sth.)…

3. brennen v.

351 quotations in 9 senses
Sense / Definition
(a) To be consumed by fire; burn, burn down; brennen awai; of fire: burn; brennen up, flame up; brenning, on fire, fiery; (b) to destroy (sth.) with fire; put to the torch, reduce to ashes; brennen up

4. carpen v.

76 quotations in 3 senses
Sense / Definition
(a) To talk, chat, converse, discourse; carpen toward, address (sb.); (b) tell (sth.), say; ask (a question); as I have herd carpen, as I have heard tell; as men do carpen, as people say; to carpen

5. forbrennen v.

63 quotations in 3 senses
Sense / Definition
(a) To burn up (something), to consume or destroy by fire; (b) to ravage or lay waste (a country) with fire; (c) to burn up, to be destroyed by fire.

6. gēren v.

91 quotations in 4 senses
Sense / Definition
(a) To prepare or equip (oneself); prepare (a corpse for burial); geren aweiward, prepare (oneself) to go away; (b) to equip (oneself) for fighting, arm (oneself); (c) to dress (sb., oneself); ppl. ge

7. gestenen v.

21 quotations in 1 sense
Sense / Definition
(a) To have or take lodging; stay (with sb., at or in a place) as a guest; spend (a night); also fig.; (b) to provide lodging for (sb.); entertain (sb.) as a guest; also fig.; (c) ?to feast.

8. gē̆ten v.(1)

330 quotations in 13 senses
Sense / Definition
(a) To acquire (sth.), earn, buy, win, receive, find; ivel geten, ill-gotten; fals geten, got by falsehood; (b) refl.

9. glōnden v.

1 quotation in 1 sense
Sense / Definition
To fleece or despoil (sb.).

10. hitten v.

83 quotations in 4 senses
Sense / Definition
(a) To strike (sb. or sth.); strike a blow; deliver (blows); hitten in, cut into (sb. or sth.); hitten on, beat upon (sb. or sth.); hitten on the hed of the nailes ende, hit the nail on the head…

11. hō̆ngen v.

588 quotations in 18 senses
Sense / Definition
To suspend (sb. or sth.) from an elevated point: (a) to hang (sb., his corpse, or parts of it) up by the feet, hands, or hair; hongen up, hongen up bi the fet, etc.; (b) to fasten or mount (sth. on…

12. ī̆sken v.

1 quotation in 1 sense
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To long; isken after, wish or long for (sth.).

13. knīen v.

1 quotation in 1 sense
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To afflict (sb.), crush; me knith it sore, it makes me contrite.

14. lō̆ken v.(1)

45 quotations in 6 senses
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(a) To secure (a door, gate, etc.) with lock and key; lock the entrance to (a sepulcher); (b) to lock the lid of (a chest or the like).

15. mirken v.

12 quotations in 1 sense
Sense / Definition
(a) To darken, grow dark; (b) to cause darkness; darken (the sun), deprive (of light); overshadow (a country); make (darkness) dark; darken or blacken (the brain); (c) to make (someone's wits) dull…

16. pī̆ken v.(1)

196 quotations in 10 senses
Sense / Definition
To work with a pick or other digging implement; --also refl.; dig (sth.); break up (land, a field); dig up (weeds); piken awei, dig up (weeds); undermine (a foundation); piken oute, dig out (stones…

17. rūthen v.(2)

1 quotation in 1 sense
Sense / Definition
Of weather: to become stormy.

18. scailknes v.

1 quotation in 1 sense
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Stinginess, niggardliness.

19. scāpen v.(2)

5 quotations in 1 sense
Sense / Definition
(a) To make (sth.), build; (b) to bring about (sth.), effect, contrive; (c) to ordain (to do sth.); ben scapen, be allotted; (d) in surname.

20. scǒupen v.

1 quotation in 1 sense
Sense / Definition
To leap, skip, bound.