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1. after- pref.

70 quotations in 2 senses
Sense / Definition
Verbal cpds.: (a) after- bending, the second bending, a bending back (of a bow); prob., the shaping process which gives the ends a curvature the reverse of that at the center; after- berende, bearing…

2. dis- pref.

2 quotations in 2 senses
Sense / Definition
(a) In many verbs, verbal nouns, and verbal adjs. taken either from L or OF, dis- clearly has adversative or privitive force, as in disal(l)ouen, disavauntage, disavouen, discomfort, disconsolat,

3. prō̆- pref.

1 quotation in 1 sense
Sense / Definition
A common prefix in words derived from Latin or French; e.g., probleme, processionarie, progenitour, pronosticacioun, propugnacle, prosperite, provincial (nouns); profounde, prolixe, propicious,

4. sub- pref.

1 quotation in 1 sense
Sense / Definition
A prefix in words derived primarily from L, occ. from OF, or from both, often with its original meaning still discernible: (a) 'subordinate or inferior in rank' (in nouns): subcelerer,