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1. mid adj. & pref.

66 quotations in 2 senses
Sense / Definition
(a) Middle, mid-; mid strem, the middle of the stream; mid theigh (leg), the middle of the thigh (leg); in the mid se (sheld), in the middle of the sea (shield); in the mid side, ?in the middle; to

2. prǒud adj.

228 quotations in 8 senses
Sense / Definition
(a) Guilty of the sin of Pride; haughty, arrogant; also, obstinate, rebellious; (b) proudest of pride, supremely proud; proud as lucifer; proud herte, proud heart; -- also as surname or epithet; maken

3. rẹ̄nish(e adj.

Additional spellings: renishe
2 quotations in 1 sense
Sense / Definition
(a) Strange, uncouth; (b) of an emperor: stern, awful.

4. span-neue adj.

Additional spellings: spanneue
6 quotations in 1 sense
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5. thurfe adj.

1 quotation in 1 sense
Sense / Definition
Needed, needful.

6. tight adj.

10 quotations in 2 senses
Sense / Definition
(a) Of a thicket, forest: crowded, close, dense; (b) of clothes: heavy, thick; (c) of a body: ?thickset, stout; ?firm, muscular; (d) of a measure of capacity: tightly packed, solid [see also tonne-tig

7. wē̆t adj.

150 quotations in 8 senses
Sense / Definition
(a) Consisting of moisture, flowing, fluid, wet, liquid;—freq. used pleonastically of liquid substances: wet se (teres), reines (teres, wateres, etc.) wet (b) full of moisture; of cheese: ?fresh;…