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1. alōe(s n.

Additional spellings: aloes
23 quotations in 1 sense
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Aloe: (a) the tree; (b) the juice or resin of the tree, aloes; (c) med. the drug aloes; aloe caballinum (cicotrine, epatik).

2. ampullous adj.

1 quotation in 1 sense
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Bubbly, frothy.

3. anelās n.

10 quotations in 1 sense
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(a) A two-edged stiletto or dagger; (b) a spike [see quot.].

4. antē̆me n.

24 quotations in 2 senses
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A musical composition based upon a scriptural text, sung in the Church Offices before each psalm and often repeated after the psalm, or after each verse of the psalm [see Karl Young, The Drama of the

5. antiphonē̆r(e n.

Additional spellings: antiphonere
19 quotations in 1 sense
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A book containing a collection of antiphones [cp. anteme] and, it seems, also other sacred songs; antiphoner noted, an antiphoner with musical notation.

6. anti-pōpe n.

Additional spellings: antipope
3 quotations in 1 sense
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A pope elected in opposition to one regarded as canonically chosen.

7. bidel n.

39 quotations in 3 senses
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One who makes announcements or carries messages and performs other services on the authority of a lord, court, guild, etc.; herald, town crier, summoner; bidel hod, a beadle's hood; bidel land (a…

8. biker n.(1)

10 quotations in 1 sense
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(a) An ornate covered bowl for mixing wine; (b) a drinking vessel; goblet, beaker; biker cuppe; biker maker.

9. bǒurden v.(2)

6 quotations in 1 sense
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(a) To joust; bourden at, tilt at (the quintain), charge (a boar) with a spear; (b) to butt with horns; clash (together).

10. Britaine n.

29 quotations in 2 senses
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The island on which England, Cornwall, Wales, and Scotland are (or were) situated, or those parts of the island held by Celts after the Anglo-Saxon conquest; also, specif., Wales, Cornwall; Britaine

11. brō̆l n.

12 quotations in 1 sense
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(a) A child, a brat; -- used contempt.; Belial brolles, sons of Belial; (b) a wretch, a worthless person.

12. bush n.(1)

73 quotations in 5 senses
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(a) A woods, grove; thicket, underbrush; bank and bush, hill and (wooded) dale; under the bush, in (the shelter of) the woods; (b) rank growth.

13. chervel n.

18 quotations in 2 senses
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Chervil Anthriscus cerefolium, used as a pot-herb and in medicaments.

14. coassessǒur n.

1 quotation in 1 sense
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?A member of a bishop's court [cp. assessour n.]

15. cǒmplī̆n(e n.

Additional spellings: compline
31 quotations in 3 senses
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Eccl. (a) The last of the seven daily services or 'hours' (following even-song vespers) observed by monastics and priests of the Roman Church; complin; houre of complin; don complin, saien complin,

16. compotiste, -ister n.

Additional spellings: compotister
3 quotations in 1 sense
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An expert in computing the calendar; computer (of the calendar).

17. confūte n.

1 quotation in 1 sense
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18. cǒuntǒur n.(1)

71 quotations in 4 senses
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(a) An accountant; esp., an official who oversees the collecting and auditing of taxes for a shire, a kingdom, etc.; (b) one who calculates, an arithmetician; (c) a pleader in court, a lawyer; (d) as…

19. dēgrāden v.

29 quotations in 1 sense
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(a) To put (sb.) down from high rank, demote, depose; also fig. overthrow (sb.), bring down, humble, deprive (sb. of bliss); (b) to deprive (sb.) of ecclesiastical rank; reduce (a cleric) to a layman…

20. ententelī̆ adv.

2 quotations in 1 sense
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Intently, earnestly.

21. fēmē̆l(e, -āl(e adj. & n.

Additional spellings: femele, femal, female
50 quotations in 3 senses
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(a) Of man and animals: female; a female; (b) femel complexioun, the physiological 'constitution' of a female (in accordance with the 'humor' theory).

22. fenel n.

36 quotations in 2 senses
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(a) Fennel Foeniculum vulgare; rot (more) of fenel, etc.; red (rouge, brown) fenel, a variety of fennel with brown seeds, ?German or Saxon fennel; (b) when qualified, denoting other plants: hound

23. firmāl n.

2 quotations in 1 sense
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A fixed rent or tax.

24. hauberk n.

41 quotations in 1 sense
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(a) A coat of mail; also, plate armor or a coat of mail reinforced with plates; -- sometimes used interchangeably with habergeoun; (b) chain mail worn over a hair shirt as a form of penance; (c) fig.

25. imprōvidentlī adv.

1 quotation in 1 sense
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Imprudently, rashly.

26. inscīden v.

1 quotation in 1 sense
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Med. To dissolve (viscid or thick humors), disperse.

27. interesse n.

39 quotations in 2 senses
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(a) Law A legal claim or right; also fig.; haven interesse in (of), to have a claim upon (sth.), have rights in (sth.); (b) the right to claim compensation for damage; ?also, damage, injury; (c) the…

28. lammasse n.

44 quotations in 2 senses
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(a) Lammas, Aug. 1; the feast of St. Peter ad Vincula; also, one of the quarter days [cp. lammasse dai]; ?also, the time of year about Lammas; to the lammasse, at Lammas; (b) in surnames.

29. malencolī(e n.

Additional spellings: malencolie
99 quotations in 5 senses
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(a) One of the four humors, black bile; a bodily fluid which helps to form and nourish the body; -- not pathological unless present in excessive amounts; also, an altered form of black bile [see (b)]…

30. maskel n.

8 quotations in 1 sense
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(a) Spot, mark; blemish; (b) pl. the strands or cords of a net; also, the openings between the strands or cords of a net; (c) gise of maskel, ?lozenge shaped.

31. mol(le n.(2)

Additional spellings: molle
14 quotations in 1 sense
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(a) Dust, ashes, dirt, trash; (b) fig. earthly goods or happiness; mortal flesh; (c) mol rein, a light rain, drizzle.

32. murre n.

3 quotations in 1 sense
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An infection of the nose and throat.

33. my n.

1 quotation in 1 sense
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Mu, the twelfth letter of the Greek alphabet.

34. nōn-residence n.

Additional spellings: nonresidence
4 quotations in 1 sense
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The failure of a clergyman to reside in the locality of his benefice.

35. panter n.

6 quotations in 1 sense
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A precious stone of various colors, often variegated; ?jasper, ?serpentine.

36. parchemī̆nē̆r n.

25 quotations in 1 sense
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(a) One who makes or sells parchment; (b) as surname.

37. phēnīcienes n. plural

2 quotations in 1 sense
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38. pikeis n.

42 quotations in 1 sense
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(a) A pickax, a tool used for breaking up and digging up ground, breaking up walls, quarrying, etc. (often identified with other tools, such as a mattock, spade, hoe, etc.); also fig.; ?also, a tool…

39. pilcraft(e n.

Additional spellings: pilcrafte
2 quotations in 1 sense
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A paragraph mark; a paragraph; also, an asterisk.

40. prō̆- pref.

1 quotation in 1 sense
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A common prefix in words derived from Latin or French; e.g., probleme, processionarie, progenitour, pronosticacioun, propugnacle, prosperite, provincial (nouns); profounde, prolixe, propicious,

41. psalmen v.

8 quotations in 1 sense
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To sing Psalms or songs, sing praise (to God) in Psalms; praise (sth.) with Psalms; psalmed writes, writings composed as Psalms, the Psalter.

42. pseudo n.

7 quotations in 1 sense
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A person claiming divine authority for false or heretical pronouncements; a false teacher, a hypocrite; -- also coll.; also, as name.

43. quassāciǒun n.

4 quotations in 1 sense
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(a) Bruising, crushing; a bruise; (b) ?rejection, disqualification; ?suspension, dismissal.

44. quīenāl n.

2 quotations in 1 sense
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Five years of masses to be said after a person's death, quinquennial mass; a written agreement for the saying of quinquennial mass.

45. quiēt-claimen v.

Additional spellings: quietclaimen
3 quotations in 1 sense
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Law To relinquish one's right to (money, property, the performance of an obligation, a legal claim), quitclaim.

46. quiēt(e-claime n.

Additional spellings: quietclaime, quiete-claime, quieteclaime
5 quotations in 1 sense
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Law A relinquishing to another of a legal right or interest in its entirety.

47. rāsen v.(1)

112 quotations in 4 senses
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(a) To scrape (sth.); also, shave (sb., somebody's crown); (b) to make erasures; erase (writing, a passage of writing, etc.); scrape (a page, book) clean; emend (a document) by erasure; rasen awei

48. receit(e n.

Additional spellings: receite
79 quotations in 5 senses
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A sum or an amount of money received by a person, guild, church, etc.; an income; -- also pl.; forein receit [see also forein adj. 5.(b)].

49. rectorī-bọ̄k n.

Additional spellings: rectoribok
1 quotation in 1 sense
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?An account book for the parish or the residence of the parish priest.

50. rē̆jornen v.

2 quotations in 1 sense
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To postpone (sth.), put off, defer.

51. remollī̆tī̆f n.

3 quotations in 1 sense
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Surg. A softening medicine.

52. remūten v.

2 quotations in 1 sense
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To change (a medical dressing or binding); ?change a medical dressing or binding on (a part of the body).

53. rīnocephales n. plural

2 quotations in 1 sense
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Fire-breathing monsters.

54. rǒffe n.

4 quotations in 1 sense
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(a) A kind of saltwater fish, esp. a fish of the family Sparidae; (b) the fresh-water ruff Acerina cernua.

55. rolle n.

96 quotations in 4 senses
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(a) A scroll; a scroll with its contained text; a roll of prayers [quot.: 1454]; (b) a roll used in the game of rage-man [see rage-man n.3.(b)]; rage-man rolle; (c) rolle of wacche, a scroll on which…

56. ruffīne adj.

1 quotation in 1 sense
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57. sabatǒun n.

10 quotations in 1 sense
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(a) A kind of slipper or shoe; (b) arm. a piece of protective armor for the upper side of the foot, held in place by laces or straps.

58. sai n.(2)

8 quotations in 1 sense
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Silk; sai worm, the silkworm (Bombyx mori).

59. sai(e n.

Additional spellings: saie
16 quotations in 1 sense
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(a) An esteemed variety of woolen cloth, perh. rather heavy; ?also, a small piece of such cloth [quot.: ?c1475]; double sai, such cloth in two layers; worsted sai, a piece of worsted; (b) a curtain…

60. san-dragǒun n.

Additional spellings: sandragoun
22 quotations in 1 sense
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(a) The red juice or resin of the dragon tree (Dracaena draco); (b) cook. a sweetened pottage named for the color produced by adding this red juice.

61. santa n.

1 quotation in 1 sense
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A female saint.

62. saramoid n.

1 quotation in 1 sense
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A stone of magical properties that falls from the sky in thunderstorms.

63. scab(be n.

Additional spellings: scabbe
60 quotations in 4 senses
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(a) Any of various skin diseases characterized by itching, pustules, ulceration, etc.; also, the pustule characteristic of such diseases [quot.: a1398, 1st]; also, scabby or scaly condition of the…

64. scāle n.(1)

61 quotations in 5 senses
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(a) A scale of a fish, serpent, fabulous creature, etc.; also fig.; pl. used as pun on the name of Thomas de Scales, killed in 1460 [quot.: c1460]; (b) pl. the elytra of an insect; (c) ?the hide or…

65. scā̆r(re n.(1)

Additional spellings: scarre
5 quotations in 1 sense
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(a) The scar of a wound or sore, cicatrix; (b) the scab produced by cautery; (c) a remnant of a morbid tumor or glandular condition, anything morbid that remains when such a condition has been…

66. scarren v.

1 quotation in 1 sense
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To cut (sth.).

67. scā̆rs(e adj.

Additional spellings: scarse
64 quotations in 2 senses
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(a) Insufficient or barely sufficient in amount, number, or effect; small in amount, few in number, rare; of hair: sparse; of a text: lacking needed explanation; (b) limited in area, narrow, cramped…

68. scī̆asis n.

4 quotations in 1 sense
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The disease sciatica.

69. scismā̆cīe n.

1 quotation in 1 sense
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A schism in a church.

70. scot n.(2)

49 quotations in 4 senses
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(a) Payment for provision of food or drink at a social gathering, at a tavern, or to one's host or benefactor; one's share of such payment; paien scot; yeven scot, to contribute to a common feast; (b)…

71. scratten v.

15 quotations in 1 sense
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(a) To scratch (sb., the face, etc.) with the nails; ppl. scratted, scratched (by thorns, etc.); (b) to scratch with the nails; (c) in surname.

72. seiser n.(2)

4 quotations in 1 sense
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Lawful seizure or confiscation of property.

73. seisī̆n(e n.

Additional spellings: seisine
51 quotations in 3 senses
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Law: (a) Seizin, possession in freehold, freq. indicated or established by actual or physical possession; also, the right to something [quot.: c1436, 2nd]; also, the ceremony at which seizin is…

74. Sēland n.

11 quotations in 1 sense
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(a) The county of Zealand in the Netherlands; (b) Seland cloth, a kind of cloth made in Zealand; (c) as title of a herald.

75. septrāt adj.

1 quotation in 1 sense
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Symbolized by a sceptre.

76. sē̆riǒus adj.

4 quotations in 1 sense
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(a) Arranged in sequence, continuous; (b) serious, earnest, resolute; also, as noun: seriousness, gravity.

77. sē̆riǒuslī adv.

18 quotations in 1 sense
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(a) In succession, in due order, consecutively; bi (in) ordre seriousli; (b) minutely, in detail; (c) attentively; ?also, earnestly.

78. sestern(e n.

Additional spellings: sesterne
7 quotations in 1 sense
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(a) A vessel for holding liquid; ?a wine vat [last quot.]; (b) a liquid measure.

79. sigrī̆m n.

2 quotations in 1 sense
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A name for the wolf in beast fables.

80. simphā̆ner n.

5 quotations in 1 sense
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(a) A musician, prob. one who plays a musical instrument; ?a singer in a choir; (b) in surnames.

81. sinatigen n.

2 quotations in 1 sense
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A form of the figure synecdoche, where the accusative of respect refers to a part of the body standing for the whole.

82. sī̆ringing ger.

1 quotation in 1 sense
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Surg. Applying a siringe.

83. sirō̆n n.

2 quotations in 1 sense
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A shoot, sprout.

84. sirupen v.

1 quotation in 1 sense
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To combine (ingredients) so as to create a thick liquid or syrup, used medicinally.

85. sō̆da n.

3 quotations in 1 sense
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A severe headache, migraine.

86. sōde n.

5 quotations in 1 sense
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(a) Sodium carbonate; poudre of sode; sal sode, crystallized sodium carbonate; (b) ?ash; sode of strau (timber, wode).

87. soket n.(2)

1 quotation in 1 sense
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= socade n.

88. somnen v.

105 quotations in 4 senses
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(a) To urge (sb. to do sth.), invite, call upon; order (sb. to do sth.); -- also with that clause; ben somned, be called upon (to do sth.), be obliged; ben somned to, be invited to (a feast); (b) ?to…

89. sompneārīe n.

2 quotations in 1 sense
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= songewarie n.

90. soume n.

5 quotations in 1 sense
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?A plough trace, often of iron.

91. sǒuterīes n. plural

1 quotation in 1 sense
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Shoemakers or cobblers; -- used in nonsense passage.

92. spar n.(2)

3 quotations in 1 sense
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A kind of battle-ax.

93. spauler n.

2 quotations in 1 sense
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An ornamental shoulder band worn by ecclesiastics on the upper part of the alb, one on each shoulder.

94. spīcerī(e n.

Additional spellings: spicerie
69 quotations in 4 senses
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(a) An aromatic substance; a spice; also fig. [quot. c1400]; coll. spices; also, spice plants; spiceri menginge, blending of aromatic spices; grounden (poudre of) spiceri, ground spices; (b) a spice…

95. squāren v.

35 quotations in 3 senses
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(a) To make (sth.) square in shape; cut (a trencher) to a square shape; mark (sth.) out as a square; ppl. squared, made square in outline; square in shape; of a cart: having a square floor; squared

96. standard n.

104 quotations in 7 senses
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(a) A flag or banner displayed from a pole in battle; also, a pole used to display a military ensign; a figure displayed as a military ensign; standard berere, a standard bearer; standard of treues, a…

97. stank n.

21 quotations in 1 sense
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(a) A pond, pool; a reservoir; a lake; also in fig. context [quot.: c1400]; stank hed, a dam or similar structure for controlling the water in a pond; stank medwe, a meadow in which there is a pond…

98. stipticātī̆f adj.

1 quotation in 1 sense
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Med. Astringent.

99. stiptik n.

9 quotations in 1 sense
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Med. (a) A medicine or medicinal ingredient which contracts bodily tissue, inhibits bleeding, etc.; (b) astringency, stypticity.

100. stǒupe n.(1)

12 quotations in 1 sense
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(a) A jug, often made of leather; also, a measure for liquids, varying from one pint to several gallons; (b) a vessel or container for holy water; holi water stoupe.