(a) A steward; headman of a town or village; also, a royal official; (b) as surname; also in cpds.: bern greive, fen greive [see also plough greive, wode greive].
(a) A harrow for cultivating land, a drag; gon at harwe, to drive a harrow; (b) fig. the Old or New Testament; the power of Love (with pun on arwe); also, in proverb; (c) harwe tind (toth), a tooth of……
(a) The movable batten of a handloom; (b) some kind of supporting frame or scaffold; (c) a device used by coopers, ?a turning lathe; lathe stok, ?the framework of such a device; lathe oke, ?error for……
A kind of iron, made chiefly in Sweden; also a standard-size piece of such iron; fals osmund, a counterfeit piece of such iron; trencher osmund, a knife made of such iron.
Naut. In cpds.: ro bende, a rope attaching the head of a sail to the yard [cp. ro-bond n.]; ro line (rop), ?a brace for swinging the yards horizontally; ?a footrope; ?a gasket of some kind.