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1. Aleman(n)es n. (plural)

Additional spellings: Alemannes
8 quotations in 1 sense
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The Germans, the German nation; also, the Teutons.

2. arblast, -blastē̆r n.

Additional spellings: arblaster
35 quotations in 3 senses
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(a) A weapon for discharging quarrels, stones, etc., consisting of a bow set crosswise on a shaft; a crossbow, an arbalest; (b) a missile shot from a crossbow; arblast shute.

3. -aunce suf.

1 quotation in 1 sense
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A suffix forming numerous collective or abstract nouns denoting states, attitudes, or activities, most of them directly borrowed from French, some formed from Latin words in -antia- on the French…

4. -aunt suf.

1 quotation in 1 sense
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(a) In many pr.ppls. taken from OF, e.g. abound-a(u)nt, appar-a(u)nt, ard-a(u)nt, arrog-a(u)nt, charge-a(u)nt, ramp-aunt, -and, etc.; (b) in a number of nouns (orig. ppls.) adopted from OF, as…

5. avēr n.(2)

34 quotations in 2 senses
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Things owned; possessions, property, wealth; -- coll. or pl.

6. cǒuntǒur n.(1)

71 quotations in 4 senses
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(a) An accountant; esp., an official who oversees the collecting and auditing of taxes for a shire, a kingdom, etc.; (b) one who calculates, an arithmetician; (c) a pleader in court, a lawyer; (d) as…

7. cǒverlī̆te n.

31 quotations in 3 senses
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A cloth for covering a bed; bedspread, coverlet.

8. ēgre fū n.

Additional spellings: egre fu
4 quotations in 1 sense
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Med. Erysipelas, or similar eruption on the skin; also, a case of erysipelas.

9. envoisen v.(1)

5 quotations in 1 sense
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Hunt. Of hounds: (a) to follow a scent; (b) to follow the wrong scent.

10. frank-pleǧǧe n.

Additional spellings: frankplegge
11 quotations in 2 senses
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One of the mutually responsible members of a tithing, etc.

11. sētīne n.

1 quotation in 1 sense
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A soap-like substance obtained from boiling spermaceti with potash.

12. spiritū̆āl adj.

119 quotations in 8 senses
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(a) Immaterial; consisting solely of intellect, purely intellectual; (b) having the properties of the immaterial: of virtues: unbounded, infinite; of torment: intangible; (c) phil. & theol. of form…

13. stank n.

21 quotations in 1 sense
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(a) A pond, pool; a reservoir; a lake; also in fig. context [quot.: c1400]; stank hed, a dam or similar structure for controlling the water in a pond; stank medwe, a meadow in which there is a pond…

14. streinen v.(1)

195 quotations in 7 senses
Sense / Definition
(a) To tie (sth.), bind, fasten; gird (sb., a part of the body); also fig.; streinen togeder(es; (b) to confine or restrain (sb., a part of the body, an animal, an idol) physically; also fig.; (c) to…

15. subǧet adj.

140 quotations in 7 senses
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(a) Obedient, submissive; compliant; also, deferential; also fig.; subget to (unto); (b) put to the service of someone or something else; of service to another; also, subordinate; subget to (til); (c)…

16. sufferaunce n.

102 quotations in 5 senses
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(a) The undergoing of hardship, affliction, punishment, etc.; suffering; (b) a state of affliction, hardship, or suffering; pl. trials, tribulations.

17. sufficience n.

26 quotations in 1 sense
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(a) That which suffices, all that is necessary, enough; an adequate supply of something, sufficient resources; soverain sufficience, abundance; to (unto) sufficience, sufficiently; (b) contentment…

18. surrecciọ̄̆n n.

1 quotation in 1 sense
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Insurrection, rebellion.

19. tī̆tlen v.

23 quotations in 1 sense
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(a) To write (sth.) down, record, chronicle; list (sth.); also, inscribe (a symbol, name, etc.); also, with adv.: titlen in [quot. c1450(?a1400)]; ppl. titled as adj.: inscribed [quot. c1400]; (b) to…

20. torment n.

75 quotations in 4 senses
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(a) The systematic infliction of physical pain or an instance of it; applied torture; also, punishment; (b) a cause of physical or mental suffering, an affliction, a hardship; also, a disaster, an…