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1. ars-metrīk(e n.
Additional spellings:
arsmetrik, ars-metrike, arsmetrike
22 quotations in 1 sense
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(a) The 'art' or 'science' of measuring and calculating, being one of the four disciplines comprised in the quadrivium (along with geometry, astronomy, and music); (b) a treatise on this 'science'.
9. resistence n.
55 quotations in 4 senses
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(a) Military defense, armed resistance; fighting against an enemy; physical resistance; resistence of, defense against (sb. or sth.); maken resistence; (b) a waylaying of someone; (c) physical force.
12. rōs-marīn(e n.
Additional spellings:
rosmarin, ros-marine, rosmarine
15 quotations in 1 sense
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Rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis) or a similar herb.
17. Sarasī̆n(e n.(1)
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88 quotations in 1 sense
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(a) A Turk; also, an Arab; also, a Moslem; -- often with ref. to the Crusades; Sarasin hed, the head of a Saracen; (b) a heathen, pagan; an infidel; (c) as a type of non-Christian; Sarasin or jeu, jeu……
21. scismatī̆k n.
9 quotations in 1 sense
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One who participates in an ecclesiastical schism, a schismatic; heretike and (or) scismatik.
23. sē̆diciǒun n.
13 quotations in 1 sense
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(a) Violent factional strife, civil or religious disorder, riot; also, an instance of such strife or disorder; (b) a concerted attempt to overthrow the civil authority, an uprising, a revolt; (c)……
25. seintuārī̆(e n.
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89 quotations in 7 senses
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A holy or sacred place; a place dedicated to God; also, the dwelling place of God, heaven; also fig.; the seintuari of god.
26. selbestrin(e n.
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2 quotations in 1 sense
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Some kind of plant, perh. one that grows wild or in shady areas.
46. stā̆phis-ā̆gre n.
Additional spellings:
19 quotations in 1 sense
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Stavesacre, licebane (Delphinium staphisagria); also, the seeds of this plant, used medicinally.
47. sternūtāciǒun n.
6 quotations in 1 sense
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A sneeze; also, the act of sneezing.
52. sufficience n.
26 quotations in 1 sense
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(a) That which suffices, all that is necessary, enough; an adequate supply of something, sufficient resources; soverain sufficience, abundance; to (unto) sufficience, sufficiently; (b) contentment……
53. sugre-candī n.
54. supportāciǒun n.
39 quotations in 1 sense
Sense / Definition
(a) Help, assistance, aid; moral support, backing; the upholding of a cause, a title, etc.; also, an instance or act of assistance; ?encouragement [quot. c1450 Lydg.]; supportacioun yevinge; (b)……
55. suppositī̆f adj.
2 quotations in 1 sense
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Situated below; also [2nd quot.], ?subordinate; ?particular.