(a) Of things: light in weight; light in proportion to bulk, of small specific gravity, not dense; of persons: thin; also fig.; (b) of containers: light in content, empty; of measures: underweight……
(a) Guilty of the sin of Pride; haughty, arrogant; also, obstinate, rebellious; (b) proudest of pride, supremely proud; proud as lucifer; proud herte, proud heart; -- also as surname or epithet; maken……
(a) Of Scottish nationality; found or produced in Scotland; characteristic of Scotland; also, as noun: Scottish people or soldiers; Scottish man; (b) Scottish king, king of Scotland; Scottish langage……
(a) Good; also, brave; also, sup. as noun: the best men [quot.: Lay.Brut 1162]; (b) good for a purpose; skilled, efficacious, favorable; the selere, better, more favorable; (c) wealthy, prosperous……
(a) Suffering from disease, injury, or ill health; sick, diseased, ailing; also, in a special physiological state, such as pregnancy; also, ?dying [quot.: a1387]; (b) sik and (ner) sore, sore and sik……
(a) Made or consisting of silver; also fig.; also, silver-colored, lustrous like silver [quot.: ?a1450]; ben of silveren sight, to appear to be silver; (b) silveren time (world), fig. the age of……