(a) To make peace, be conciliated, be reconciled; saughten with, make peace with (sb.), become reconciled with; also, make peace by means of (tools of peace) [1st quot.]; (b) to conciliate (a land)……
(a) To put shoes on (sb., oneself, a statue); provide (sb.) with shoes; also fig.; cover the feet of (sb. with sth.); also, cover (the feet with sth.); -- used fig.; hosen and shon; (b) ppl.shod……
(a) To strike (sth.), beat; pitch (a tent); light (a fire); strike off (a head from the body); beat (metal into a shape) [quot.: c1175(?OE) HRood]; -- used without obj.; slen of, cut off (someone's……
(a) To obstruct (a street, lane, passage, an entrance, etc.) with a physical barrier, block; close (a port), prevent access to; blockade (the sea), close to traffic; block (someone's way); also fig.……