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1. arblast, -blastē̆r n.
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35 quotations in 3 senses
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(a) A weapon for discharging quarrels, stones, etc., consisting of a bow set crosswise on a shaft; a crossbow, an arbalest; (b) a missile shot from a crossbow; arblast shute.
5. conservacīe n.
3 quotations in 1 sense
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(a) Preservation under law, protection; (b) administration (of a statute).
15. possessǒur n.
13 quotations in 1 sense
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(a) One who holds or owns something; a proprietor, an owner; occupier; also fig.; persoune possessour, a person who holds property; (b) a clergyman who holds the living of a church.
19. rē̆ǧiǒun(e n.
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98 quotations in 2 senses
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(a) A kingdom, an empire, a realm; a country, nation, province; scotland regioun, regioun of moab, regioun of jeues; (b) eccles. a district in Rome; (c) heaven; the realm of hell or the underworld……
22. remissiǒun n.
41 quotations in 5 senses
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(a) Release from duty or obligation; freeing of captives; Bibl. dai of remissioun, a holiday from work; yer of remissioun, a Jubilee year; also, a Sabbatical year; don (maken) remissioun, to grant……
23. renunciāciǒun n.
8 quotations in 1 sense
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The act of renouncing a right, title, etc., abdication; also, a document expressing such a renunciation; also, repudiation, disavowal; maken renunciacioun.
24. replicāciǒun n.
23 quotations in 1 sense
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(a) Answering, an answer, a verbal response, rejoinder; an argument, a protest; an argumentative statement in a debate; maken (a) replicacioun, to answer, argue; (b) law an answer to a suit; a reply……
25. resurrecciǒun n.
45 quotations in 2 senses
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(a) The Resurrection of Christ; also, the resurrection of Antichrist [quot.: Chester Pl.Antichr.]; (b) the religious festival commemorating the Resurrection; resurreccioun gilde, a guild that……
26. retracciǒun n.
3 quotations in 1 sense
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(a) The withdrawal of blood; drawing back or retraction of the tongue; (b) the repudiation of one's earlier work with admission of error, recantation.
27. reversiǒun n.
23 quotations in 4 senses
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Law: (a) The return of an estate to the grantor or his heir upon the expiration of the grant; interesse (right, etc.) of reversioun; (b) an estate created by reversion, a reversionary interest; also……
29. saǧittārī(e n.
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12 quotations in 1 sense
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(a) The constellation Sagittarius, the Archer; also, the ninth sign of the zodiac; (b) ?a centaur; ?an archer.
41. seintuārī̆(e n.
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89 quotations in 7 senses
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A holy or sacred place; a place dedicated to God; also, the dwelling place of God, heaven; also fig.; the seintuari of god.
42. septentriọ̄n(e n.
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13 quotations in 1 sense
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(a) One of the northern constellations, either Ursa Major or Ursa Minor; also, pl. the stars of one of these constellations; (b) a northerly direction, the north; also, the north wind [last quot.]……
48. significāciǒun n.
61 quotations in 4 senses
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(a) A symbol; in significacioun, as a symbol, symbolizing; (b) symbolic meaning; also, interpretation [quots.: Lydg.Pilgr.]; (c) symbolization, representation; a gret significacioun, an important……
59. spiritū̆ālitẹ̄ n.
8 quotations in 1 sense
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(a) Immateriality, purely intellectual nature; (b) piety; (c) the institution of the church; an ecclesiastical right or prerogative; (d) an ecclesiastical court; (e) pl. consecrated ground.
60. spiritū̆āltẹ̄ n.
32 quotations in 3 senses
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(a) A matter of spiritual concern, spiritual doctrine, the body of Christian teaching; palais of spiritualte, a church; (b) piety, devotion; also, a spiritual way of life; (c) the spiritual nature of……
71. strangūrī(e n.
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14 quotations in 1 sense
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A disease characterized by difficulty of urination, strangury.
78. subjecciǒun n.
67 quotations in 3 senses
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(a) Deference, homage, respect; obedience, submission; also, humility; yeven stede to subjeccioun, to yield to another's point of view, comply; (b) servitude, bondage; subservience, subjugation……
79. submissiǒun n.
16 quotations in 1 sense
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(a) Obedience, humility, submissiveness; also, self-abasement [quot. c1449]; (b) chiefly law submitting to the authority of another in providing a ruling; also, an agreement to abide by the ruling of……
80. subscripciǒun n.
6 quotations in 1 sense
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(a) A name or mark signed at the end of a document, usu. to attest to its authenticity; (b) an independent passage concluding a letter.
82. substantī̆f n.
11 quotations in 1 sense
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Gram. A word that refers to a person or thing, a noun or an adjective used substantively.
83. substaunce n.
215 quotations in 8 senses
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(a) A type or kind of thing; a thing; also, a material thing; up substaunce, above material things, spiritual, transcendent; (b) an entity possessing physical properties; -- used of the incarnate……
84. subtracciǒun n.
11 quotations in 1 sense
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(a) The taking away of something, removal; also, theft; also, deprivation; (b) the withdrawal or removal of someone from a place; (c) med. the letting of blood; (d) arith. the finding of the……
85. subversiǒun n.
27 quotations in 1 sense
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(a) Physical destruction, demolition, ruination; also fig.; also, an instance of physical destruction; a ruined condition or state [quot. c1475 Chartier]; (b) the overturning of government, a code of……
86. successiǒun n.
64 quotations in 4 senses
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(a) The fact or right of succeeding someone by inheritance in an office, a position, possession of property, etc.; bi successioun, by hereditary succession; (b) the transmission of an office, a right……
87. successǒur n.
35 quotations in 1 sense
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(a) One who comes next after and replaces another, through inheritance, election, or other legal or customary means, in an office, a position, possession of property, etc.; also, fig. a state or……
89. sufferaunce n.
102 quotations in 5 senses
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(a) The undergoing of hardship, affliction, punishment, etc.; suffering; (b) a state of affliction, hardship, or suffering; pl. trials, tribulations.
90. sufficience n.
26 quotations in 1 sense
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(a) That which suffices, all that is necessary, enough; an adequate supply of something, sufficient resources; soverain sufficience, abundance; to (unto) sufficience, sufficiently; (b) contentment……
91. suǧǧestiǒun n.
45 quotations in 3 senses
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(a) The action of prompting or urging; incitement; also, a proposal, suggestion; also [quot. c1390], a reason, motive; -- with prob. allusion to the phrase fals suggestioun in sense 2.(a); maken……
93. supplicāciǒun n.
20 quotations in 1 sense
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(a) An entreaty, earnest request, a plea; (b) a formal petition addressed to the king, an official, etc.; bulle of (bille bi wei of) supplicacioun; (c) a prayer [a few quots. may belong to (a)].
94. suppositōrī(e n.
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20 quotations in 1 sense
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Med. (a) A rectal suppository to induce defecation, eliminate abdominal gas, promote healing, etc.; (b) a vaginal suppository to reduce excessive menstrual flow or purge the uterus of unhealthy……
95. suspeciǒun n.
100 quotations in 6 senses
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(a) The act of suspecting; unverified conjecture of the existence of fault, guilt, wrongdoing, etc.; mistrust, distrust; also, unwarranted or malicious suspicion; ful of suspecioun; suspecioun of……
96. suspensiǒun n.
11 quotations in 2 senses
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(a) Dangling of the feet; also, med. traction [1st quot.]; (b) execution by hanging.
97. sustenaunce n.
87 quotations in 8 senses
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(a) That which is essential to sustain life; the necessities of life; also, the action of providing the necessities; also, a livelihood; aboven sustenaunce, in excess of what is necessary to sustain……
100. temperaunce n.
45 quotations in 5 senses
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(a) Restraint, forbearance, moderation, temperateness;— also pl.; a habit or practice of proper restraint or moderation [quot. c1475(c1450)]; (b) temperance as one of the cardinal virtues; also person……