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1. bolās n.

14 quotations in 1 sense
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(a) A wild plum (Prunus insititia), bullace; bolas fruit; bolas tre; (b) see quots.

2. calketrappe n.

19 quotations in 2 senses
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Mil. A device with sharp iron spikes set on the ground to cripple the feet of an advancing enemy; similar device used against trespassers, etc.; fig. a spiritual trap or pitfall.

3. cǒrrectāǧe n.

1 quotation in 1 sense
Sense / Definition
The transaction of business by a broker; brokerage.

4. frank(e)lein, -in, -en n.

Additional spellings: frankelein, franklin, franklen
22 quotations in 1 sense
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(a) A landowner and member of the gentry ranking immediately below the nobility; a freeman, a gentleman; franklein of toun, a free citizen, an owner of property in a town, a burgess; (b) as a personal…

5. hō̆stilē̆r n.

57 quotations in 3 senses
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The guest master or mistress in a religious house; also fig.

6. liter(e n.

Additional spellings: litere
50 quotations in 3 senses
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(a) A portable bed carried by man or beasts, a litter; hors liter [see hors n. 8. (f)]; (b) a bed; also, bedding; also fig.; bed liter [see bed n. (1) 1c.].

7. mē̆s n.(3)

32 quotations in 1 sense
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(a) A dwelling house with the adjacent outbuildings and grounds; a messuage; also, the house on such an estate; (b) mes place.

8. octāve(s n. singular & plural

Additional spellings: octaves
22 quotations in 1 sense
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(a) The eighth day following a feast day counting the day itself, an octave; octave dai; (b) the period of eight days beginning with the feast day; (c) ? = (a) or (b); (d) a period of eight days…

9. panāde n.

4 quotations in 1 sense
Sense / Definition
A long knife or dagger.

10. pentis n.

25 quotations in 1 sense
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(a) A shed or lean-to added on to a building; a projection, sloping roof, or continuation of the eaves of a building over a window, gate, wall, etc., to provide protection against the weather; pentis

11. perselī n.

57 quotations in 1 sense
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(a) One of several plants belonging to the parsley family; esp. the common or garden parsley (Petroselinum crispum); (b) wilde perseli, one of several uncultivated plants allied to common parsley…

12. peverāde n.

6 quotations in 1 sense
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A peppery sauce served with meat; peverade sauce.

13. pikeis n.

42 quotations in 1 sense
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(a) A pickax, a tool used for breaking up and digging up ground, breaking up walls, quarrying, etc. (often identified with other tools, such as a mattock, spade, hoe, etc.); also fig.; ?also, a tool…

14. polet n.

12 quotations in 1 sense
Sense / Definition
(a) A young chicken; a pullet; (b) in surnames.

15. quishin n.

52 quotations in 4 senses
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(a) A cushion, bolster, or pillow; a cushion for the arm or for sitting or kneeling on; also, a hassock or footstool; (b) quishin(es cloth, a case or cover for a cushion.

16. regrāter n.

15 quotations in 1 sense
Sense / Definition
(a) A retail merchant, retailer; (b) one who buys up goods before they come to market, a monopolist; (c) in surname.

17. relẹ̄f(e n.

Additional spellings: relefe
99 quotations in 6 senses
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(a) That which is left over or left behind, remains, remnants, residue; -- often pl.; also, a legacy, charitable bequest; also, dregs; relef of brucus, what the bruchus leaves; (b) rabble, ruins; (c)…

18. rescǒus n.

37 quotations in 1 sense
Sense / Definition
(a) Deliverance, rescue; assistance, help; also, defense; also fig.; rescous of oure lei, defense of our faith; don rescous, to render aid; maken rescous, render aid, rescue something; also, prepare…

19. reward n.

134 quotations in 3 senses
Sense / Definition
(a) Something awarded in recognition of merit, virtue, etc.; a reward, prize; (b) a payment for services, remuneration; a fee, bonus; also fig.; (c) what one deserves, just deserts; retribution…

20. riban n.

32 quotations in 1 sense
Sense / Definition
(a) Ribbon, edging material, riban frenge; (b) a ribbon; an ornamental band or border, trimming; an ornament, a necklace; ?a bracelet, an anklet; (c) = filaterie n.(d).