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1. actūā̆l, -ē̆l adj.

Additional spellings: actuel
22 quotations in 2 senses
Sense / Definition
(a) Of things, conditions, emotions, qualities: existing in fact, real; of actions: really done; (b) surg. real (as opposed to potential); actual cauterie, a cauterizing operation involving the…

2. āliēn, ālien adj.

37 quotations in 4 senses
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(a) Of nationality, domicile, or provenience: foreign (ruler, merchant, etc.); foreign (country); foreign (goods, ship, etc.); (b) of a religious establishment: granted or subject to a foreign…

3. amendāble adj.

2 quotations in 1 sense
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Theol. (a) Susceptible to betterment or salvation; (b) capable of inducing betterment or salvation.

4. appelllable adj.

1 quotation in 1 sense
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Theol. rightly so named, capable of being so designated.

5. apprōpriāble adj.

1 quotation in 1 sense
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Theol. appropriately applied, attributable.

6. cō-ordinātī̆f adj.

Additional spellings: coordinatif
1 quotation in 1 sense
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Theol. having a coordinating effect, harmonizing.

7. dampnāble adj. (& adv.)

24 quotations in 2 senses
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(a) Reprehensible, blameworthy; deserving of condemnation; (b) harmful, damaging.

8. dēd adj. as n.

41 quotations in 2 senses
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(a) A dead man, a corpse; pl. dead men, corpses, the dead; dedes office, funeral service; (b) a ghost; (c) one who has died; the ded, the deceased; dedes wille, will or desire expressed by someone who…

9. elevātī̆f adj.

1 quotation in 1 sense
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Theol. having an uplifting effect, elevating.

10. fīnāl, -all, -el adj.

Additional spellings: finall, finel
51 quotations in 3 senses
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Pertaining to the end or close of something: (a) occurring at the close or end (of life, the world); concluding, last, ultimate; (b) lasting or continuing until death; (c) finite, not eternal; (d) in

11. frẹ̄ adj.

342 quotations in 12 senses
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(a) Of a person: free in rank or condition, having the social status of a noble or a freeman, not a slave or serf; holding one's land in free tenure (i.e., a more or less permanent tenure depending…

12. grāceful adj.

3 quotations in 1 sense
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(a) Theol. Full of grace, conveying grace; (b) pleasant, sweet.

13. ideāl adj.

2 quotations in 1 sense
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Phil. & theol. Pertaining to the divine archetypes of things.

14. immesūrāble adj.

4 quotations in 1 sense
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(a) Very great; (b) theol. immense, infinite; -- also as attribute of God.

15. impassī̆ble adj.

6 quotations in 1 sense
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Theol. Exempt from illness, death, suffering; also, impassive.

16. inclīnātī̆f adj.

1 quotation in 1 sense
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Theol. having a lowering effect, condescending.

17. mẹ̄d(e)ful adj.

Additional spellings: medeful
21 quotations in 1 sense
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(a) Theol. Meritorious; -- also as noun: a deserving person; spiritually beneficial; of confession: efficacious; (b) medful for..shame, disgraceful, deserving of shame.

18. mediāt(e adj.

Additional spellings: mediate
6 quotations in 1 sense
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(a) Intermediate, median, mean; mediat doing, intermediary action, performance by an agent or instrument; lordes mediates, mesne lords; (b) theol. intercessory; of Christ: ben mediat to, ?to intercede…

19. merī̆tōrī(e adj.

Additional spellings: meritorie
43 quotations in 3 senses
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Theol. Deserving of spiritual merit or reward.

20. mī̆litaunt adj.

3 quotations in 1 sense
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Theol. Of the church: militant [see chirche 4b.].

21. ōld(e adj.

Additional spellings: olde
702 quotations in 20 senses
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(a) Of living beings: near the end of the normal span of life, advanced in age; also, of children: of an age late in childhood, pre-adolescent; (b) used disparagingly; (c) old man, a man well-advanced…

22. omniscient adj.

1 quotation in 1 sense
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Theol. omniscient; -- as attributed to God.

23. prē̆dicāble adj.

2 quotations in 1 sense
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Theol. attributable, predicable.

24. prō̆venaunt adj.

2 quotations in 1 sense
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(a) Of profits, income: produced, accruing; (b) theol. grace provenaunt, error for grace prevenient, God's grace preceding conversion or repentance.

25. rē̆stful adj.

28 quotations in 2 senses
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(a) Conducive to or characterized by rest, restful, refreshing; tranquil, peaceful; (b) enjoying peace and quiet, tranquil, at peace; (c) peaceable, nonviolent; (d) secure, safe; (e) theol. of a life…

26. sāvā̆ble adj.

8 quotations in 1 sense
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(a) Saving, protecting; (b) theol. capable of being saved; also, as noun: the savable, those who can be saved; (c) med. curable, able to be healed.

27. simple adj.

217 quotations in 12 senses
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(a) Blameless, innocent; upright; guileless, artless; (b) of the eyes:?innocent, not sinful; ?sound, healthy; -- used fig.

28. spiritū̆āl adj.

119 quotations in 8 senses
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(a) Immaterial; consisting solely of intellect, purely intellectual; (b) having the properties of the immaterial: of virtues: unbounded, infinite; of torment: intangible; (c) phil. & theol. of form…

29. substanciāl adj.

67 quotations in 6 senses
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Chiefly phil. or theol. (a) Pertaining to the very nature of a thing, essential; substancial forme, forme substancial, the principle of existence in a substance and the source of all that is essential…

30. sufficient adj.

113 quotations in 5 senses
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(a) Adequate for a purpose, enough, sufficient; of adequate number, size, strength, etc. for a certain purpose; also, appropriate [quots. 1st & ?c1425]; (b) sufficient to, adequate for (sb. or sth.)…

31. unparfī̆t adj.

43 quotations in 5 senses
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(a) Inadequate for its intended purpose, insufficient, limited in operation or action (b) flawed, defective; also, inferior in physical form; of animals, organisms: primitive, lower [sometimes…

32. unpassī̆bel adj.

1 quotation in 1 sense
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Theol. Exempt from suffering, impassible.

33. unright adj.

25 quotations in 1 sense
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(a) Contrary to moral law, immoral, sinful; indecent; not governed by virtue; theol. of a person: not acknowledged or accepted as righteous, unjustified; unright hamed, fornication; unright werk

34. vē̆niāl adj.

16 quotations in 1 sense
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(a) Theol. Of sin or a sin: minor, pardonable, not damning; (b) involving venial sin.

35. ?vē̆niā̆llī adj.

1 quotation in 1 sense
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Theol. ?Of sin: minor, pardonable; ?= venialli adv.

36. verrei adj.

334 quotations in 14 senses
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(a) Factually accurate, consistent with reality, properly representing the truth; of faith: true; also, orthodox (b) true to an original, truly representative; of an example, analogy, a dictum: apt;…

37. whīt adj.

655 quotations in 18 senses
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(a) Of a substance, structure, an object: white in color; whitish, pale-colored, light-colored; of the moon, a star: silvery-white; of a book or register: bound in a white or light-colored binding; of…