Wicked, depraved, sinful: (a) of persons, the soul; ivel man, etc.; (b) of a spirit; ivel gost, an evil spirit, a devil; the Devil; (c) of an action; ivel dede, ivel werk; (d) of speech; ivel speche,……
(a) Capable of movement; of living creatures: capable of independent motion; (b) in motion, moving, moving about; ready to move or travel, mobile, transient; (c) active, energetic; agile, dexterous……
(a) Of living beings: near the end of the normal span of life, advanced in age; also, of children: of an age late in childhood, pre-adolescent; (b) used disparagingly; (c) old man, a man well-advanced……
(a) Second of two; second, another; on other; ech other dai (yer), every second day (year), every other day (year); (b) other dai, the second day; swich (slik) on other, a second of the same kind……
(a) Guilty of the sin of Pride; haughty, arrogant; also, obstinate, rebellious; (b) proudest of pride, supremely proud; proud as lucifer; proud herte, proud heart; -- also as surname or epithet; maken……
1a. (a) Prepared, ready; (b) prepared or ready (to do sth.); (c) redi to, prepared or ready for (sb. or sth.); also, ready to perform (sth.) [quot.: a1425]; redi for (til, unto), prepared for (sth.)……
(a) Of an animal substance: in a state of decomposition or putrefaction; of a corpse or part of a dead body: putrid, rotted; of a hide: in a state of disintegration, rotten; (b) of a vegetable……
(a) Of a person: restrained in conduct; of a person's behavior: temperate, moderate; (b) of sleep, diet: moderate; of a bath: of moderate warmth; of the quality of heat in food, drink, or a bodily……
(a) Not in accord with the regular course of nature, unnatural, bizarre; of weather: unseasonable, unusual; of an act: against human nature; of an animal’s behavior or actions: uncharacteristic……
(a) Without contents, empty; also fig. and in fig. context; of a river: empty of water, etc.; of a pen: empty of ink
(b) of the stomach or part of the intestinal tract: without food, empty; of the……
(a) Of the sun, a fire: radiating a considerable degree of heat
(b) of weather, wind: characterized by pleasantly warm temperatures, mild, balmy; ?also, hot, scorching [last quot.];
(c) of a day,……
(a) Consisting of moisture, flowing, fluid, wet, liquid;—freq. used pleonastically of liquid substances: wet se (teres), reines (teres, wateres, etc.) wet
(b) full of moisture; of cheese: ?fresh;……
(a) Of a substance, structure, an object: white in color; whitish, pale-colored, light-colored; of the moon, a star: silvery-white; of a book or register: bound in a white or light-colored binding; of……
Of a person, the flesh, etc.: (a) lacking in restraint, undisciplined; unmanageable, recalcitrant; riotous, rowdy; headstrong, rash, impetuous; also, ill brought up, unruly;—used of a child; wild……
(a) Of persons or other sentient beings: insane, mentally deranged, of unsound mind, out of one’s mind; wod man, a madman; wod sik [OE wōd-sēoc], insane, mad; brain wod, out of one’s mind; waxen wod……