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1. arnement n.

16 quotations in 2 senses
Sense / Definition
(a) A black coloring matter or pigment; black ink; (b) a pigment used in glass painting; prob., ferric oxide [cp. Knowles in Antiq.50].

2. manē̆r(e n.

Additional spellings: manere
630 quotations in 16 senses
Sense / Definition
(a) A kind, sort, variety, or species; a distinct tribe, nation, or race; (b) with appositive noun: a kind of, sort of, etc.

3. pẹ̄r n.

114 quotations in 5 senses
Sense / Definition
(a) A person or thing which is equivalent or similar to another in one or more ways; a match or equal; (b) finden per, to find (someone's) equal; haven no(n per, etc.; withouten per, peerless…

4. pointe n.(1)

436 quotations in 15 senses
Sense / Definition
(a) A small dot marked on a surface; also, a punctuation mark, period; (b) a small hole; prick, puncture; the pointes of peines, ?the marks of Christ's wounds; (c) a spot of dirt; med. a round spot or…

5. remenaunt n.

131 quotations in 2 senses
Sense / Definition
(a) The rest, remaining part or quantity; the residual portion of an estate; a remaining or reserved portion; also fig.; (b) the remaining part of a story, question, text, law, etc.; a remaining…

6. rē̆sǒun n.(2)

416 quotations in 12 senses
Sense / Definition
(a) The intellectual faculty, intellectual power or capacity, reason; -- also pl.; light of resoun; (b) the exercise of the intellectual faculty, act or process of reasoning; mental processes…

7. respīt(e n.

Additional spellings: respite
62 quotations in 4 senses
Sense / Definition
(a) An extension of time for action, deliberation, etc.; a temporary postponement of an action, a decision, judgment, etc., grace period; don in respit, to postpone (sth.), put off; putten in respit

8. sclīce n.

28 quotations in 2 senses
Sense / Definition
(a) Med. A spatula for stirring and mixing compounds; also, a probe; (b) a flat cutting instrument; a forceps; (c) cook. a spatula or other flat utensil for turning bacon, etc. in a pan; also, a…

9. sect(e n.

Additional spellings: secte
74 quotations in 3 senses
Sense / Definition
(a) A class of people or things, sort, kind; (b) a species, race; (c) a bodily form, likeness; in oure sect, in our likeness, in human flesh; (d) those of a certain way of thinking or acting, esp. as…

10. significāciǒun n.

61 quotations in 4 senses
Sense / Definition
(a) A symbol; in significacioun, as a symbol, symbolizing; (b) symbolic meaning; also, interpretation [quots.: Lydg.Pilgr.]; (c) symbolization, representation; a gret significacioun, an important…

11. soverain n.

123 quotations in 6 senses
Sense / Definition
(a) One who is superior to or has power over another; an immediate master, a lord; also fig.; pl. masters; also, one's betters; ben soverain over, to be lord over (sb., oneself); (b) a husband; lord

12. sponǧe n.

41 quotations in 4 senses
Sense / Definition
(a) A piece of the elastic, absorbent, and porous spongin skeleton of various species of Porifera, a sponge; (b) the sponge as an instrument of the Passion, the sponge soaked with vinegar and gall…

13. stāt n.

346 quotations in 21 senses
Sense / Definition
(a) A moral or spiritual state or condition; stat of dampnacioun (grace, right, etc.); stat of penaunce (teres), a state of repentance; (b) a mental state, frame of mind; (c) the physical state or…

14. streit n.

38 quotations in 1 sense
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(a) A narrow pass between hills or mountains, defile; (b) a narrow or confined place, small space; ?also, a narrow path or track; (c) a narrow waterway or passage between two larger bodies of water…

15. subtracciǒun n.

11 quotations in 1 sense
Sense / Definition
(a) The taking away of something, removal; also, theft; also, deprivation; (b) the withdrawal or removal of someone from a place; (c) med. the letting of blood; (d) arith. the finding of the…

16. suppositōrī(e n.

Additional spellings: suppositorie
20 quotations in 1 sense
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Med. (a) A rectal suppository to induce defecation, eliminate abdominal gas, promote healing, etc.; (b) a vaginal suppository to reduce excessive menstrual flow or purge the uterus of unhealthy…

17. suspeciǒun n.

99 quotations in 6 senses
Sense / Definition
(a) The act of suspecting; unverified conjecture of the existence of fault, guilt, wrongdoing, etc.; mistrust, distrust; also, unwarranted or malicious suspicion; ful of suspecioun; suspecioun of

18. suspensiǒun n.

11 quotations in 2 senses
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(a) Dangling of the feet; also, med. traction [1st quot.]; (b) execution by hanging.

19. tē̆rme n.

244 quotations in 9 senses
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(a) A limit of space or capacity; withouten ani terme, limitless, bottomless;—used fig.; (b) a temporal limit, limit of a span of time; med. the limit of a period of time in which a morbid condition…

20. torment n.

75 quotations in 4 senses
Sense / Definition
(a) The systematic infliction of physical pain or an instance of it; applied torture; also, punishment; (b) a cause of physical or mental suffering, an affliction, a hardship; also, a disaster, an…

21. trespā̆s n.

82 quotations in 5 senses
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(a) Transgression or violation of civil law, a set of regulations, etc. punishable by civil authorities, officers of an organization, etc., criminal misconduct, illegal activity; wrongful behavior…

22. trēt(e n.(1)

Additional spellings: trete
13 quotations in 1 sense
Sense / Definition
(a) Med. A medicinal plaster; also, an ointment, a salve; pl. ?the mixed ingredients of a salve; (b) ?a peal or stroke of a bell; (c) in phrases: in tret, ?laid out in a line or a row; on tret, at…

23. trufle n.

46 quotations in 3 senses
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(a) Twaddle, balderdash, nonsense; also, a piece of nonsense, a ridiculous or an extravagant notion; a mendacious or misleading statement, a false claim, lie; an obvious error, a misapprehension…

24. ungle n.(1)

13 quotations in 1 sense
Sense / Definition
(a) A fingernail (b) a type of horn used in hunting; (c) med. a morbid growth on the eye; also, a disease of the conjunctiva; (d) an aromatic plant or spice; ungle pigle, a medicinal herb, prob. = pi

25. ūse n.(1)

193 quotations in 11 senses
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(a) The act of using or employing something; the fact of being used or employed; use, employment; also, the right to the use (of sth.) [last quot.]; the capacity for use (of reason) [quot. ?a1475]…

26. verdegrē̆ce n.

43 quotations in 1 sense
Sense / Definition
Any of perh. several copper compounds occurring as rust on copper or brass, or obtained by subjecting copper or brass to the action of acetic acid, in most cases prob. a basic acetate of copper…

27. vernish n.

18 quotations in 1 sense
Sense / Definition
One or more kinds of resin or gum, or such held in solution and intended for use as a decorative or protective coating on wood or other material, varnish; ?also, varnish used as a vehicle or mordant…

28. vertū n.

468 quotations in 20 senses
Sense / Definition
Physical strength, power; force, energy; also, vigor; also, stamina; vertu of bering (child-beringe), the strength to give birth.

29. vī̆sitāciǒun n.

44 quotations in 3 senses
Sense / Definition
(a) The act of visiting; the act of visiting prisoners or the sick (one of the seven works of corporal mercy); a visit; also, the act of visiting a saint’s relics [quot. ?a1475]; visitacioun of oure

30. ward(e n.

Additional spellings: warde
190 quotations in 7 senses
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(a) Keeping, care, custodial possession; safekeeping, storage; protection, preservation; maintenance; sauf ward [see also sauf adj. 6.(c)]; ward store, provisions, stores [prob. by reanalysis of warne

31. wiket n.

31 quotations in 3 senses
Sense / Definition
(a) A small door, usu. set within a larger door or gate; a small doorway; also fig.; also, an opening into a beehive [quot. ?1440]; wiket gate (b) an opening in a wall, a window [sometimes difficult…

32. wīn(e n.(2)

Additional spellings: wine
141 quotations in 6 senses
Sense / Definition
(a) An alcoholic drink, usu. made from crushed whole grapes or from grape juice; also fig. and in fig. context; couchen win, to place a stock of wine in storage; fillen the win, give (sb.) the wine…