(a) Not humid, moist, or drenched; dry; (b) of land: not flooded or submerged; also, not wet or sodden; comen (driven) to drie lond, to come (drive) ashore; (c) not moistened or soaked; mid (with)……
(a) Green, of the colour of grass; (b) of the skin or complexion: green; also, pale, colorless, livid; gul and grene, pale and grene; (c) as symbolic of inconstancy or envy; (d) grene cloth, the……
High in temperature (ranging in degree from pleasantly warm to excessively hot): (a) of sunshine, air, weather, the day, etc.: warm, balmy; also, hot, torrid; hotteste, the hottest part; of a country……
(a) Consisting of moisture, flowing, fluid, wet, liquid;—freq. used pleonastically of liquid substances: wet se (teres), reines (teres, wateres, etc.) wet
(b) full of moisture; of cheese: ?fresh;……