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1. setten v.

1640 quotations in 40 senses
Sense / Definition
(a) To make (sb.) sit, seat (sb.); also, with partitive construction: setten of..over heigh setle, fig. seat (someone's offspring) upon (his) high throne, make to rule; setten adoun (doun, up), make…

2. stō̆nden v.(1)

1464 quotations in 46 senses
Sense / Definition
(a) To assume or maintain a standing position, stand upright; stand in a place; -- also used of an idol [quot. a1480]; also, be on foot (as opposed to on horseback); (b) stonden afote, stonden on fot

3. sustẹ̄nen v.

279 quotations in 13 senses
Sense / Definition
(a) To support (sb. or sth.) physically, hold upright; bear the weight of (sb. or sth.); prevent (sb. or sth.) from falling; also fig. & in fig. context; anat. support (a part of the body), provide a…