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1. advocacīe, advō̆cātie n.
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Law (a) the activity of a professional pleader in courts of law, advocacy; (b) the advocacy performed by a prosecutor, a charge or accusation; (c) theol. intercession or advocacy on behalf of a sinner……
2. allē̆ǧea(u)nce n.(1)
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(a) Law A formal declaration or deposition; (b) the citing of authorities (esp. the Scriptures) in support of a doctrine or opinion; (c) the expression of an opinion or objection; assertion……
5. champartīe n.
17 quotations in 3 senses
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Law The practice of aiding a litigant for a share of the matter in dispute, champerty.
6. dē̆pendaunce n.
6 quotations in 2 senses
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(a) The state of being dependent; (b) law an action or fact growing out of a legal action, consequence, result.
7. dētermināciǒun n.
30 quotations in 4 senses
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Usually law (a) Disposition or settlement of a suit or dispute; decision, verdict; doom, undoing; (b) power to adjudicate, jurisdiction.
9. maundement n.
79 quotations in 3 senses
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(a) A commandment (of God, Christ, Mohammed, etc.) regulating human conduct; fixed precept or rule of conduct (contained in the law of God or a religious rule); one of the Ten Commandments; (b) coll.……
11. mortificāciǒun n.
17 quotations in 3 senses
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(a) Death; (b) renunciation of self and the world; mortificacioun of the flesh (bodi), mortificacioun of sinne, penitential asceticism.
12. nōn-obstant(e prep. & n.
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nonobstant, non-obstante, nonobstante
3 quotations in 1 sense
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(a) Notwithstanding, in spite of; (b) law clause of non-obstant, a clause used in statutes and letters patent in which the king authorized an action contrary to established law.
13. orī̆ǧinā̆l(e n.
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36 quotations in 1 sense
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(a) Origin, source; ancestry of a person; a source of a river; also fig.; haven original of (in), to originate in (sth.); taken original of (from), arise from (sth.); originate in (a place); of a……
15. prē̆mis(se n.
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35 quotations in 3 senses
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Pl. (a) Aforesaid matters, previously stated points; (b) preliminary plans, preparations; premis of the welcominge, preparations for the welcome.
16. prēscripciǒun n.
13 quotations in 1 sense
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(a) Law Title or right acquired by virtue of uninterrupted possession or use for a period of time sufficient, according to law, to establish such claim; (b) sentence of exile, proscription [error for……
17. prē̆sentāciǒun n.
24 quotations in 1 sense
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(a) The formal act or ceremony of dedicating an infant or a young child to God or to a pagan deity; also, the Christian Feast of the Presentation, Candlemas; (b) the formal induction of an elected……
25. transcript n.
7 quotations in 1 sense
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Chiefly law A copy of a document, transcript; also [quot. 1472-5], ?an escheat; ?a written promise to pay.