(a) The condition of dwelling somewhere; dwelling place; also, eccl. of a clergyman: the fact of being in residence where his duties are performed; holden (kepen) residence, to dwell, reside, live……
A loose-fitting overgarment, usu. of white linen and with wide sleeves, a surplice: (a) eccl. a vestment worn by a priest or other ecclesiastic (a clerk, canon, etc.), usu. for liturgical use; also……
(a) A small, portable writing tablet made of a durable material, often covered with wax in which the characters are incised; also, a stone or metal tablet bearing an inscription; also, one of the……
(a) A piece of cloth used to wipe something dry; washinge touail, a piece of cloth for wiping or cleansing something [see also washing(e ger. 2.]; (b) a cloth of the length of a table, chiefly for……
(a) Eccl. A vestment similar to, or sometimes identical with, the dalmatic or the alb specifically assigned to the subdeacon assisting at the Mass; vestement of tunicle; (b) a regal or ceremonial……