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2. cǒmplī̆n(e n.
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31 quotations in 3 senses
Sense / Definition
Eccl. (a) The last of the seven daily services or 'hours' (following even-song vespers) observed by monastics and priests of the Roman Church; complin; houre of complin; don complin, saien complin,……
3. dētermināciǒun n.
30 quotations in 4 senses
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Usually law (a) Disposition or settlement of a suit or dispute; decision, verdict; doom, undoing; (b) power to adjudicate, jurisdiction.
10. prē̆sentāciǒun n.
24 quotations in 1 sense
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(a) The formal act or ceremony of dedicating an infant or a young child to God or to a pagan deity; also, the Christian Feast of the Presentation, Candlemas; (b) the formal induction of an elected……
15. subchauntres n.
1 quotation in 1 sense
Sense / Definition
Eccl. A nun who assists the precentor of a convent.