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1. lọ̄ken v.(2)

807 quotations in 33 senses
Sense / Definition
To use the eyes for seeing, engage the sense of vision, direct or fix the sight; take a look, look about, look; glance, peer, gaze, stare; loken and sen.

2. stō̆nden v.(1)

1464 quotations in 46 senses
Sense / Definition
(a) To assume or maintain a standing position, stand upright; stand in a place; -- also used of an idol [quot. a1480]; also, be on foot (as opposed to on horseback); (b) stonden afote, stonden on fot

3. upstīen v.

21 quotations in 3 senses
Sense / Definition
(a) To rise upward; also, ?raise (one’s body to a high place), propel upward [1st quot.]; of hills: rise up from the plain, be raised up (b) of Christ, a soul: to ascend into heaven; rise up (to or…

4. werken v.(1)

617 quotations in 19 senses
Sense / Definition
(a) To act, behave, proceed; act (in a specified way), proceed (on the basis of sth., according to sth.), act (so as to do sth.), do (as one should, as sb. enjoins, according to sth., etc.); werken