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1. īren n.

229 quotations in 9 senses
Sense / Definition
(a) Iron, as ore, metal, or commodity; of iren, made of iron or consisting of iron parts; (b) a piece of iron; things made of iron; (c) filinge (limature) of iren, iron filings; filth (rust) of iren

2. soul(e n.

Additional spellings: soule
672 quotations in 16 senses
Sense / Definition
The spiritual and rational element in man, the Christian soul, understood: (a) to animate and control the body; (b) to have an eternal destiny as a moral agent; also person.; cure of soule(s

3. suster n.

191 quotations in 8 senses
Sense / Definition
(a) A female sibling, a sister or half-sister; suster quene, a sister who is a queen; seinte petres suster, ?a personification of the White Paternoster; trusten to suster no brother, to trust no one…

4. tāken v.

3094 quotations in 85 senses
Sense / Definition
(a) To grip, take hold; taken to, clutch at (sb.), hold tight to; also, grasp [transl. of L adprehendere]; (b) to take hold of (sb. or sth.), grasp with the hand(s, grab; pick (sb. or sth.) up, lift…