Middle English Dictionary Entry
contenten v.
Entry Info
Forms | contenten v. Ppl. content, contented. |
Etymology | ML contentāre & OF contenter (formed on L ppl. contentum). |
Definitions (Senses and Subsenses)
To rest satisfied or put up (with one's lot, a particular state of affairs, etc.); ben content with litel; -- (a) refl.; (b) ben content(ed.
Associated quotations
- (1426) Proc.Privy C.3.184 : He is agreed..to content him [of] suche nomber as shal be þought..resonable for his estat.
- (1427) RParl.4.327a : We Lordes..pray, exhorte and require you to contente you with the pouoir abovesaid..of the wich my Lord youre Broyer of Bedford..contented him.
- a1475(1450) Scrope DSP (Bod 943)84/14 : The worlde farithe as fire wele kyndelid, of whiche a litille is good to shewe light to content [vr. conduit] him with.
- a1500(1413) *Pilgr.Soul (Eg 615)5.22.101b : Ful der haue I bowt you, and yit I holde me contente fully of my iourney.
- c1425(a1420) Lydg.TB (Aug A.4)1.1891 : Þei be nat content with vnite: Þei pursue ay for pluralite.
- a1425(?a1400) RRose (Htrn 409)5628 : He wole be Content with his poverte, Withoute nede of ony man.
- c1460(a1449) Lydg.Consulo (Hrl 2255)65 : Be paied with litel, content with suffisaunce.
- a1450(1412) Hoccl.RP (Hrl 4866)3865 : With litel food content is nature.
- (c1454) Pecock Fol.(Roy 17.D.9)5/17 : If he haue not..so greet leiser to reede and leerne, but þat he wolde be contentid with knowyng of moral vertues oonli.
- a1475 Heart & Eye(3) (Lngl 258)305 : Asmuche as is in me, I am contente.
- c1475(c1445) Pecock Donet (Bod 916)25/13 : Crist..was contentid wiþ ij tablis..seynt poule..was content wiþ oon table.
- c1475(a1449) Lydg.Guy (LdMisc 683)197 : Content with lytel..In wordly pompe, he lyst not to soiourne.
- a1500 Imit.Chr.(Dub 678)38/15 : Than also he is wel content of euery chaunce, þan he wol not be glad for no gret þinge.
- c1500(?a1475) Ass.Gods (Trin-C R.3.19)844 : Content & Plesyd with Pyteous Pouerte.
(a) To satisfy (sb.); (b) ben content(ed, to be satisfied; wel content(ed; content of (sth. or sb.); plesed and ~; (c) ben content, to be pleased or gratified.
Associated quotations
- ?c1425 *Chauliac(2) (Paris angl.25)53a/b : Be he content i. apayde wiþ sutil metes.
- ?a1475 Ludus C.(Vsp D.8)80/240 : I am..sent With Aungelys mete Ffor ȝour Sustentacion..Eche day þer with ȝe xal be content.
- (a1438) MKempe A (Add 61823)57/11 : The preste, hauyng confidens in hys promysse, was wel content.
- (1450) RParl.5.176b : Myne excusations..shall be so open and soo playn, that I trust youre Highnesse and youre lande shull be content of me.
- ?c1450 Knt.Tour-L.(Hrl 1764)46/15 : He helde hym content, and thanked God of that miracle.
- (a1460) DSPhilos.(Helm)289/31 : The wyse men bene not contente of the profyte that falleth oonely to hem.
- (1461) RParl.5.476b : With the which..his Highnes was agreed, wele contented, and pleased, yevyng his good and gracious assent to the same.
- (1463) Will Bury in Camd.4920 : I require..that they reward so the seid John Elys for his labour, that he be plesid and content.
- a1475 Heart & Eye(3) (Lngl 258)120 : Offering thair hertes with hole entent..So muche that loue shulde be therewt content.
- c1475 Court Sap.(Trin-C R.3.21)884 : Suster, be ye not yet content?
- a1500(a1450) Gener.(2) (Trin-C O.5.2)541 : Here is noman content of thii seruice.
- a1500(?c1450) Merlin (Cmb Ff.3.11)85 : 'Will ye ther-to agreen to the acorde?'..'Ye, yef the duchesse and her frendes be contente.'
- a1500 Imit.Chr.(Dub 678)43/5 : He þat can not be content but is mevid, he is shaken wiþ many suspecions.
- (a1460) DSPhilos.(Helm)139/28 : Yf a man vnderstonde with good herte what odir seyne, it is lyke as he were contente with the same wordes.
- a1500(a1450) Gener.(2) (Trin-C O.5.2)1037 : The kyng was wele contente of his comyng.
- a1500(?a1450) GRom.(Hrl 7333)258 : Alle thei wer contente of this mariage.
(a) To compensate or pay (sb.); (b) to compensate or pay (sb. in a certain amount, by way of a tax, by way of settling a debt, etc.); -- with pers. obj. & of phrase.
Associated quotations
- (1418) Proc.Privy C.2.240 : That he be contented and agreed in the best wyse [for service].
- (1433) RParl.4.439a : Hit woll not atteine to contente half thoo Persones that shewen Warantes.
- (1440) *Plea & Mem.R.Lond.GildhA 66.2b : Þat euery man of þe ffelichep..shall pay, for to content þe forsaid Thomas Broun, the some of iiij li.
- (a1464) Capgr.Chron.(Cmb Gg.4.12)223 : Thei had deceyved the King in certyn merchaundise. Than were thei put in the Tour onto the tyme that thei content the Kyng even aftir his pleasauns.
- (?1480) Let.Cely (PRO 53/128)p.86 (97/9) : I pray yow let hym be payd ffor them, and at yowr comyng to Cales ye shall be content, wyth Goddys grace.
- a1500(a1400) Cleges (Adv 19.1.11)395 : He þat browȝt me þis present, Full will i schall hym content.
- (1429) RParl.4.359a : Customes and subsidies, that shuld amounte to notable sommes to your encrese, if yee yerof were duely answerd and content.
- (1436) RParl.4.500a : That it shall be leffull for every man to shippe..Cornes and Greynes oute of this Roialme..the Kyng ever content of his Custumez and Duitez.
- (1440) *Plea & Mem.R.Lond.GildhA 66.2b : If þat þe forsaid Broun be content and ful paid of hys some be hynde.
- (1447) Doc.in Morsbach Origurk.41 : The sayd Sampson schall be contente and payed of thre skore pounde.
- (1449) RParl.5.159a : That the said John Bury be paied and contented of the said xii d. by the day.
- (1472) RParl.6.49b : Till..they..be contented or aggreed of asmuche as [etc.].
- (1472) RParl.6.64b : That the Shirreff..yerely may content thaym of the ferme or summes conteyned in youre Patentes.
- (1475) RParl.6.124a : Unto they of the same Rent..be fully satisfied and content.
- -?-(1435) Doc.in Power Craft Surg.311 : If ony of the seid craft do the contrarie, that ech sich doere contente the owner of the cure to the valu of al the cure.
(a) To pay off (a debt), satisfy or meet (an obligation), pay (a tax or subsidy); expend or pay (a certain amount); pay (expenses); -- also with to, unto phrase of the recipient; (b) to pay (sth. to sb.); -- with two objects.
Associated quotations
- (1429) RParl.4.360b : That no manere Englisshman ne selle..to no Merchaunt straungier no manere Merchandises, but oonly for redy money..to be paied and content in hande.
- (1433) EEWills94/19 : Thet the seyd dettes be contented & payed to the seyd chirche werkes.
- (1443) Proc.Privy C.5.300 : Þat all suche assignementes..and specially for monneye borowed..may be content.
- (1454) EEWills132/11 : Reparacions..dwe to the seyde Cathedral Chirche of seynt powle truly to be content.
- (1458-60) Acc.St.Andrew Hubbard in BMag.31248 : Paied to Granger, to Content the bying of a torche, xvii d.
- (1461-2) *Plea & Mem.R.Lond.GildhA 86.m.7 : My Maister Brandon..desires no more but for to haue the same money content that he payed.
- (?1461) Paston4.21 : I besech your help in all thes, and I xal content the costs.
- (?1472) RParl.6.155b : That all Custume and Subsidies..be paied and contented unto the same Collectours.
- (1473) RParl.6.55a : The same sommes of money..to be applied, content and paied yerely..uppon the payment of the said wages.
- (1474) RParl.6.101b : Sommes of money..to be applied, content and paide yerely.
- c1475(?c1451) Worcester Bk.Noblesse (Roy 18.B.22)72 : That suche paymentis be made content bethout delaie.
- (1446) Papers Trevelyan in Camd.6727 : To pay and content the seid Henry Grey..the some of vc mark.