Middle English Dictionary Entry
yẹ̄ld n.
Entry Info
Forms | yẹ̄ld n. Also yelde, ȝeld(e, ȝilde, geld(e, gild(e, gheld, (in comb.) -elde, (N) yeild, ȝeilde, eild & (early) ȝielde, geold & (in place names) yilde-, yhilde-, gel-, gehel-, gil-, gald-, jel-, jolde-, il(d(e)-, hil(de)-, idel-, celle-, coll-, chel- & (?error) ȝele; pl. (early) ȝeldes, geoldes, gæildes. |
Etymology | OE gild, gyld, gield, geld; also cp. ON (cp. OI gildi & gjald), AL geldum, & (for sense 2.) ME yẹ̄lden v. |
Definitions (Senses and Subsenses)
Note: Cp. gild(e n., onyeld n.
(a) Tax; a tax, an exaction; also, a royal land tax; also, a sum paid in tax; dane ~ [see dane-geld n.];
(b) a customary rent or payment; ?also, quittance or exemption from the obligation to pay customary rents or taxes [1st 2 quots.];
(c) in names of specific customary rents or taxes: baxter ~, a fee paid by bakers; breuster ~, a fee paid by brewers; busshel ~, a fee equivalent in value to a bushel of produce; horne ~, noutegeld, q.v.; shir-reve(s ~ [see shir-reve n. (d)]; windoue ~, a tax or rent possibly based on the number of windows a building possessed; wrong ~, a customary rent perh. paid in or in lieu of timber for shipbuilding;
(d) tribute; a sum paid in tribute; also, the act of offering sacrifice to a deity; deofel-ȝyld, q.v.;
(e) ?authority, dominion.
Associated quotations
- a1121 Peterb.Chron.(LdMisc 636)an.675 : Ic bebeode…þet…nan man ne haue nan onsting, ne gafle, ne geold, ne feording.
- a1126 Peterb.Chron.(LdMisc 636)an.1124 : Se man þe æni god heafde, him me hit be ræfode mid strange geoldes.
- ?a1160 Peterb.Chron.(LdMisc 636)an.1137 : Hi læiden gæildes on the tunes æure um wile & clepeden it tenserie.
- c1175 Orm.(Jun 1)10170 : Þeȝȝ haffdenn wikenn off þe king To sammnenn hise ȝeldess.
- (1272) Cart.Ramsey in RS 79.353 : Ipse et omnes homines sint quieti ab omni collectione census, quae geld vel schot’ Anglice nominatur.
- (1330) Cart.Ramsey in RS 79.392 : Abbas de Rameseye…clamat…esse quietus de geld’, schot, et danegeld.
- a1400(a1325) Cursor (Vsp A.3)11198 : A baili tok þis werc on hand…þat did mens names for to writte þat aght þis eild [Ld: yeld; Göt: ȝeilde] al for to quitte.
- a1400(a1325) Cursor (Vsp A.3)27831 : O couaitise…cums…Strenth, þat lauerding agh to meild, Þat o þair men tas wrangwis yeild.
- a1475 Godstow Reg.(Rwl B.408)653/31,33 : Moolde…comaunded…that the…chirche…hold…tho londes…quyetly and fre fro shire, hundred, and gelde, and danegelde, and pleys and helpis…and all gelde.
- a1475 Godstow Reg.(Rwl B.408)665/4 : The forsaid abbesse…sholde have and holde…vtterly quyte fro shires and hundredis, pleis and playntis, helpys…yelde and danegelde.
- a1275 Legal Gloss.Rothley127 : Gild: Hoc est quietus de consuetudinibus servilibus que quondam dare consueverint sicuti Hornchild et hiis similibus.
- a1315 Legal Gloss.Glb.(Glb E.4)207 : Gheld: Estre quite de rente paier et tenir en franche aumone; Danegeld: Estre quite de tribut des Roys de Denemarche.
- a1475 Godstow Reg.(Rwl B.408)318/24,31 : William…holdith of the lady j mese and j yerd of bonde-lond, and yeldith by yere v shillings at iiij termes in even porcions; and for the yelde, iij shillings iiij d. at the fest of seynt Martyn…Nicholas Iordan…paid…for the yeld, xx d.
- (1340) Pat.R.Edw.III137 : Rex confirmavit relaxacionem Thomae Comitis Norff[olk] concessam tenentibus suis…manerij de Lopham…de quodam tallagio vocato Wrongelde [vr. le Wrongeyeld].
- (1348) Inquis.PM Edw.III9.44 : [The manor…including a ruinous castle, a plot of pasture…a custom called] Buchellyeld [and] Wyndoweyeld…[a custom called] Baxtereyeld [levied on all bakers of the said town, and another custom called] Breustereyeld [levied on all the brewers].
- (1364) Doc.Beverley in Seld.Soc.144 : Si aliquis communitatis reprobet affiratores de Brewestergild pro affiracione ejusdem, [etc.].
- c1225(?c1200) St.Kath.(1) (Bod 34)12/75 : Walde wel bicume þe…þis ilke ȝeld þet tu dest to deouelen…ȝef þu hit ȝulde ant ȝeue to his wurðemunt þe scheop þe.
- c1275(?a1200) Lay.Brut (Clg A.9)2388 : Ælcche ȝere him senden þreo þusund punden; her-to him wolden finden ȝisel of his gilde.
- c1275(?a1200) Lay.Brut (Clg A.9)3584,3586 : Romleode…sette ȝeld a þisse londe…þe næuer eær…ne dursten hider liðen axien king of þissen londe þat he ȝefue ȝeld in-to Rome.
- c1400(?a1300) KAlex.(LdMisc 622)2951 : Philipp þi fader asked swiche ȝelde [LinI: ȝilde].
- a1425 KAlex.(LinI 150)2941 : Ȝef þow wold aske suche aȝeld, Com and haue hit in þe feild.
- a1400 Cursor (Göt Theol 107)907 : Þu womman…þu sal be vnder mannes ȝeilde [Trin-C: hest], Til him þi buxumnes to ȝelde.
(a) Agricultural yield; also, something obtained as a result of some action;
(b) ?profit, benefit; ?= sele n.(1).
Associated quotations
- (?1440) Palladius (DukeH d.2)1.216 : Hillis yeld [L Frumentum collis] is Wel gretter grayn and fewer then in feeld is.
- a1450 Rolle MPass.(2) (BodeMus 232)35/277 : Swete Jhesu, þi body is like to a honycombe…ful of hony, so þat hit may nat be touched without yeld [Upps: ȝelding] of swetnesse.
- 1790(1471-1472) Ordin.Househ.Edw.IV(2) (Topham)69 : In some yeres, or in sundrye countreys, thynne wheete or thycke husked or bettyr and heavyer of yelde.
- c1450(a1425) MOTest.(SeldSup 52)1514 : He to sowke so had be gun, The lady bad no bettur ȝele [?read: ȝeld; vr. dele].
- c1450(a1425) MOTest.(SeldSup 52)15835 : Salt þe fysche þan for þi ȝele [vr. sele].
(a) Reward, requital, recompense; compensatory payment; also, repayment; wer-geld, wer-geld-thef, q.v.;
(b) money paid out as charity.
Associated quotations
- a1225(?c1175) PMor.(Lamb 487)45 : Þer ne þerf he bon of-dred of fure ne of þoue…þer ne þerf he habben kare of ȝefe ne of ȝelde [Dgb: ȝielde].
- c1225(?c1200) St.Juliana (Bod 34)67/729 : Ȝe schulen…reopen ripe of þet sed þet ȝe her seowen, þet is underuo ȝeld of wa oðer of wunne efter ower werkes.
- c1230(?a1200) Ancr.(Corp-C 402)191/27 : Þe þolemode þolie bitter ane hwile, he schal sone þrefter habben ȝeld of blisse.
- a1250 Ancr.(Nero A.14)25/27-8 : Heo…schal…ȝelden þe bestes lure hwon heo naueð oþer ȝeld buten hire suluen: strong ȝeld is her mid alle.
- c1350(a1333) Shoreham Poems (Add 17376)111/358 : Coueytyse hys…by herte senne, Ȝet boute scheutþ [?read: schewþ] hy To mochel amang mankenne…Þorȝ ȝeskynge efter gode, Þorȝ borȝ and ȝemer ȝelde, [etc.].
- 1389 Nrf.Gild Ret.122 : If any brother or sistre falle at meschief, he sal hauen gilde, houereday a farthyng, and on sunday a halpeny.
In possible place names [see Smith PNElem.1.200-201].
Associated quotations
- (1166) EPNSoc.12 (Ess.) ()468 : Geldham.
- (1198) in Wallenberg PNKent ()231 : De Hildestede.
- (1200) EPNSoc.12 (Ess.)468 : Chelham, Celleham.
- (1203) EPNSoc.12 (Ess.)468 : Gelham.
- (1233) in Wallenberg PNKent ()231 : De Hilstede.
- (1241) in Wallenberg PNKent ()231 : Yhildested.
- (1243) EPNSoc.12 (Ess.) ()468 : Gilham.
- (1248) EPNSoc.12 (Ess.)468 : Galdham.
- (1254) in Wallenberg PNKent231 : Yildestede, de Ildestede.
- (1285) EPNSoc.12 (Ess.)468 : Collam, Joldeham.
- (1288) EPNSoc.12 (Ess.)468 : Yldham.
- (1291) EPNSoc.12 (Ess.)468 : Gehelham.
- (1292) in Wallenberg PNKent231 : Idelstede.
- (1372) EPNSoc.12 (Ess.) ()468 : Jelham.
- (1457) in Wallenberg PNKent ()231 : Ylstede.