Middle English Dictionary Entry

yẹ̄ld n.
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Definitions (Senses and Subsenses)

Note: Cp. gild(e n., onyeld n.
(a) Tax; a tax, an exaction; also, a royal land tax; also, a sum paid in tax; dane ~ [see dane-geld n.]; (b) a customary rent or payment; ?also, quittance or exemption from the obligation to pay customary rents or taxes [1st 2 quots.]; (c) in names of specific customary rents or taxes: baxter ~, a fee paid by bakers; breuster ~, a fee paid by brewers; busshel ~, a fee equivalent in value to a bushel of produce; horne ~, noutegeld, q.v.; shir-reve(s ~ [see shir-reve n. (d)]; windoue ~, a tax or rent possibly based on the number of windows a building possessed; wrong ~, a customary rent perh. paid in or in lieu of timber for shipbuilding; (d) tribute; a sum paid in tribute; also, the act of offering sacrifice to a deity; deofel-ȝyld, q.v.; (e) ?authority, dominion.
(a) Agricultural yield; also, something obtained as a result of some action; (b) ?profit, benefit; ?= sele n.(1).
(a) Reward, requital, recompense; compensatory payment; also, repayment; wer-geld, wer-geld-thef, q.v.; (b) money paid out as charity.
In possible place names [see Smith PNElem.1.200-201].