Middle English Dictionary Entry
wọ̄d(e adj.
Entry Info
Forms | wọ̄d(e adj. Also wodde, woed, woide, woud, vode, (N) wude & (early) woð, wud, (gen.) wodes & (error) wond; pl. (early infl.) woden, wodan; comp. woder(e, etc. & wodore, (early) woddre. |
Etymology | OE wōd adj.; form in -ð perh. influenced by ME ọ̄th adj. (or its source). |
Definitions (Senses and Subsenses)
Note: Cp. wed(e adj.
(a) Of persons or other sentient beings: insane, mentally deranged, of unsound mind, out of one’s mind; ~ man, a madman; ~ sik [OE wōd-sēoc], insane, mad; brain ~, out of one’s mind; waxen ~ from, to become mad because of (sth.), be made mad by;
(b) in adv. phrases of comparison denoting a manner similar in some respect to that of a lunatic: as a ~ man, as he (she, thei, etc.) were ~, etc.; as he had ben wilde ~; lik half a ~ man, like a man half mad;
(c) in phrases with adv. qualifiers, the phrase as a whole denoting a state of agitation tantamount to lunacy: forneh ~, half ~, wel) neigh ~, werse (more) than ~, etc.;
(d) in hyperbolic rhetorical questions;
(e) as noun: those who are insane, the mad;
(f) of a substance, a topographical feature: inducing madness;
(g) in proverbs and prov. expressions.
Associated quotations
- a1150(OE) Vsp.D.Hom.(Vsp D.14)54/15 : Se Hælend…woden [OE wodum] mannen gewit forgeaf.
- a1150(?OE) Vsp.D.Hom.(Vsp D.14)23/9 : Deoflen he aflegde of wodsican mannen.
- c1175 Orm.(Jun 1)15506 : He draf ut off wode menn Defless.
- c1230(?a1200) Ancr.(Corp-C 402)52/28 : Þah ich schule wurðe wod, ne schalt tu neauer mare witen hu me stonde.
- a1275 Judas (Trin-C B.14.39)18 : Þe iewes out of iurselem awenden he were wode.
- a1325(?c1300) NPass.(Cmb Gg.1.1)895 : Þou hast…Wodmen madest hole.
- c1325(c1300) Glo.Chron.A (Clg A.11)1542 : Þe luþer man nero…bicom sone þer after pur gidy & wod.
- a1375(1335-1361) WPal.(KC 13)554 : Ȝif I told him treuli my tene…He wold wene I were wod.
- (a1382) WBible(1) (Bod 959)Jer.25.16 : Þei shul drinken & ben disturbid & waxe wod [L insanient] fro þe face of þe swerd þat I shal sende among hem.
- (c1384) WBible(1) (Dc 369(2))Deeds 12.15 : Thou maddist, or art wood.
- (a1387) Trev.Higd.(StJ-C H.1)4.149 : Lucrecius þe poete…worþe wood [Higd.(2): was distracte; L in furorem versus]…and slowȝ hym self wiþ his owne hond.
- a1400(c1303) Mannyng HS (Hrl 1701)1698 : Men shul nat [vr. nat wedde] for any gode Man or womman þat ys wode.
- ?a1400(a1338) Mannyng Chron.Pt.2 (Petyt 511)p.336 : In to þe forest he ȝede naked & wode, Als a wilde beste ete of þe gres.
- a1425(?c1350) Ywain (Glb E.9)1756 : If a man be braynwode And he war anes anoynt with yt, Smertly sold he have his wit.
- ?a1425 WBible(2) Gloss.Lev.(Cld E.2)20.27 : This is not vndurstondun of wode men in which the wickid spirit spekith with out her procuryng, but of hem that procuren that the deuel speke in hem.
- ?a1450 Agnus Castus (Stockh 10.90)121/4 : Chyldre schulde noȝt ete of þis herbe but ȝyf þei were mad or wood or in þe fallynge euele.
- c1450 Trin-C.LEDict.(Trin-C O.5.4)595/25 : Meger: wode sek.
- ?c1450 Stockh.PRecipes (Stockh 10.90)73/5 : For a wood man: Do þe man þat is frentyk etyn of an owle þat howtetz.
- c1475 Chartier Quad.(1) (UC 85)211/2 : Thou resemblest him that sekith reson amonge the mad and woode men.
- ?c1475 *Cath.Angl.(Add 15562)141b : Wode…Astralis, Astrosus…demens, demoniacus, euarguminus…freniticus…insanus…lunaticus.
- a1500(c1340) Rolle Psalter (UC 64)2.5 : He sparis namare than a woed man dos.
- a1500(c1410) Dives & P.(Htrn 270)2.218 : Dauyd…fenyyd hym to ben wood so to sauyn his lyf.
- a1500 Chartier Quad.(2) (Rwl A.338)210/2 : Thou mast be likenid to hym that sechith reason amongst woodmen.
- a1475 Sidrak & B.(Lnsd 793)3586 : Wheþir it man or beest be, It shal become woode.
- c1225(?c1200) St.Kath.(1) (Roy 17.A.27)71/629 : Þe keiser kaste his heauet, as wod mon, owreððe ant, berninde as he wes of grome & of teone, bed bringen obrune an ad amidden þe burh.
- c1275(?a1200) Lay.Brut (Clg A.9)10027 : Colgrim and al his ferde…tuȝen ouer þat water alse heo wode weoren.
- a1300 Bestiary (Arun 292)250 : Ofte we brennen in mod & wurden so we weren wod.
- a1325(?c1300) NPass.(Cmb Gg.1.1)452 : Þei blewen so þei weren wode.
- (1340) Ayenb.(Arun 57)140/24 : Hi lheapeþ ase wode.
- (c1390) Chaucer CT.Mil.(Manly-Rickert)A.3814 : As he were wood for wo he gan to crye.
- (a1393) Gower CA (Frf 3)5.3912 : The fader as a wod man lepte.
- c1400(?a1300) KAlex.(LdMisc 622)2288 : Negussar fauȝth as he were wood.
- a1425 Mannyng HS (Bod 415)10212 : Some were as rede as blode, Staryng ryght as þey had be wode.
- a1425 St.Alex.(2) (LdMisc 463)71/531 : She…to-tar hire lokkes hore, As she were woed.
- ?a1425 Orch.Syon (Hrl 3432)235/33 : Þei walken as wode men.
- c1440 PLAlex.(Thrn)89/33 : He ranne apon hir romyandd as he hadd bene wodd.
- ?c1450 Knt.Tour-L.(Hrl 1764)41/4 : All they that iangeled beganne to crye lyke wode folke oute of her mynde.
- ?c1450 Trivet Constance (Harv Eng.938)234 : He skypped aboute the house as a woodman.
- (a1470) Malory Wks.(Win-C)498/21 : Sir Trystramys toke his way with the swerde in hys honde, rennynge as he had bene wyld woode.
- a1500(?a1400) Firumb.(2) (Fil)1291 : He went, an hax in hys hond as a man that were wood.
- a1500(?a1475) Guy(4) (Cmb Ff.2.38)258 : A colde blode…makyþ me to qwake as y were wode.
- c1500(?a1475) Ass.Gods (Trin-C R.3.19)1314 : He…ran to the palyse as he had be wood.
- c1600(c1350) Alex.Maced.(Grv 60)914 : Hee went as a woode man his wrath too avenge.
- c1225(?c1200) St.Marg.(1) (Bod 34)18/18 : He se wrað þet for-neh wod he walde iwurðen.
- c1300 SLeg.Becket (Hrl 2277)p.99 : For wraththe he was neȝ wod.
- c1325(c1300) Glo.Chron.A (Clg A.11)3840 : He was ney uor wraþþe wod.
- c1330(?c1300) Guy(1) (Auch)508 : For hete he brend nere wode.
- a1375(1335-1361) WPal.(KC 13)2074 : Þemperour…wax ney wod of his witte.
- a1400(c1303) Mannyng HS (Hrl 1701)12477 : Y wulde holde hym more þan wode Þat cheseþ þe wykked and leueþ þe gode.
- a1400(a1325) Cursor (Vsp A.3)14667 : Littel wanted þat þam war wode.
- a1425(?a1350) Nicod.(1) (Glb E.9)537 : For wroth þai wex nere wode.
- a1450 Parton.(1) (UC C.188)3212 : Me thinketh he were than worse then woode.
- c1450 Inf.Chr.(Add 31042)133 : Froudeus was wrothe thane & nerehande wode.
- c1460(?c1400) Beryn (Nthld 55)1957 : Outward gan he stert Like half a wood man.
- c1475(1392) *MS Wel.564 (Wel 564)52a/b : He is disseyuable & half wood.
- a1500(c1477) Norton OAlch.(Add 10302)679 : Then he was angrye & welnere woode, For he hadde wastyde a-way his goode.
- a1475 Sidrak & B.(Lnsd 793)147 : Þe king was welny wood.
- ?a1525(?a1475) Play Sacr.(Dub 652)676 : I am so aferd I am nere woode.
- a1400(a1325) Cursor (Vsp A.3)7293 : Quat, er yee wodde? Ha yee noght now a king ful gode?
- a1425(?c1350) Ywain (Glb E.9)484 : Sir Kay, ertow wode? What þe devyl es þe withyn?
- a1450 In þe vale (Sln 2593)p.230 : Quat eylyt the, Adam? Art thou wod?
- a1500(?a1400) Torrent (Chet 8009)642 : What…art thow wood?
- a1225(OE) Vsp.A.Hom.Init.Creat.(Vsp A.22)229 : Deofel seocun and wodan [OE wodum] h[e] ȝeaf ȝewitt.
- (1340) Ayenb.(Arun 57)56/26 : At cherche kan god…yelde þe wyttes of þe wode.
- ?c1450 Nicod.(1) (Sion Arc.L.40.2/E.25)43 : Wirkes he wonder werkes Inoghe, Heles alle þat askes helynge…Wilde and wode to his bydynge gun bowe, And alle thurgh his fals charmynge.
- (a1387) Trev.Higd.(StJ-C H.1)1.197 : In þat lond is a lake wonderful and wood [L furialis].
- (a1398) Trev.Barth.(Add 27944:Seymour)977/6 : Þis herbe [henbane] hatte ‘insana’, ‘wood’, for þe vse þerof is perilous, for if it is y-ete…he bredeþ woodnesse.
- a1250(?c1150) Prov.Alf.(Mdst A.13)102/281 : Wur-þu nefre so wod…þat efre seiȝe þu þi wif al þat is ille.
- c1275(?c1250) Owl & N.(Clg A.9)1385 : Heo beoþ wode Þe bute nest goþ to brode.
- (a1393) Gower CA (Frf 3)6.553 : Men sein ther is non evidence Wherof to knowe a difference Betwen the drunken and the wode.
- (c1395) Chaucer CT.WB.(Manly-Rickert)D.232 : A wys wyf…Shal beren hym on hond the cow is wood.
- a1450(?c1421) Lydg.ST (Arun 119)3663 : Hard it is, whan a Iuge is wood, To tret aforn hym with-out loos of blood.
- a1425(c1385) Chaucer TC (Benson-Robinson)2.1554 : Swich a nede was to preye hym thenne, As for to bidde a wood man for to renne.
- a1425(a1400) PConsc.(Glb E.9 & Hrl 4196)99 : Þat man may be halden wode Þat cheses þe ille and leves þe gude.
- a1450 Myne awen dere sone (Vsp D.13)890 : A dronken man, I tell þe this, Till a wode man likenyd is.
- a1500(a1450) Parton.(1) (Add 35288)10282 : I haue bore you on honde þe cowe was wode.
Of a person, an animal: rabid; also, of an animal’s mouth: displaying signs of rabies, foaming, slavering;—used in fig. context.
Associated quotations
- ?a1200(OE) Hrl.HApul.(Hrl 6258B)133/12 : Wið wodes hundes slite, nim þeos wyrt.
- a1250 Ancr.(Nero A.14)130/16 : His teð beoð attrie, ase of ane wode dogge.
- (a1382) WBible(1) Prol.Kings (Bod 959)108 : Þe berkynge houndys…aȝenst me wiþ wood mouth waxyn cruel.
- (a1398) Trev.Barth.(Add 27944:Seymour)430/19 : Ȝif he bitiþ þanne anoþir, he fectiþ him and makeþ him wood also.
- (a1398) Trev.Barth.(Add 27944:Seymour)430/34 : A woode houndes tonge is so venemous þat hit makeþ þe hound wagge and rolle as þey he were dronke, and go aboute…dreuelinge…Ȝif his dreuelinge falliþ in watir, hit infectiþ þe watir, and ho þat drinkeþ of þat watir schal be ydropicus and wood.
- (a1398) Trev.Barth.(Add 27944:Seymour)1169/8 : Alle bestes þat beþ ybiten of a wood hounde wexeþ woode.
- a1400 Lanfranc (Ashm 1396)59/7 : Whanne an hound haþ biten a man, loke first…if þat þe hound were wood.
- (c1410) York MGame (Vsp B.12)47 : Furyous woodnesse: the houndes þat ben woode of þat woodnesse crien and howlyn…byteng…alle þat þei biforun hem fynde.
- ?a1425 *MS Htrn.95 (Htrn 95)151b/a : Þe bitinge of a wood man…is cured ȝif þat þe place be emplasterde wiþ picche.
- c1450 Bod.483 Herbal (Bod 483)79/273 : Hyt [wormwood] ys gode for bytyng off a hownde that ys wode.
- a1475 Gilb.Angl.(Wel 537)15/12 : If þei fomen at hir mouþ as a wode dogge…it is a token of deeþ withyn vii dayes.
- c1475(1392) *MS Wel.564 (Wel 564)81b/b : Þat bitynge is…his deeþ…if þat he be biten of a malancoleous man or ellis of a wood man.
- a1500 *Lanfranc CP (Wel 397)24b/20 : Ȝif a wound be made of A woode hounde, þe tokyn is þat ane henne will not et of þe bred þat is wet in the wounde.
- ?a1500 Henslow Recipes (Henslow)18/16 : Ȝyf a woud hund hat y-bite a man, Take þe sed of flex, [etc.].
(a) Of a person or other sentient being: emotionally distressed or agitated, driven to distraction, beside oneself, frantic, desperate; brain ~, distraught; maken ~, to vex or grieve (sb.); also, ?frustrate (sb.);
(b) of a person, God, a goddess, an animal: enraged, furious; wrathful, of irascible temper; irate, irritated; ~ and wroth, wroth (furious) and ~, etc.; ~ ayen, hostile against (sb., the faith); ~ ayenes (in, on, upon, with), angry with (sb., oneself);
(c) of a person or an animal: maddened, frenzied; raving; also, fervent, excited, intent [sometimes difficult to distinguish from (b) and vice versa]; brain ~, in a frenzy; mannish ~, mad after men; wilde ~; word ~, unrestrained in speech;
(d) reckless, imprudent, foolhardy, wild; ?also, bold, daring, courageous [quot. c1325]; also, as noun: one who is wild or reckless [1st quot.]; ~ of wine; brain ~, of a drunkard: mindless, out of control, wild;
(e) wrongheaded, perverse, foolish to the point of madness or wickedness; also, witless; also used as a term of abuse; sinne ~; also as noun, in phrase: wilful ~, the willfully perverse, the willful fools;
(f) of a person or an animal: fierce, ferocious, savage, violent; also in fig. context; as a ~ beste (lioun, wolf);
(g) in conventional comparisons and prov. expressions: ~ as beste (lioun, etc.), etc.
Associated quotations
- c1225(?c1200) St.Kath.(1) (Bod 34)10/56 : Heo wes swa itend of wreaððe þet wod ha walde iwurden.
- c1300 Horn (LdMisc 108)50/921 : He…makede hem al wode.
- a1375(1335-1361) WPal.(KC 13)2096 : Þan brayde he braynwod and alle his bakkes rente.
- (c1390) Chaucer CT.Mil.(Manly-Rickert)A.3394 : Thogh that Absolon be wood or wrooth Bycause that he fer was from hir sighte, This nye Nicholas stood in his lighte.
- (a1393) Gower CA (Frf 3)2.153 : He…was for love wod.
- a1425(c1333-52) Minot Poems (Glb E.9)20/73 : King Edward…will noght blin To mak his famen wode.
- a1425(?a1400) RRose (Htrn 409)5196 : Somme loue leful is and good; I mene not that which makith thee wood…And bringith thee in many a fitte.
- ?a1425 *Chauliac(1) (NY 12)145b/a : Fire is ferdful & many ar wode [L infirmantur] in þe werke for drede of þat fire.
- (1440) PParv.(Hrl 221)531 : Woode, or madde: Amens.
- c1450(c1440) Scrope Othea (StJ-C H.5)28/20 : The wood goddes [Hera] druwe oute of her righte foul herres ijo horrible serpentis and keste in theire lappes; and whan that thei sawe them so feerfull, thanne thei waxe bothe madde.
- c1448 ME Verse in Anglia 92 ()p.65 : For fere I fle and wax wod.
- c1450(1438) GLeg.St.Geo.(GiL54)(Eg 876)70/18 : Thanne was the prouost wode for wrothe.
- ?c1450 Knt.Tour-L.(Hrl 1764)76/26 : She was wode for sorugh.
- a1475(?a1430) Lydg.Pilgr.(Vit C.13)12949 : He…Mut with hys touch touchyn som whyht Or ellys…Wexyn wod.
- ?c1475 *Cath.Angl.(Add 15562)141b : Wode…expes.
- a1480(c1450) Barlaam (2) (Peterh 257)4/47 : He waxe wode for anger.
- a1500(c1340) Rolle Psalter (UC 64)2.5 : He makis thaim as thai ware for tourment wode, swa that thai wate of noght bot of sorow & pyne.
- c1225(?c1200) St.Juliana (Bod 34)59/640 : Swa þe reue gromede þet he gristbetede, wod he walde iwurðen.
- c1230(?a1200) Ancr.(Corp-C 402)65/17 : We…beoð wode aȝeines ham þe we schulden þonkin.
- c1230(?a1200) Ancr.(Corp-C 402)66/6 : We beoð wode ȝef a wind blawe alutel toward us.
- a1250 Ancr.(Nero A.14)117/33 : Te deofles ferde is woddre uppon us þen uppon eni oðer.
- c1275(?a1200) Lay.Brut (Clg A.9)1095 : Humber wes swa swiðe wod.
- c1300(c1250) Floris (Cmb Gg.4.27)711 : Þe Admiral was so wroþ & wod, He quakede for grame þer he stod.
- c1325(c1300) Glo.Chron.A (Clg A.11)5979 : Suan…þo he hurde of þis cas, Made him wroþ & wod ynou.
- c1380 Firumb.(1) (Ashm 33)1820 : Þe Amyral wax þan wod & wroþ.
- (a1382) WBible(1) (Bod 959)4 Kings 19.28 : Þou wexe wood in me.
- (c1395) Chaucer CT.Sum.(Manly-Rickert)D.1666 : Vpon this frere his herte was so wood That lyk an aspen leef he quook for ire.
- a1400(a1325) Cursor (Vsp A.3)29511 : Quen man wit iuel mode, Hattred in and wit wrething wode, Gis his sentence…es it vn-rightwis tan.
- a1400 Cursor (Trin-C R.3.8)5571 : He was wicked & wod Aȝeyn þat folke so mylde of mod.
- a1400 Cursor (Trin-C R.3.8)16228 : Wiþ him ȝe are so wode.
- c1425(a1420) Lydg.TB (Aug A.4)2.1386 : Of sodeyn Ire he wexe in hert wood, Of cher and loke fel and furious.
- c1425(a1420) Lydg.TB (Aug A.4)4.2226 : Þe manly knyȝtes…wern on hem…furious and wod.
- c1425 Found.St.Barth.50/36 : This wykkid ennemy…wexid woide aȝenste the virgyne.
- (?a1439) Lydg.FP (Bod 263)8.1668 : Folk obstynat of purpos…Of disposicioun furious & wood.
- (1449) Metham AC (Gar 141)1343 : Sum bestys…more wod thei be Qwan thei se rede.
- a1450(a1400) Athelston (Cai 175/96)454 : Þanne þe kyng wax wroþ as wynde; A wodere man myȝte no man fynde.
- a1450 Yk.Pl.(Add 35290)140/75 : Be he neuere so wode or wrothe, For all his force þou may vs fende.
- ?a1475 Com.Proph.M.(PennSt-U PS V-3)89 : He schall wex woode with him self.
- a1500(c1340) Rolle Psalter (UC 64)2.5 : Wit ȝe wele that god is nother wrath ne wod.
- a1500(1422) Yonge SSecr.(Rwl B.490)229/25 : Tho men…that haue a brandynge colure…lightly wexen woode.
- a1500 Lydg.LOL (Adv 19.3.1)p.88 : Thei of malice ageyne the feyth bewode.
- a1250(?c1150) Prov.Alf.(Mdst A.13)103/293 : Wimman is word-wod & haueþ tunge to swift.
- (a1382) WBible(1) (Bod 959)Wisd.14.28 : Whil þei gladen þei waxen wood.
- (c1387-95) Chaucer CT.Prol.(Manly-Rickert)A.184 : What sholde he studie and make hym seluen wood?
- (a1393) Gower CA (Frf 3)5.5639 : He was so wod That he no reson understod.
- (c1395) Chaucer CT.Mch.(Manly-Rickert)E.1536 : Wher she be…riche or poure or ellis mannyssh wood.
- c1400(?c1390) Gawain (Nero A.10)1461 : Brayn-wod for bate, on burnez he [boar] rasez.
- a1450(?c1421) Lydg.ST (Arun 119)3112 : Some wern so feruent and so wood…that…Out of mesur the watere so þei drynke that they fille ded.
- a1425 LOL (Wnds E.I.I)85/5 : Þe wymmen sueden him in þe middil of þe wode peple.
- c1425 Mirror LM&W (Hrl 45)205/25 : Þe bestis…woxe wode & drowned hemself in þe see.
- (1449) Metham AC (Gar 141)1502 : This serpent, wode for ire, Gan fersly Amoryus asayle.
- a1450 SLeg.MPChr.(StJ-C B.6)654 : To þouȝsend swyn þer were þat wode becam.
- c1450 Alph.Tales (Add 25719)198/6 : He was dronken, and fell evyn wude.
- c1450 Med.Bk.(1) (Med-L 136)184/577 : He will forsake the biche and she will go wode.
- (a1470) Malory Wks.(Win-C)817/24 : Sir Launcelot…ever ran wylde woode frome place to place.
- ?a1475 Ludus C.(Vsp D.8)156/146 : Iff they raue or waxyn wood, I xal hem reve.
- ?c1475 *Cath.Angl.(Add 15562)141b : Wude: Arepticius, Abrepticius, amicus…vesanus…to be Wode: bachari.
- a1500 Add.37075 Gloss (Add 37075)96/330a : Bacor: to waxe woode.
- c1275(?a1200) Lay.Brut (Clg A.9)4406 : Mid mildliche worden he ȝerneð mine milce, for itemed is þe wode; nu beoð his word gode.
- c1275(?a1200) Lay.Brut (Clg A.9)6857 : He wes wod, he wes wild, he wes ræh, he wes bald.
- c1300 SLeg.Becket (Hrl 2277)p.49 : If eni so wod were That Seint Thomas consaillede and cumpaignye bere…as the Kinges traitour me scholde him nyme anon.
- a1350 Iesu suete is (Hrl 2253)151 : Iesu…þi loue me makeþ so swyþe wod þat y ne drede for no flod.
- (c1384) WBible(1) (Dc 369(2))Hos.7.5 : Princis bygunnen for to wexe wode [WB(2): be wood; L furere] of wijn.
- c1390(?c1350) Jos.Arim.(Vrn)367 : Weore eny of heom so wood heom forte founde, he wolde felle hem feye.
- c1400(a1376) PPl.A(1) (Trin-C R.3.14)10.61 : Þei helde ale in here hed til Inwyt be drenchit, And ben braynwood as bestis, so here blood wexiþ.
- c1400(?c1380) Cleanness (Nero A.10)828 : Why watz ho, wrech, so wod? He wrathed oure Lorde.
- c1425 Glo.Chron.A (Hrl 201)p.359 : Þe duc Wyllam anon verbed al hys, þat none nere so wod, to robby.
- c1450(c1400) Sultan Bab.(Gar 140)1567 : Damesel, thou arte woode!
- a1500(c1370) Chaucer Comp.L.(Benson-Robinson)84 : I am not so hardy, ne so wood, For to desire that ye shulde love me.
- a1500(?c1440) Lydg.HGS (Lnsd 699)423 : Men drawe thidir that be rekles, And soudiours that braynles been, & wood.
- c1175 Orm.(Jun 1)4676 : Loc nu ȝiff þatt tu narrt rihht wod…Þatt willt forrlesenn þin Drihhtin.
- a1250 Ancr.(Nero A.14)41/32 : Ȝif eni wurðeð so wod, & so awed, þæt he worþe his hond forð touward ðe þurl cloð, swiftliche anonriht, schutteð al þet þurl to.
- c1275(?a1200) Lay.Brut (Clg A.9)6565 : Seie me, þu wode cniht, whi dest þu swa muchel vnriht?
- a1300 Worldes blis ne last (Rwl G.18)50 : Wil time to worchen is, for elles þu art witles ant wod [vr. wud].
- ?a1300 Thrush & N.(Dgb 86)181 : Niȝttingale, I wes woed…Wiþ þe for to striue.
- a1325(c1250) Gen.& Ex.(Corp-C 444)1073 : Ðat folc vn-seli, sinne wod…Wulden him ðor gret strengðe don.
- (1340) Ayenb.(Arun 57)18/33 : Þanne wext ariȝt þe ilke fol and miswent and wel yzed wod þet wytindeliche…þe guodes þet ne byeþ naȝt his, ake byeþ his lhordes guodes.
- a1375(1335-1361) WPal.(KC 13)715 : Witterli am I wod to wene swiche a þing.
- c1390 NHom.Narrat.(Vrn)17.274/159 : Ho is wodore þen þat mon þat muche skile and resun con And wot þat mon for dedly synne Leoseþ þe blisse þat may not blynne.
- a1400 Cursor (Trin-C R.3.8)16429 : To þo wilful wode he toke þe lorde þenne al weldonde.
- c1400(?a1300) KAlex.(LdMisc 622)1717 : Alisaunder, þou conion wood, Jn þe spilleþ þi faye blood!
- a1425(a1400) PConsc.(Glb E.9 & Hrl 4196)1608 : Swilk men er wode, For þai hald gud thing evell and evell gude.
- c1450(a1449) Lydg.SSecr.(Sln 2464)573 : For lak of brayn they wern maad so wood Thyng to be-gynne which they nat vndirstood.
- ?a1450 Sel.Rosarium Theol.(Cai 354/581)69/10 : Wo is so wode þat he vnderstande noȝt?
- c1450 Palladius (BodAdd A.369)1.133 : Who can and wol not chaunge, I holde him woode.
- c1475(c1445) Pecock Donet (Bod 916)208/36 : O lord…how myȝt I be…so wood forto offende þee?
- a1500(a1460) Towneley Pl.(Hnt HM 1)19/350 : Caym, Caym, thou was wode; The voyce of thi brotheris blode…from erth to heuen venyance cryse.
- ?a1525(?a1475) Play Sacr.(Dub 652)787 : Alas þat euer I dyd agaynst thy wyll, In my wytt to be soo wood.
- c1230(?a1200) Ancr.(Corp-C 402)103/9 : Heo is þe liunes make…& fet hire wode hwelpes.
- a1250(?c1200) St.Kath.(1) (Tit D.18)4/23 : Maxence…Bigon…ase wod wulf to werren hali chirche.
- a1250 Ancr.(Nero A.14)72/25 : Ȝif awod [Cai: a woð] liun vrne ȝeont ðe strete, nolde ðe wise bi tunen hire inne sone?
- c1275(?a1200) Lay.Brut (Clg A.9)1313 : Cnihtes he hæfde gode, stronge, & wode; heo wilneden after worre.
- c1275(?a1200) Lay.Brut (Clg A.9)9527 : He wule…mid woden his þeines muchel wæl makien.
- c1330(?a1300) Arth.& M.(Auch)1856 : Sir Vter pendragon Fauȝt þer as a wode lyoun.
- (c1385) Chaucer CT.Kn.(Manly-Rickert)A.1656 : This Palamoun In his fightyng were a wood leoun And as a cruel tigre was Arcite.
- (c1395) Chaucer CT.WB.(Manly-Rickert)D.794 : He vp stirte as dooth a wood leoun.
- a1400 Cursor (Frf 14)11651 : Wolf & weþer, lyon & ox…lambe & fox, be þaire neuer sa wode ne wilde, al salle worshepe þat blessid childe.
- c1400(?a1300) KAlex.(LdMisc 622)3267 : He hete his folk so a wode wolf Assailen hem on þe cee half, And so hij deden, wiþ miȝtty honde.
- a1425(?a1350) 7 Sages(2) (Glb E.9)861 : Þe grehund…Þai wend he had bene wode and wilde.
- ?a1425 Orch.Syon (Hrl 3432)295/25 : Thow art maad in sooþ as a wood beest and a cruel.
- c1450(c1440) Scrope Othea (StJ-C H.5)79/17 : Wiþ a wood wilde bore deed was he.
- a1450(c1410) Lovel.Grail (Corp-C 80)34.54 : Theke wilde beste…so wood an spetows was.
- a1450-a1500(1436) Libel EP (Warner)226 : Oure meny wode…passed overe the floode.
- c1450(?a1400) Wars Alex.(Ashm 44)5428 : Spices…makis þire wormes…wele & wond [?read: wild & woud] in þaire kyndis.
- (a1470) Malory Wks.(Win-C)33/34 : Kynge Arthure…founde kynge Ban…fyghtynge on foote as a wood lyon.
- ?c1475 *Cath.Angl.(Add 15562)141b : Wode…ferox animo…jmmanis.
- c1450(a1400) Libeaus (Clg A.2)507 : All þat he hyt he cleuede, As werrour wyld and wode.
- a1500(?a1400) Firumb.(2) (Fil)833 : Whanne sche sey the sarsins, wodest & kene, They þrewen out þe gold.
- a1500(1422) Yonge SSecr.(Rwl B.490)223/32 : He lokyth not ouer sharpe as doth woode men, ne ouer dedly as dothe the cowarde.
- a1500(?c1425) Spec.Sacer.(Add 36791)217/4 : There was in a caue two wode tygres, and they passid oute and deuowred alle men that they myȝt i-mete with.
- c1390(?c1350) SVrn.Leg.(Vrn)94/81 : He…ros vp wod as eny hare.
- (c1395) Chaucer CT.Fri.(Manly-Rickert)D.1327 : This somnour wood were as an hare.
- c1425(a1420) Lydg.TB (Aug A.4)4.1271 : Dephebus…Woder anon þan tigre or lyoun…ran…And smet hym.
- a1450(?c1421) Lydg.ST (Arun 119)3904 : Wood as lyoun to hors-bak he hieth.
- a1425(?c1375) NHom.(3) Leg.(Hrl 4196)171/558 : Þe Emperoure…was als wode als a wild bare.
- c1425(c1400) Ld.Troy (LdMisc 595)11812 : Priamus…As wood was as a best sauage.
- (1435) Misyn FL (Corp-O 236)89/37 : Þis warld…has…a dowe wodar þen any…best.
- (?1440) Palladius (DukeH d.2)3.38 : In this mone is forto sowe tares And not in Marche, lest they enoye thi bestis; Thi oxon myght be wood therof as haris.
- c1440(?a1400) Morte Arth.(1) (Thrn)3837 : Wode alls a wylde beste he wente at þe gayneste.
- c1450 Alph.Tales (Add 25719)118/3 : Hur husbond þat befor was als wude as a lyon wex als meke as a lambe.
- (1455) Paston2.120 : Howard was as wode as a wilde bullok.
- c1460 Tree & Fruits HG (McC 132)161/11 : Þe most cruel best of flesshly likyng…is more wilder and woder þan any oþer wild best.
- (a1470) Malory Wks.(Win-C)527/19 : Than sir Launcelot rode here and there as wode as a lyon.
- a1500(a1400) Ipom.(1) (Chet 8009)8013 : Ipomadone was angred sore; He was as wode as any bore.
- c1540(?a1400) Destr.Troy (Htrn 388)6813 : The Duke moche dole þolit, As wode in his wit as a wild bore.
Of an animal: wild as opposed to tame or domesticated.
Associated quotations
- c1475(1392) *MS Wel.564 (Wel 564)55b/b : A wounde þat is biten wiþ a wood hound muste oþirwise ben y-heelid þan it þat is biten wiþ a tame hound.
- ?c1475 *Cath.Angl.(Add 15562)141b : Wode…ferus natura.
- a1500(?c1425) Spec.Sacer.(Add 36791)175/26 : Sche knewe wele þat wode oxen were wylde and vntame þat they myȝt noȝt ne wold noȝt be set in a wayn.
(a) Of the wits: deranged; of frenzy: insane; of the flesh: unreasoning; of the world: disordered, chaotic, mad; of noise: tumultuous; ~ drem [OE wōd-drēam], a fit of madness, a frenzy [cp. woden-drem n.]; ~ mone-dai, a Monday full of destruction or tumult;
(b) of someone’s face or appearance: angry, enraged; of a look: furious;
(c) of wisdom, a judgment: unreasonable, foolish;
(d) of an emotion, pain, jealousy, etc.: inordinately intense, powerful, overpowering, overweening; of verse: impassioned [quot. ?a1425(c1380)]; of wrath, anger: furious, great;
(e) of Cupid’s arrows: causing pain or confusion;
(f) in adv. phrases with wis(e n.(2): ~ wise, in a frenzy, madly; o (on) ~ wise, angrily, furiously.
Associated quotations
- c1390(c1350) NHom.(2) PSanct.(Vrn)99/35 : In muche wraþþe was he [Herod] brouht: he sende to sle, in þat wood drem, All þe children In Bethleem.
- (a1392) Clanvowe 2 Ways (UC 97)66/365-6 : We musten keepe oure flessh in right reule as men keepen a seek man þat is disposed to fallen into woodnesse…For oure flessh hath alwey þat seeknesse þat he is disposed to be woode ȝef þat he haaue al þat he desireth; And ȝef þat he weere woode, þanne wolde he raþest doon harme to hise nexte and hise beste freendis…And, þerfore, with good reule of þe spirit maake we deede þe vicious lustes and werkes of þe flessh.
- a1400(c1303) Mannyng HS (Hrl 1701)1274 : He…made here wytte al wode.
- c1400(?c1380) Pearl (Nero A.10)743 : I rede þe forsake þe worlde wode.
- ?a1425(c1380) Chaucer Bo.(Benson-Robinson)1.pr.3.77 : We…ben heghe above, syker fro alle tumolte and wood noyse.
- (?1447) Waltham Annals (Tit D.15)352 : Anno domini Mcccc xxxvo insurrexio comitatus Essex et Middelsex propter metum ducis Burgundie applicantis apud Maldon in Essex magno cum exercitu, in crastino sancti Iohannis Baptiste, scilicet die lune vocato ‘le wode Munday’ vt dicebatur heronice; tamen vulgaris opinio fallebatur.
- a1450 Castle Persev.(Folg V.a.354)404 : Þe Werld is wyckyd and ful wod.
- (1451) Capgr.St.Gilb.(Add 36704)128/15 : Þat watyr was not so sone entered in-to hir þrote but sche be-gan to chaunge all þat wode rage.
- ?a1475 Ludus C.(Vsp D.8)32/122 : Me thynkeht þi wytt is wood.
- c1425(a1420) Lydg.TB (Aug A.4)4.1154 : From his se he sterte…as he were in a rage, Triste and pale, and a wood visage.
- c1425(a1420) Lydg.TB (Aug A.4)4.4457 : In strif and murmur most is þi desyre, Ferful of loke as any wylde fyre, And gastful euere of þi wode siȝt!
- a1450(?c1421) Lydg.ST (Arun 119)276 : Mor is…Mercurye…accepted…Than is this god with his lokes woode.
- (c1380) Chaucer CT.SN.(Manly-Rickert)G.450 : With a wood sentence Ye make vs gilty and it is nat sooth.
- (a1393) Gower CA (Frf 3)prol.1078 : Wisdom waxed wod.
- a1425(?a1400) RRose (Htrn 409)4709 : Wise woodnesse, and vode resoun; A swete perell, into droune; An heuy birthen, lyght to bere.
- c1475(?a1449) ?Lydg.Tied (Hrl 2251)47 : A woode wisdom and a wise woodenesse; Is this fortune, or is it infortune?
- c1325(c1300) Glo.Chron.A (Clg A.11)4415 : In is wod rage he wende Vor to awreke is vncle deþ.
- (a1382) WBible(1) (Bod 959)Josh.22.18 : To morwe in to al Irael þe wreþþe of hym shal waxe wood.
- (a1393) Gower CA (Frf 3)3.244 : In this wilde wode peine…al his resoun was untame.
- ?c1400 Chaucer Bo.(Add 10340)3.m.2.[19].1866 : Þe liouns…roren greuously and…slaken hir nekkes from hir cheins vnbounden and hir maistre…assaieþ þe woode wraþþes of hem, þis is to sein, þei freten hir maister.
- a1450(?c1421) Lydg.ST (Arun 119)3438 : He is eskaped al the wood Rage, Al sorowe and trouble of this present lyff.
- a1425(c1385) Chaucer TC (Benson-Robinson)5.1213 : Woode jalousie Gan in hym crepe.
- ?a1425(c1380) Chaucer Bo.(Benson-Robinson)1.pr.5.65 : In the lattre eende of thy wode [L saevientis] muse, thow preydest that thilke pees that governeth the hevene schulde governe the erthe.
- ?c1425 Chauliac(2) (Paris angl.25)11/11 : A trewe childe is made to haue a maner of wood leccherie and noþer nyȝt ne day to faile studieng.
- c1430(c1386) Chaucer LGW (Benson-Robinson)736 : Forbede a love and it is ten so wod.
- (1435) Misyn FL (Corp-O 236)20/20 : Lefe, bredyr, þis proude wodnes & wode pryde.
- (1435) Misyn FL (Corp-O 236)89/26 : Þis warld truly has…wode luste, made lufe.
- c1450(?a1400) Wars Alex.(Ashm 44)1168 : Þar is na wa in þe werd to þe wode hunger.
- c1460(?c1400) Beryn (Nthld 55)498 : He fill sodenlich in-to a wood rese, Entryng wondir fast in-to a frensy, For pure verry angir & for gelousy.
- a1500 Partenay (Trin-C R.3.17)3291 : Geffray vnderstode Almoste in wode rage.
- a1425(?a1400) RRose (Htrn 409)1921 : The arwis were…So variaunt…That men in eueriche myght se Bothe gret anoy and eke swetnesse, And ioie meynt with bittirnesse; Now were they esy, now were they wode.
- c1225(?c1200) St.Kath.(1) (Roy 17.A.27)81/714 : He…het on wodewise strupen hire steortnaket ant beaten hire bare flesch…mit cnottede scurgen.
- c1225 St.Juliana (Roy 17.A.27)50/427 : ‘Ȝe,’ quod he…‘we schulen nu iseon hu þe schulen sutelen þine wichecreftes & witen þe ant werien,’ & lette owodewise aswiðe wunderfule hweol meten and makien.
- c1225 St.Juliana (Roy 17.A.27)58/504 : Wod he walde iwurðen ant sende owodewise to maximien.
- c1225 St.Marg.(1) (Roy 17.A.27)45/34 : He o wode wise [Bod: al o wodschipe] demde hire to deaðe.
- c1440(?a1400) Morte Arth.(1) (Thrn)3817 : Than grymly sir Gawayne gryppis hys wapyn…Bot alls vnwyse, wodewyse, he wente at the gayneste, Wondis of thas wedirwyns with wrakfull dynttys.
Eager, desirous; with inf.: eager (to do sth.), wildly zealous; ~ after (in, in-to, on, to, upon), desirous of (sb. or sth.), eager for.
Associated quotations
- c1275(?a1200) Lay.Brut (Clg A.9)15161 : He isomned hafde sixti þusende cnihtes swiðe kene, wode to uihte.
- (c1300) Havelok (LdMisc 108)2361 : Fiue thusand gode Sergaunz…weren to fyht wode.
- a1400(c1303) Mannyng HS (Hrl 1701)3393 : Þe clerk was wode…To were a cloþe aȝens hys state.
- c1400(?c1380) Cleanness (Nero A.10)204 : He…wex wod to þe wrache for wrath.
- ?a1425(a1415) Wycl.Lantern (Hrl 2324)106/15 : Iche man waxiþ…wood aftir his neiȝbours wijf.
- a1425(c1384) WBible(1) (Corp-O 4)Ezek.23.5 : Oolla…wexe woode in to [WB(2): was wood on] her loueres.
- a1425(c1384) WBible(1) (Corp-O 4)Ezek.23.11 : Ooliba…wexe woode in lecherie.
- a1425(c1384) WBible(1) (Corp-O 4)Ezek.23.20 : She wexe woode bi letcherie vpon [WB(2): on] the liggynge bi of hem.
- a1450(a1338) Mannyng Chron.Pt.1 (Lamb 131)13797 : Was neuere lubard ne lyoun Ne wilde wolf ne dragoun Þat was so wod beste to byte As Wawayn was Romayns to smyte.
- a1475 Sidrak & B.(Lnsd 793)4760 : He þat is coueitous is wood After oþer mennes good, Or after his wyf.
In phrase: waxen ~ from, ?to be alienated from (God), be overcome with repugnance for.
Associated quotations
- a1425 Wycl.Serm.(Bod 788)2.364 : In wyne is lecherie, bi which men wexen wood fro God.
(a) Of wind, waves, weather, etc.: turbulent, agitated; of a storm: intense, fierce; of the force of wind, a plague: violent, great; also, in conventional comparisons: ~ as fir (wind); ragi ~, of certain months: wildly raging, stormy;
(b) in comparisons having adv. force, following verbs of burning, bleeding, churning, etc.: as hit (so he) were ~, violently, strongly, with great force, like mad;
(c) med. & physiol. of a bodily humor or fluid: evil, malign, pathological, causing disease or disorder; of a disease or pathological condition: severe, virulent; of an aposteme: angry, irritated, inflamed; of a medicine: potent, harsh.
Associated quotations
- c1230 Ancr.(Corp-C 402)58/20 : Þe worldes wode weater…bereð a dun monie.
- c1275(?a1200) Lay.Brut (Clg A.9)10047 : Heo uorð hælden swa þe hæȝe wude þenne wind wode weieð hine mid mæine.
- ?a1300(c1250) Prov.Hend.(Dgb 86)st.40 : Ich telle on uvel lipe: Mon þat sheteþ him into shipe Wen þat wind is wod.
- c1330(?a1300) Tristrem (Auch)371 : Þe wawes were so wode Wiþ winde.
- (a1382) WBible(1) (Bod 959)Num.16.46 : Now forsoþe is goon out wreþþe fro þe lord & auenyaunce wexeþ wood.
- (c1390) Chaucer CT.Mil.(Manly-Rickert)A.3517 : Shal falle a reyn…so wilde and wood That half so greet was neuere Noes flood.
- c1400(?c1380) Patience (Nero A.10)162 : Bot euer watz ilyche loud þe lot of þe wyndes, And euer wroþer þe water and wodder þe stremes.
- c1400 Bible SNT(1) (Selw 108 L.1)Jude 13 : Þese…beþ…þe flodes of þe woode see, spewynge here confusyoun.
- c1400 St.Alex.(3) (LdMisc 622)47/593 : Wynde aroos wiþ wood rage.
- c1425 Found.St.Barth.45/3 : The wyndis contynually wexynge woyde boith shippe & shipmen were cast in-to the depthe of the see.
- a1450 7 Sages(3) (Cmb Dd.1.17)3173 : The wynde blew, the se was wod, And bare the childe into the flod.
- (a1460) Vegetius(2) (Pmb-C 243)2713 : Sum monthis euer are of mery cheer, And summe loure a while, & after cleer Ynough they loke, & summ ar…ragy wood, ancour to breke & gabil.
- a1475(a1400) Lystyn man & (Hrl 3954)198/150 : He was as wod as ony wynd.
- ?a1475 Ludus C.(Vsp D.8)41/201 : Þese flodys be ful wood.
- a1500(?a1400) Firumb.(2) (Fil)298 : Syr Roulond calyd nemes, as wod as any fyre.
- a1500(?c1425) Spec.Sacer.(Add 36791)42/24 : By two maner of tribulacion he was the more a-ferde; For inward his conscience accusid hym…and outward by the grete wode tempest manassynge to perische hym of his lyve.
- a1500(a1460) Towneley Pl.(Hnt HM 1)36/426 : We ar in grete drede, Thise wawghes ar so wode.
- c1540(?a1400) Destr.Troy (Htrn 388)1217 : Pollux…moche bale wroght, Alse wode of his wit as þe wild ffyre.
- c1300(c1250) Floris (Cmb Gg.4.27)305 : Ȝef þer is eni maide forleie…An heo stepe to þe grunde For to wassche hire honde, Ha [Auch: þe water] bulmeþ vp so he were wod & chaungeþ fram water into blod.
- (c1385) Chaucer CT.Kn.(Manly-Rickert)A.2950 : The fyr…brente as it were wood.
- a1425(?a1400) RRose (Htrn 409)3776 : The see may…with a litel wynde…Ouerwhelme and turne…As it were wood, in wawis go.
- ?a1525(?a1475) Play Sacr.(Dub 652)483 : Yt [the Host] bledyth as yt were woode, iwys.
- (a1398) Trev.Barth.(Add 27944:Seymour)209/2 : Þe tonges of addres ben blak oþir bloo…swift in meuynge for þe wood humour and venemous þat meueþ þe tonge so swiftliche so þat on tonge semeþ iforked.
- (a1398) Trev.Barth.(Add 27944:Seymour)274/28 : Bones bene somtyme greued…of fretinge and gnawinge of woode mater.
- ?a1425 *Chauliac(1) (NY 12)175a/a : Realgar & Arsenec…it bihoueþ þat þai be repressed, for þai ar wode [L feroces] medicynez.
- ?c1425 Chauliac(2) (Paris angl.25)148/22 : Þe squynancies ben made most wode [L vehemenciores].
- ?c1425 Chauliac(2) (Paris angl.25)555/23-5 : Þogh Galien in þe Comment calle no mater wode but in movynge, neuerþelatter þe commune scole taketh þe mater wode in þe partie of þe quantite, of the place and of þe accidente.
- ?a1450 Macer (Stockh Med.10.91)197 : Þis is…goode for þe wode gowte.
- a1475 Gilb.Angl.(Wel 537)176/7 : Þis comeþ of a wood colerik humour þat is in þe stomake.
- a1500 *Lanfranc CP (Wel 397)28a/20 : To hote or to cold maketh þe Apostume wode.
- a1500 *Lanfranc CP (Wel 397)29a/13 : All othir wode Apostume bene helyd by þe selfe remedy.
- a1500 Maysters that (BodAdd A.106)70 : He þat…Of both hys armys lattes hym blod He sall neuer haf þe feuer wode.
- a1605(?a1430) Lydg.Pilgr.(Stw 952(2))18308 : A boche or a fellon ar cawsyd of corruption of wyckyd humours…of colore adust, fervent, and wood.