Middle English Dictionary Entry
wāle n.(4)
Entry Info
Forms | wāle n.(4) Also (early infl.) walan, wales. |
Etymology | From OE ?wala root or 2nd element of wyrt-wala; also cp. ON: cp. OI völr round stick. Quots. in sense (a) may represent a reanalysis or a misunderstanding of OE wyrt-wala. |
Definitions (Senses and Subsenses)
(a) A root of a medicinal plant or herb;
(b) in combs.: helme ~ [cp. OI hjālm-völr], naut. the tiller of a side rudder; liche ~ [see liche-wal n.]; litel ~, the little wale or gromwell (Lithospermum officinale); wode ~ [see wode-wale n.(2)]; wort ~, q.v.
Associated quotations
- ?a1200(OE) Hrl.HApul.(Hrl 6258B)45/14 : Wið cyrnlu, nim þissa wyrte wales [OE þære ylcan wyrte wyrtwalan; L Herbae verminacae radix] & gewrið abutan þane swuran.
- ?a1200(OE) Hrl.HApul.(Hrl 6258B)49/15 : Wið toða sare, nim þara wyrte walan [OE þaere ylcan wyrte wyrtwalan; L Herbae symfoniacae radix]…healde hit on þine muðe.
- ?a1200(OE) Hrl.HApul.(Hrl 6258B)127/3 : Wið aeddrana sara, cnuca þissa wyrt walan [OE þysse ylcan wyrte wyrtwalan] & on wine sele drinca.
- (1294-6) in Sandahl ME Sea Terms 1124 : In vno ligno…ad Gubernile Bargie, xij d.; In vno ligno empto de Laurencio Carpentario ad Helmewale eiusdem, ij d…In vno ligno empto de Alano de Mycley ad Helmewale liberi Gubernilis, iij d.
- ?a1450 Agnus Castus (Stockh 10.90)160/16 : Granium is an herbe þat men clepe gromelye or lytyl wale.