Middle English Dictionary Entry

verrei adj.
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Definitions (Senses and Subsenses)

(a) Factually accurate, consistent with reality, properly representing the truth; of faith: true; also, orthodox; (b) true to an original, truly representative; of an example, analogy, a dictum: apt; (c) truthful, veracious; also, honest.
(a) Reliably indicative, sure; also, indisputable, certain; (b) reliable, trustworthy; competent in a science or skill, knowledgeable; also, of a translator: faithful and accurate in translating.
(a) Precise, accurate, exact; also, absolute; ~ soth, the simple truth; a simple truth; in ~ soth, for (in, of) ~ treuth; (b) thorough, full; also, profound.
(a) Just, righteous; (b) lawful, valid; also, acceptable; (c) legally entitled, legitimate; (d) such as it should be, proper; also, appropriate [quot. c1450]; of weights and measures: corresponding to the standard; ~ pris (value), value ~, fair value.
(a) Such by strict definition; which properly bears the name; (b) truly and thoroughly such, corresponding fully with what is implied by the name.
(a) Exhibiting the indicated action or virtue or possessing the specified character in its full and genuine form, worthy of the name: knightly, wifely, faithful, etc. [the precise meaning is dependent on the context]; (b) such in essential respects; metaphorically such, veritable; also, which conforms in essential respects to an archetype, ideal;—used in metaphoric descriptions of God, Christ, etc.; (c) theol. which a type foreshadows, antitypical.
Faithful; ?also, upright, of good character.
(a) Such in reality, real; actually such, as opposed to purportedly or apparently such; authentic, as opposed to counterfeit; real, as opposed to imitation or mock; the ~ cros, cros ~, the true cross; (b) astron. actual or precise, as opposed to nominal or approximate; specif., of the angles and positions of Ptolemaic astronomy: corrected from the ‘mean’ or uniformly changing value so as to reflect each planet’s departure from uniform angular velocity [see D. Price, EPlanets, pp.93-118]; ~ est (south, west), true east, etc.; (c) after ~ sothfastnesse, in ~ dede (existence), in reality.
(a) Earnest, sincere; unfeigned, heartfelt [some exx. may belong to sense 3b.(a)]; (b) confident, sure.
(a) Of God, a pagan god, etc.: truly (as opposed to falsely) so called; real, as opposed to nonexistent;—often used epithetically or emphatically; ~ god, god (lord) ~; (b) used to emphasize the reality of the miracles of transubstantiation or the hypostatic union: actual; genuinely such.
As an intensive: (a) especially such; fully and thoroughly such, such indeed, very much such;—with specific meaning often contextual: sound (sleeper), severe (pestilence), utmost (diligence), etc.; (b) precisely determined, absolute.
As an emphatic, used to lend emphasis or give prominence: (a) to the thing itself over against alternatives, attendant circumstances, etc.: alone; actual, itself; also, without modification, pure; the ~ dede (purpos), ~ treuth, etc., the actual deed (purpose, truth, etc.), the deed (purpose, truth, etc.) itself; (b) to the uniqueness of the thing: the one and only; also, pertaining to an individual, proper [quot. ?a1475]; (c) to the identity of something with something noted elsewhere: selfsame; the ~ same; (d) to a possessive: own, very own; also, rightful or actual; (e) to that which by virtue of its insignificance represents an extreme case: the ~, even the.
As an intensive or emphatic in selected phrases: (a) in prep. phrases expressive of motive and causation: for ~ age (filth), on account of age (filth) alone; for ~ drede, for ~ pure joie (anger), etc., for sheer terror (joy, anger), etc.; of ~ bounte (desir, etc.), out of sheer generosity (desire, etc.); (b) in prep. phrases expressive of manner and means: bi ~ force (and might, of ~ force (might), etc., by sheer force, by main force; also, indisputably; also, by necessity, irresistably; of ~ approbacioun, in the approved manner; upon the ~ trot, quickly; (c) in prep. phrases expressing the appropriateness of an action or its conformity to justice, moral obligation, etc.: of ~ duete (resoun), rightfully; of ~ (due) right, aptly; rightly; justly; of ~ rigour, justly; (d) in phrases of denigration and abuse: ~ fol (knave, wrecche, etc.), utter fool, etc.

Supplemental Materials (draft)

  • c1475(c1450) ?Scrope Mirror World (Bod 283) 7368 : These be the vii rewlis of this liff, the whiche the veraye Salamon techith to his childer.
Note: Ed.: "veraye: '?wise'..The French reads, perhaps erroneously, 'le vrai Salomen.'"
Note: ?New sense.