Middle English Dictionary Entry
unkīnd(e adj.
Entry Info
Forms | unkīnd(e adj. Also unkiȝnde, unkend(e, onkind(e, onkend(e, hunkinde, wonkinde, (chiefly SW) unkunde, (chiefly WM) unkuinde, (SW) onkunde, ounkinde, ounkende & (early SW) uncunde, onkuinde & (error) unkynge. |
Etymology | OE uncynde; also cp. ME kīnd(e adj. |
Definitions (Senses and Subsenses)
(a) Not in accord with the regular course of nature, unnatural, bizarre; of weather: unseasonable, unusual; of an act: against human nature; of an animal’s behavior or actions: uncharacteristic, abnormal; of a bird: unnatural in its behavior;
(b) deficient or impaired with respect to the qualities distinctive of one’s kind or ancestry, not true to kind, degenerate; of branches or suckers: barren; parasitic; also fig.; ~ sed, seed productive of a bad crop;—used fig.; waxen ~, of the earth: ?to degenerate, become corrupt;
(c) injurious to health, unwholesome; chiefly med. & physiol. of a bodily fluid: harmful, unnatural; putrid, corrupt; ~ cold, a lack of normal bodily warmth, morbid chilling in a part of the body; ~ hete, an unhealthy warmth in the body or a part of the body such as that resulting from fever, inflammation, or putrefaction;
(d) ~ hete, the improper or excessive application of heat during the process of ironworking.
Associated quotations
- c1300 SLeg.Mich.(LdMisc 108)560 : Men seggez þat wynter-þondre…ne may neuere come bote þat weder onkuynde [Corp-C: vnkunde; Hrl:Wright: uncunde] beo.
- c1330(?a1300) Tristrem (Auch)2758 : Þou slouȝ moraunt wiþ pride…And seþþen vrgan vnride—Vnkinde were ous to kis As kenne.
- a1400(?c1280) SLeg.Nativ.M&C (Stw 949)404 : Of þe muracle of þe bestes ȝe habbeþ iherd, of þe oxe and þe asse…Hou þei kneleden aȝen him þat hem made, þo he was ybore…þe more wunder it was of here vnkynde dede [Lamb: dede aȝeyn kynde] þere.
- c1430(c1380) Chaucer PF (Benson-Robinson)358 : There was…The waker goos; the cukkow ever unkynde, [etc.].
- (1440) PParv.(Hrl 221)365 : On-kyynd, or nowȝt after cowrs of kynde: Innaturalis.
- ?a1525(?a1475) Play Sacr.(Dub 652)200 : Thes Cristen men…beleue on a cake—me thynk yt ys onkynd—And all they seye how þe prest dothe…be þe myght of hys word make yt flessh and blode.
- (1340) Ayenb.(Arun 57)188/13 : ‘Byeþ uol of merci ase youre uader is’ þe zone ssel by ylich þe uader oþer he is onkende [Vices & V.(2): goþ out of kynde].
- (a1387) Trev.Higd.(StJ-C H.1)1.339 : Þere lakkeþ vnkynde faukouns [Higd.(2): a kynde of hawkes that be callede lauerettes; L degeneres falcones quos laniarios vocant].
- c1390 Bi west (Vrn)123 : Now is non so vnkuynde a beeste Þat lasse doþ þat weore him duwe, For Beestes and foules…Þe cours of kynde alle þei suwe.
- (a1398) Trev.Barth.(Add 27944:Seymour)635/6 : He etiþ careynes and vnclene þinges and for litil mete to fille þe wombe he fleeþ aboute guttes And…for his feintnesse & cowardise he is ouercome of a bridde þat is lasse þan he; And in ȝouthe þere semeth no difference bitwene þe kite and oþir briddes of pray, but þe longer he lyueþ þe more he schewiþ þat his owne kynde is vnkynde [L degenerem].
- (a1398) Trev.Barth.(Add 27944:Seymour)1003/8 : Þe tilieres of olyue openeþ þe erþe aboute þe roote and pareþ awey sliliche vnkynde superfluite [L tuberositates & adulterinos ramusculos] þat groweþ aboute.
- (a1398) Trev.Barth.(Add 27944:Seymour)1073/13 : Vitulamen…is þat bastard plaunte oþer spray, barayne, wiþoute fruyte, þat springeþ out of þe roote of þe vyne or elleswhere in þe vyne and nouȝt out of þe knottis And suche sprayes ben vnkynde [L degeneres…et innaturales], and bereþ þerfore no fruyte, but þey…draweþ þe humour fro þe roote to norisshynge of hemself.
- a1425 *Medulla (Stnh A.1.10)19b/b : Degenus: vnkynde [Hrl 1738: onkend].
- a1450 12 PTrib.(3) (Bod 423)65/16 : He [God] wil not that thyn hert drawe to fer from him, ne that it goo spredyng…by vnkynde [F desnaturez] braunches of foreyn thynges, on whiche thinges men musten muche sette without reprise.
- c1450(?c1408) Lydg.RS (Frf 16)1338 : He shal fynde How the worlde ys wax vnkynde, And in falshede doth him delyte.
- ?c1475 *Cath.Angl.(Add 15562)69a : To be vnkynde, or to go owt of kynde: degenerare, degerminare.
- c1500(?a1475) Ass.Gods (Trin-C R.3.19)1023 : Sensualyte…sewe the felde with hys vnkynde seede, That causyd Vertu aftyr mykyll woo to feele, For therof grew nought but all oonly weede, Whyche made the grounde as slepyr as an yele.
- c1330(?c1300) Guy(1) (Auch)516 : After þe hete me comeþ a chele Þat me greueþ wiþ vn-skele, Þat y wex cold as ise; So vn-kinde iuel it is, Þat al mine limes it wil to-te.
- (a1398) Trev.Barth.(Add 27944:Seymour)144/35 : Aier and mete and drinke, slepinge and wakinge…ȝif þey ben itake as kynde askeþ, þey brediþ and kepiþ substancial moisture and repareþ and restoreþ þat is ilost; And if þey beþ in contrary manere, þey haue contrary effectis…for þan þey brediþ vnkinde moisture, and makeþ it encrese, and chaungiþ kynde moisture.
- (a1398) Trev.Barth.(Add 27944:Seymour)150/12 : Vnkinde blode…hatte so for it turneþ out of his kynde generacioun and is corrupt, as in leprous men, oþir for vncouenable matere of þe whiche he is ibred, or for a straunge humour with þe whiche he is ibred and medled
- (a1398) Trev.Barth.(Add 27944:Seymour)379/3 : A feuer is an vnkynde [L extranea] hete þat comeþ out of þe herte and passiþ into al þe membres of þe body.
- (a1398) Trev.Barth.(Add 27944:Seymour)418/16 : A posteme þat hatte antrax…is iknowe by lynes þat beþ þerinne…som lynes rede and blody, and som ȝelouȝ and colerik…som clere and comeþ of salt flewme, and so of oþir vnkynde humours.
- (a1398) Trev.Barth.(Add 27944:Seymour)1338/15 : Rotynge…comeþ of scarsete of kynde hete; For vnkynde hete, in worchinge of moyste matiere þat is nouȝt rewled by kynde, makeþ it rotye.
- a1425 Daniel *Treat.Uroscopy (Wel 225)298/4090-92 : Malancoly innatural—an unkynd malancoly—is caused throgh adustioun of colre, & þarefore colera adusta & malancolia innaturalis—a brynt colre & ay [read: an] unkynd malancolia—are all an.
- (?a1439) Lydg.FP (Bod 263)1.6573 : That ther colour outward appeire nouht With wynd or sonne…For onkynde heetis thei vse citrynade.
- (c1443) Pecock Rule (Mrg M 519)459 : The þridde temptacioun…is natural inclinacioun had bi domynacioun of sum vnkinde humour, and speciali bi plente or domynacioun of malencolie in sum notable membre of mannys body.
- a1450(c1410) Lovel.Grail (Corp-C 80)36.595 : That beste wolde now Ony man qwelle that there-offen Ete, it is so vnkynde.
- a1450 Diseases Women(2) (Sln 2463)90 : Yeff the humours be hote, she felith…brennyng in þe depnesse of þe moder, and þerof ben resolued hote smokes þat ben disperlid [read: dispersid] thorough all þe body & makith her to haue an vnkynde hete, in maner of a feuer, in hir body.
- ?a1450 Macer (Stockh Med.10.91)76 : For vnkynde hete: Violet helpith and refreyneþ þe places þat ben enflamed…if it be…leyde to hem plastre-wise.
- a1475 Hrl.Diseases Hawk B (Hrl 2340)36 : Longe smale wormys wt rede hedes an ynch long…cum of onkynde mete and of onclene mete for fawte of castyng.
- c1475(1392) *MS Wel.564 (Wel 564)58b/a : Þer…is noon vnkynde hete ne cold aboute the wounde ne no greet swellynge.
- a1500 Hrl.2378 Recipes (Hrl 2378)79/15 : This oynement…is good for saucefleume, and for scaldyng and for brennyng, and for alle vnkynde hetis wher-so it be on a man.
- a1525(?1435) Cov.Leet Bk.181 : He that hathe all thes Craftes may, offendyng his consience, do myche harme…in The smethyng, yif he be necligent & mysrule his Iron that he wirkithe, be onkynd hetes or elles in oder maner.
(a) Contrary to the natural moral law, immoral; of sexual desire, behavior, acts: perverted, indecent; incestuous; also, as noun: one who commits incest [quot. a1393, 1st occurrence];
(b) wrongful, improper.
Associated quotations
- a1325(c1250) Gen.& Ex.(Corp-C 444)449 : Bigamie is unkinde ðing, On engleis tale twie-wifing, For ai was rigt and kire bi-forn, On man, on wif, til he [Lamech] was boren.
- a1325(c1250) Gen.& Ex.(Corp-C 444)534 : Wimmen welten weres mester, And swilc woded wentem on, Golhed hunkinde he gunnen don.
- a1325(c1250) Gen.& Ex.(Corp-C 444)1113 : Sone so loth ut of sodome cam, Brend-fier rein ðe burge bi-nam…For men ðor sinne un-kinde deden.
- (c1390) Chaucer CT.ML.(Manly-Rickert)B.88 : No word ne writeth he…How that the cursed kyng Antiochus Birafte his doghter of hir maydenhede…And…he of…Nolde neuere write…Of swiche vnkynde [vr. vnkynge] abhominacions.
- (a1393) Gower CA (Frf 3)8.222 : Amon his Soster ayein kinde…forlay; Bot…Absolon His oghne brother…Tok of that Senne vengement And slowh him with his oghne hond…thus thunkinde unkinde fond.
- a1400(a1325) Cursor (Vsp A.3)27954 : For þair cost was sua vnkind [Glb: For þat þai synned ogaines kinde], Alle þai [Sodomites] war to askes brind.
- c1415 Chaucer CT.Pars.(Lnsd 851)I.577 : Whan a man distroubleþ þe concepcion of a childe or makeþ a womman barayne be drinkeinge of venemous herbes þoruhe whiche sche may nouht conceyue…or elles doþe vnkinde [vr. vnkyndely] sinne be whiche man or womman schediþ his nature in manere or in place þere as a childe maie nouht be conceyued…ȝit is it homycide.
- (?a1439) Lydg.FP (Bod 263)8.3165 : Yeyn…vnkynde alliaunces Bochas makth heer an exclamacioun Vpon Modred, which…Caused of Arthour fynal destruccioun.
- c1425(?c1400) Wycl.Apol.(Dub 245)87 : Blud, mansleyng, þeft…chaunging of berþe, vnstedfastnes of wedding, vnkynd lechery, and vnchastite.
- c1400(c1378) PPl.B (LdMisc 581)13.356 : Thanne pacience parceyued…his cote so in [?read: was] colmy þorw coueityse and vnkynde [alt. from: vkynde] desyrynge; More to good þan to god þe gome his loue caste.
- c1400(?a1387) PPl.C (Hnt HM 137)15.19 : Connynge and vnkynde rychesse—As, loreles to be lordes and lewede men techeres, And holy churche horen help auerous and coueytous—Droweþ vp dowel and distruyeþ dobest.
- (a1402) Trev.DCur.(Hrl 1900)55/1 : By vse of þese priuyleges, curatours haueþ anoþer vnkynde damage, þat þei knowiþ nouȝt þe face of her owne bestes, and þei haueþ y-fonge of her bischop cure of þe same bestes.
- (1476) Paston (EETS)1.597 : She wyll ocupye Caster…and ley the defaute on your vnkynd hastyness of entre wyth-ought hyr assent.
(a) Alien, foreign, not native; of a name: strange, unfamiliar; ~ man, a foreigner;
(b) unaristocratic; of ~ blod, of low birth, baseborn.
Associated quotations
- c1300 SLeg.(LdMisc 108)73/90 : Vnkuynde Eyres ȝeot huy beothþ ore kingues echone…For willam liet crouni king…And bi-sette al enguelond with men of oþere londe; Neuereft to is cuynde heritage ne cam it.
- a1325(c1250) Gen.& Ex.(Corp-C 444)2302 : Iosep…hem lerede and tagte wel…hu he sulden hem best leden, Quane he comen in vnkinde ðeden.
- c1325(c1300) Glo.Chron.A (Clg A.11)7247 : Þe riȝte kunde…ech of oþere come Fram king alfred…To seint edwardes fader & to him sulue al so; Ac þo he deide wiþoute riȝt eir…þre kinges were of engelond of vnkunde [vr. vnkede] sede: Verst harald þe quene broþer & willam bastard al so, & suþþe is sone william.
- c1325(c1300) Glo.Chron.A (Clg A.11)8747 : He spousede hire þat was icluped Mold þe gode quene, Þat was kunde eir of engelond…Vor er was þe kunde eritage of engelond vorlore…Bi þis þre kinges daye, þat vnkunde were echon.
- a1425 NPass.(Cmb Gg.5.31)183/1554 : Als þai led hym in þe strete, An vnkynd [Cmb Gg.1.1: vnked; vr. vncouthe] man sone gan þai mete—Symon [i.e., of Cyrene] was his name.
- ?a1450 Macer (Stockh Med.10.91)134 : Þe after-burden of women is clepid in latin ‘secunda’…But for þis name is vnkynde to many folkys…I…wole expoune and declare what it be-tokenyþ.
- a1500 Add.37075 Gloss (Add 37075)94/326b : Exoticus: vn kynd.
- c1330 Why werre (Auch)267 : Knihtshipe is acloied and deolfulliche idiht—Kunne a boy nu breke a spere, he shal be mad a kniht; And þus ben knihtes gadered of vnkinde blod And enuenimeþ þat ordre þat sholde be so god And hende.
- a1425(?a1350) 7 Sages(2) (Glb E.9)3008 : Þan þe knyght wele vnderstode Þat sho was cumen of vnkind blode.
(a) Lacking natural affection for or loyalty to one’s offspring or kin, indifferent to ties of blood; also, hostile or violent in violation of a blood relationship; ~ blod;
(b) lacking natural affection for or loyalty to a parent, undutiful; of an action: unbefitting a son or daughter, unfilial; also [quot. a1400(c1303), 1st occurrence], as noun: ?an unfilial child; ?unfilial children; ~ blod, unfilial offspring;
(c) lacking natural affection or concern for or loyalty to a spouse; of a wife: undutiful toward her husband, fractious; of a husband, husband’s pride: lacking proper respect for his wife, indifferent to his wife’s feelings; also, as noun: an undutiful wife [last quot.];
(d) untrue to a lover, indifferent in despite of protested love, unappreciative of devoted love; of a lover’s deed: faithless; ?also, as noun: a cruel deceiver [1st quot.]; ~ to love;
(e) of a supposed friend: disloyal, treacherous, untrue; indifferent or unkind in violation of a bond of friendship;
(f) lacking natural affection for or loyalty toward one’s country, unpatriotic; also, disloyal to one’s sovereign or leader, traitorous, rebellious; also used with diminished force as a term of abuse; of an action: undertaken in despite of the king, treasonable; also, as noun: traitors [quot. a1450];
(g) of a lord, curate, master, etc.: lacking proper concern for one’s charges, unsolicitous; negligent in carrying out one’s responsibility to subordinates, derelict in duty;
(h) lacking in natural feeling for oneself, indifferent to one’s own best interests; also, ?lacking proper spirit, unnaturally complacent or passive [1st quot.];
(i) lacking natural affection or regard for one’s own kind; devoid of proper feeling for one’s fellow human beings or fellow Christians, without empathy.
Associated quotations
- c1390 St.Greg.(Vrn)38/324 : Al hire wil schal beo done And elles we weren of kun vn kynde.
- c1425(a1420) Lydg.TB (Aug A.4)2.133 : A man for litel wil strive with his broþer; Blood is vnkynde, whiche gretly is to drede.
- a1450(?c1421) Lydg.ST (Arun 119)1157 : Rode hym forth…Polymyte…In his herte hauyng suspecioun To his brother of malice and tresoun, lest he pursued thorgh fals vnkynd blood To haue hym ded for couetise.
- a1425(?c1350) Ywain (Glb E.9)3573 : Knightes went obout gude wane To mak þe two sisters at ane; Bot þe elder was so unkinde In hir þai might no mercy finde.
- (?a1439) Lydg.FP (Bod 263)1.3664 : Thus this breed [vr. brethern] most infortunat A-tween hemsilff fill at discencioun, And fynali this vnkynde debat Brouht al Thebes onto destruccioun.
- c1450(c1350) Alex.& D.(Bod 264)540 : Unkinde kiþe ȝe ȝou to kille ȝour children.
- c1450(?c1408) Lydg.RS (Frf 16)1336 : Now vnnethe ther ys noon That loueth but for lucre of gode, So vnkynde is blood to blode.
- ?a1475 Ludus C.(Vsp D.8)34/175 : Alas in whoo now am I [Cain] wounde, a-cursyd of god as man vn-kende.
- a1500(?a1450) GRom.(Hrl 7333)306 : My fadir is so vnkynde þat he woll not pay my raunsom for me.
- a1500 Gifte hys (StJ-C B.15)15 : Kenred is onkynd [vr. kynnesmen ben vnkynde].
- c1600(c1350) Alex.Maced.(Grv 60)34 : Alisaunder…was…doone of his life; Ðat made his moder þe queene…Eurydice…unkinde of her deedes—Hue loved so lecherie…Þat her chylder hue chase unchastly to have.
- -?-(1459) Will in Som.RS 16192 : I know wele she that hath be so kinde to her sonne in his absence, she cann not be unkynde whenne he is present.
- c1325(c1300) Glo.Chron.A (Clg A.11)852 : Many kundemen of þis lond Mid king leir hulde also, Vor þe vnkunde [B: on kunde] suikedom þat is doȝtren adde ido.
- c1380 Firumb.(1) (Ashm 33)4961 : Florippe þy doȝtre, þat ys ounkynde, To a stake þan let hure bynde.
- (a1398) Trev.Barth.(Add 27944:Seymour)637/12 : For greet bledinge þe modir waxiþ feble, and þe briddes beþ compelled to passe out of þe nest to gete hamself mete, And some of ham for kynde loue fediþ þe modir þat is feble and somme beþ vnkynde and recchiþ nouȝt of þe modir, And þe modir…when sche comeþ to here strengþe sche…norischiþ and loueþ þilke briddes þat feedede here at here nede and puttiþ away here oþir briddes as vnworthy and vnkynde.
- a1400(c1303) Mannyng HS (Hrl 1701)1168 : Gode ensample ȝyuyst þou me How y shal serue þe yn þy elde…Vnkyndly þou techyst me þe gode; Of unkynde [vr. onkynde] cumþ vnkynde blode.
- a1400(a1325) Cursor (Vsp A.3)28270 : Vn-kynd i was, me rues sare, Gayn fader & moder þat me bare.
- a1450(?c1421) Lydg.ST (Arun 119)1014 : Of Cursid stok cometh vnkynde blood, As in story ȝe may rede…of Edippus…For which…to man and child I rede To be wel war…Of kyndely riȝt, and…To do…dieu reuerence To fader, moder.
- c1425 Glo.Chron.A (Hrl 201)p.32 : Leir…To hys oþer doȝter, þe quene of Cornewail…gan wende, And playnede of þe vnkynde dede [Clg: unkundhede] of hys doȝter Gornorille.
- c1425 Mirror LM&W (Hrl 45)158/5 : A man schulde…be busy to kepe & socoure & susteyne hem þat hem broght forth; & whoso doth noght so he may wel be cleped vnkynde, for he doþ boþe aȝenst kynde & aȝenst þe comandement of God þat is maker of kynde.
- ?a1450(?c1400) Wycl.LFCatech.(Lamb 408)45/710 : Who brekys þe fourþe comaundement? vnkende men…For þey helpe not here eldrys as þey schuld do.
- a1500 Man be war or (BodPoet e.1)p.34 : Wywes be rekeles, chyldren be onkynd.
- a1500 St.Brendan Conf.(Lamb 541)16/272 : I, as a rebel and vnkynde child, brekynge þe biddyng of his bodili fadir, haue broke þin nyneþe heest, þat art my cheef goostli fadir.
- 1372 ME Verse in Grimestone PB (Adv 18.7.21)p.19 : Children ben rekles and wyues vnkinde.
- (a1393) Gower CA (Frf 3)1.2565 : Sche was…Thenkende on thilke unkynde Pride, Of that hire lord so nyh hire side Avanteth him that he hath slain And piked out hire fader brain.
- (a1393) Gower CA (Frf 3)3.2055 : O cruel beste unkinde, How mihtest thou…herte finde…That thou acordest to the slawhte Of him which was thin oghne lord?
- a1400(c1303) Mannyng HS (Hrl 1701)2000 : But of ouþer men mowe fynde wymmen yn wedlak ryȝt on-kynde.
- a1400(c1303) Mannyng HS (Hrl 1701)2950 : Y dar no more telle for drede Of vnkynde wyuys hede.
- c1430(c1386) Chaucer LGW (Benson-Robinson)2716 : Allas, Lyno, whi art thow so unkynde? Why ne haddest thow remembred in thy mynde To taken hire and lad hire forth with the?
- a1450 Mandev.(3) (BodeMus 116)91/12 : In the contre of Ethyop…whan ony man deyeth…his wif…shal be brent with hym that is here hosbonde…And yif it be so that sche chese rathere to leue with here child than for to deye with here hosbonde, thanne shal she ben rettid for ontrowe and vnkynde [L ingrata].
- (a1393) Gower CA (Frf 3)4.849 : O thou unkinde, Hier schalt thou thurgh thi Slowthe finde…A ladi ded for love of thee.
- (a1393) Gower CA (Frf 3)5.535 : The Jelous…as a man to love unkinde…cast his staf, as doth the blinde, And fint defaulte where is non.
- (a1393) Gower CA (Frf 3)5.5479 : Theseus, which no trouthe kepte, Whil that this yonge ladi slepte…Hath al foryete the goodschipe Which Adriane him hadde do And…forth he goth…and hir alonde He lefte…Which was a gret unkinde dede.
- c1425(a1420) Lydg.TB (Aug A.4)5.1451 : Who-so list ceriously to sene…how þat he falshede þe quene…Dido…Þat gaf to hym…euery þing…But for al þat, how he was vnkynde—Rede Eneydos.
- c1430(c1380) Chaucer PF (Benson-Robinson)434 : I preye to yow this be my jugement: That with these foules I be al torent That ilke day that evere she me fynde To hir untrewe, or in my gilt unkynde.
- c1430(c1386) Chaucer LGW (Benson-Robinson)857 : If it so falle that my Piramus Be comen hider, and may me not yfynde, He may me holde fals and ek unkynde.
- a1450 Who þat liste loke (Stw 951)43/151 : Hercules, þat fals was and vn kynde, Of a venymed schert was foul deseyne…Grete peril is to breke a mans spousaille.
- c1450 ?C.d'Orl.Poems (Hrl 682)185/5522 : Allas, how euyr kouthe þe god of kynde A body shape so fayre and so goodly, And in it sett so hard an hert vnkynde.
- c1450 ?C.d'Orl.Poems (Hrl 682)188/5623 : Ye are vnkynde, als as semeth me, To shewe me favoure lesse then ye Do vnto hem…O good swet hert haue me not in disdayne.
- c1460 Tree & Fruits HG (McC 132)27/9 : Þou…þenke þat he were an vnkynde frende and a right cruel wich sigh þe in a feere brennyng and were in his powere forto deliuere þe and wille not.
- c1475 Prov.Wisd.(RwlPoet 32)164 : When I lent I had a frend, But when I askyd, he was vnkynd, So off my frend I made my fo.
- a1500(c1410) Dives & P.(Htrn 270)2.282 : Leue frend, Y am ashamyd to spekyn to þe, for Y haue ben to þe wol vnkende and lytil loue schewyd to þe.
- a1500 Gifte hys (Westm-A 27)6 : Lordis wex euer blynd; ffrendis ben vnkynde.
- c1300 SLeg.Becket (LdMisc 108)1504 : Þe king…sende heom word þat him þouȝte wunder…Þat heo wolden him so muche do on-kuynde dedes [Bod: unkundehede] and wouȝ for-to susteiny is wiþerwyne a-mong heom and is fo.
- a1400(a1325) Cursor (Vsp A.3)15470 : Þis traitur iudas was vnkind bath and felun þat þus his suete lauerd soght vn-to dampnacion.
- a1425(?c1384) Wycl.Church (Bod 788)349 : Scarioth was þe worse for beyng in þis holi cumpanye; for ellis he hadde not þus traied Crist, and be mooste unkynde traitour.
- a1450 St.Kath.(3) (Richardson 44)40 : O ȝe slowe and vnkynde, þat are waxe dombe in dulnesse of ȝoure wyttes, hath þe vertu of a womman so tamed ȝou?
- c1450(c1400) Sultan Bab.(Gar 140)3247 : Thou traitour unkynde…Remembrist thou not how ofte Thou hast me betrayed, þou fals Genelyne.
- (1464) RParl.5.511b : Humfrey, as an unkynde and innaturall man, and fals to his Liege Mageste, traiterously adhered unto the seid Henry late called Kyng…purposyng…the distruction of his moost noble persone.
- ?a1475 Ludus C.(Vsp D.8)169/21 : The knaue childeryn þat be in all israel countre…xul haue blody ble ffor on I [Herod] calde vnkende…his name xulde be jhesu.
- a1500(a1460) Towneley Pl.(Hnt HM 1)285/189-92 : Pilatus: ‘Say, ar ther any catyffys combred that ar vnkynde?’; Consultus: ‘Nay, lord, none that I knawe.’; Pilatus: ‘Then noy vs nomore of this noyse; you carles vnkynde, who bad you call me?’
- ?a1525(?a1475) Play Sacr.(Dub 652)720 : Oh ye merveylows Jewys, Why ar ye to yowr kyng onkynd…Why fare ye thus fule with yowre frende?
- c1400(?a1387) PPl.C (Hnt HM 137)17.273 : Meny preestes…as lambes…loken, and lyuen as wolues…Alas! lewede men, muche leese ȝe þat fynden Vnkynde creatures to beo kepers of ȝoure soules.
- c1425(c1400) Ld.Troy (LdMisc 595)12722 : How myght thow [Achilles]…In herte fynde To thi peple be so vn-kynde, And wold not haue of hem mercy.
- (c1465) Stonor1.68 : This…contenciones is betwix the said parson and his parishioners…to greet heveness off the parish, the parson to be so unkynde.
- c1475 Guy(4) (Cai 107/176)8011 : Whi arte thow so lene a man? An onkynd man hast thow seruyd aye.
- (1392) In the contre (PRO KB 9/144, m.31)116 : Unkynde we ware Yif we suffird of lesse or mare Any vilans hethyng, But it were quit double agayn.
- a1400(c1303) Mannyng HS (Hrl 1701)6462 : Who shulde þe oute of sorowe vnbynde, When to þy self þou were vnkynde?
- a1400(c1303) Mannyng HS (Hrl 1701)8651 : Vnkynde man ys he hardly Þat yn cher[che]ȝerde doþ vileyny; Oure long hous hyt ys to come, To reste yn, tyl þe day of dome.
- c1450(c1415) Roy.Serm.(Roy 18.B.23)198/26 : Þou may see þat meche pepull in þis world ben full vnkeend, for þei neþur luf hem-selfe ne here own sowles, for þei lede all here liff in lechery, in pride, and glotenye.
- c1475 Chartier Quad.(1) (UC 85)151/34 : Ye shulde be founde more vnkinde than they that haue noone vndirstandinge of reason, whan the birdes with thaire billes and clees defende thaire nestes and the beerys and lions kepen theire cavernys with the might of theire teeth and feete.
- a1400(c1303) Mannyng HS (Hrl 1701)5104,5112 : Þou art as vnkynde as…þe hounde…Þat most he hateþ hys owne kynde…And hys modyr he hateþ also…Þus faryþ hyt of a vnkynd man, For he loueþ more an ouþer kynde…Þan he douþ þat yche flesshe Of whos kynde he cum forþe ys [F Desnaturesce…est vn peché encuntre homesce].
- c1400(a1376) PPl.A(1) (Trin-C R.3.14)1.166 : Manye chapelleins arn chast, ac charite is aweye; Arn none hardere þan þei whanne þei ben auauncid, Vnkynde [vrr. Wonkynde, Vnkyndar] to…alle cristene.
- c1400(c1378) PPl.B (LdMisc 581)17.250 : Be vnkynde to þin euene-cristene, and al þat þow canst bidden, Delen & do penaunce day & nyȝte euere…Þe holy goste hereth þe nouȝt…For vnkyndenesse quencheth hym.
(a) Lacking natural or proper reverence or love for God, Christ, a pagan deity; indifferent to or disdainful of God, impious, faithless;
(b) rebellious against God or Christ, sinful;
(c) stubborn, obstinate, intransigent; unreceptive (to virtue); with inf.: unwilling (to acknowledge God).
Associated quotations
- c1390(?c1350) Jos.Arim.(Vrn)242 : He tolde hem of his crucifiing…And of heore fadres bi-fore þat he fond vn-kuynde.
- a1400(c1303) Mannyng HS (Hrl 1701)5073 : Ȝyt us þyr an vnkynde sloghþhede, Þat a man vnneþ, for no gode dede, wyl wurschep God derwrþly.
- a1400(c1303) Mannyng HS (Hrl 1701)11544 : God…made þy soule…fayre and clene…And whan þou synnest, þou…makest þy soule black as pyk…Sorowe oghte þan þyn herte bynde Þat þou art to hym so vnkynde—Þou dysonourest hym yn þat outrage.
- c1400 Bk.Mother (Bod 416)81/5 : God seiþ of suche men: ‘I schal hide my face fro hem…þei ben a schrewede kunrede and unkynde children; þei haue fare wiþ me as I were no God; and I wol fare wiþ hem as þei were no folk.’
- a1425(a1400) PConsc.(Glb E.9 & Hrl 4196)2051 : Many synful…whiles þai lyf…have na mynde Of God, bot forgettes hym, als ay unkynde…Þat til God here er swa uncurtays.
- c1475 Wisd.(Folg V.a.354)905 : Wy art þou [Mind] creature so onkynde Thus to defoule Godys own place [the soul], Þat was made so gloryus wythowt ende?
- a1480(c1450) Barlaam (2) (Peterh 257)7/179 : Treuly, Kynge, þou art vnkende to þi lorde god ihesu cryst, [etc.].
- a1500(c1410) Dives & P.(Htrn 270)1.329 : He may sey to us þat he seyde to þe vnkende Iewys…‘Þe sone…be wey of kende worchepyth his fadir & þe seruant schal dredyn his lord; Sith þan Y am fadir of al, wher is my worchepe? & syth Y am lord of al, wher is my dred?’
- a1500 15c.Serm.Cycle(Hrl 2247:Powell)53/118 : Vnkynde creaturys, all be it þei here prechyng of þe worde of Goddys, passion and his byttire deþe, Ȝit neuer þe more þei will not forsake þer synne.
- (c1390) Chaucer CT.Pars.(Manly-Rickert)I.970 : He that ofte falleth in synne…despiseth the mercy of god and encreseth his synne and is vnkynde to Crist.
- c1400 Aelred Inst.(1) (Vrn)53/1143 : Whanne I was most vnkynde, he [God] auaunsede me wit his gret benefys to styre me to turne aȝen to hym.
- a1425 Wycl.Serm.(Bod 788)1.145 : God shal reprove þis world of synne of untreuþe…And þis is þe first synne and moost unkynde þat þei myȝten do to God…For in synnynge in þis feiþ, unkynde men untrowen to his Fadir and to Crist and also to þe Holy Goost.
- (?a1430) Hoccl.Virg.& Chr.(Hnt HM 111)34 : Mercyful lord Ihesu, me heere, I preye, Þat right vnkynde & fals am vn-to thee…Þat am thy recreant caytif traitour.
- a1450 Castle Persev.(Folg V.a.354)1501 : I up my powere þe asoly Þat þou hast ben to God vnkynde, Quantum peccasti.
- ?a1475 Ludus C.(Vsp D.8)99/59 : Lord…thyn vnkynde creaturys to saue were rewthe; the offens of man hath grevyd þe sore.
- c1425(?c1400) Wycl.Apost.(Dub 245)431 : Goddis derlyng…shal afterward be saved wisliche, al ȝif he semeþ grevousliche unkynde for þe tyme.
- ?a1425(a1415) Wycl.Lantern (Hrl 2324)8/19 : Þe þridde synne is obstinacioun or hardnes of herte, þe whiche wole not be contrit for conpunccioun, neiþir be made softe wiþ pite…It is vnkynde aȝen good dedis, vnfeiþful to counseils, [etc.].
- a1425 Wycl.Serm.(Bod 788)1.160 : Þing…þat we have sene in Godhede, we witnessen, and ȝe taken not oure witnesse for ȝoure unkynde hardnesse.
- a1450 12 PTrib.(3) (Bod 423)72/18 : He [God] pleyneth him by his prophete Ysaye of the harde hertes, mystaught & vnkynde, that noo strook makith turne ayen.
- a1500 Chartier Dial.F.&F.(Sion Arc.L.40.2/E.43)44/12 : Let vs…schewe oureself…portable of peece…and not vnkynde to receyve hyt.
- a1475 *Sidrak & B.(Lnsd 793)7042 : Þe riche for vertu shal honoured be…Þe pouere shal þere [heaven] no ioye finde, For he to vertu was vnkynde.
(a) Ungrateful, unappreciative [some quots. difficult to distinguish from the various subsenses of 4a. and 4b.]; also, not properly thankful (to sb., God, Christ, etc.); ungrateful (for sth.); as noun: an ingrate; also, those who are ungrateful; ~ blod, an ungrateful child;
(b) lacking in charity, ungenerous, stingy.
Associated quotations
- c1300 SLeg.Patr.(LdMisc 108)156 : Ȝwane þov [Owain] hast boþe bodi and soule iȝyuen us [devils] bi þine liue, Saunt faille we ne beoth nouȝt so onkuynde þat we it nellez ȝelde þe bliue.
- c1330(?c1300) Amis (Auch)2138 : Vnkender blod nas neuer born…For he saued mi liif biforn, Ichaue him ȝolden wiþ wo & sorn.
- (a1382) WBible(1) (Bod 959)Wisd.16.29 : Þe hope of þe vnkynde [WB(2): an vnkynde man; L Ingrati…spes] as cold ijs shal flowen, & despershen as water ouervoide.
- (a1382) WBible(1) (Bod 959)Ecclus.29.32 : He shal herberewen & feden & ȝyuen drinke þe vnkinde [WB(2): to vnkynde men; L ingratos].
- (a1387) Trev.Higd.(StJ-C H.1)4.99 : Þou unkynde contray, fong þou nouȝt my boones.
- c1390 NHom.Narrat.(Vrn)40.306/25 : Þo Jewes…ofte god for sok And to false Maumetes tok, And euere vn kuynde þei han bene…ffor God haþ don for hem wel mare þen euer for folk dude he are, And euere þei don vuel a geyn And to heore lord ben vn bayn.
- (a1398) Trev.Barth.(Add 27944:Seymour)314/6 : A seruant…is vnkynde [L ingratus] and knowiþ not þe grace þat his lord doþ hym, but he trowiþ þat his lord doþ for hym by dewte and dette more þan by grace.
- c1400(c1378) PPl.B (LdMisc 581)5.437 : Ȝif any man doth me a benfait, or helpeth me at nede, I [Sloth] am vnkynde [vr. vnkyȝnde] aȝein his curteisye and can nouȝte vnderstonde it.
- (a1402) Trev.Dial.MC (Hrl 1900)26/1 : Alwey ȝe haueþ be vnkynde to þe goodnesse þat me haþ y-do ȝou.
- a1425(a1396) Maidstone PPs. (Wht)204 : I haue lyued as the is lothe, Vnkynde aȝeins thy kyndenesse.
- a1425 Dial.Reason & A.(Cmb Ii.6.39)31/1 : It is þe olde manere of vnkynde folk sone to forȝete what is done for hem, but ȝif ouȝt displese hem þer onne þei þenken longe.
- c1425 Found.St.Barth.45/15 : He, fre from all peryll, was not vnkende to the vertu and grace of the Apostle, but what he hadde sufferid of greyf, what of mercy he hadde optenyd by the holy Apostle…he made hit opyne.
- a1425 HBk.GDei (Hnt HM 148)94/1 : All þat I [Christ] haue for þe tholed and done…þou settes at noght; Now vndirstand, þou vnkynd [Arun:Arntz: vnkyndman], kist vp þi heued & loke to me: Behald my side, my fete, & handes.
- a1450 Fasc.Mor.(Rwl C.670)Tag 27 [31] 8 : Byholde þe nayles…How þey me þorlenn to þys tre; Of all my pyne haue I no doute But ȝif vnkynde [Wor F.19: vnnkynde] I fynde the.
- c1450 Capgr.St.Kath.(Arun 396)4.1422 : Oure goddis may seyn that we been on-keende ffor alle the benefetes that thei to vs sende, We to suffre the ȝongthe…Thus openly crist for to commende…Oure goddis eke deueles for to calle.
- c1450 Spec.Chr.(2) (Hrl 6580)136/3 : In grete peyne schal thei be For here state and dignite, That thei had thorou goddes grace, And sythen to hym vnkynde [vrr. oonkynde, vnkeende, vnkend] was.
- (a1464) Capgr.Chron.(Cmb Gg.4.12)216/2 : Þe erlis of Kent, Salesbury, and Huntingdon, onkende onto þe kyng, risin ageyn him—vnkynde were þei, for þe puple wold haue hem ded, and þe king spared hem.
- c1425(?c1400) Wycl.Apost.(Dub 245)435 : For þise sixe kyndenessis, bysyde goostliche suffragies, þise seculer lordis han be to unkynde to Crist.
- c1475 Body Pol.(Cmb Kk.1.5)190/5 : Symple labourers of the erthe…it is pyte that any man shulde be vnkynde [F ingrat] to theim, seing the notable seruyce that they doo to euery creatur.
- a1500(c1410) Dives & P.(Htrn 270)2.243 : Seth ȝe, vnkende cursyd wrechis, what Y suffryd for ȝour sake…Wher is þe loue þat ȝe schuldyn a schewyd to me?
- a1500(1422) Yonge SSecr.(Rwl B.490)205/18-21 : He is an onkynde man that denyeth hym to haue recevid a good dede; He Is vn-kynde that feynyth; he is vnkynde that rewardyth not ne commendyth benefactis, but reportyth ille dedes; And He is moste vnkynde of all that foryetyth Benefactes.
- a1500 15c.Serm.Cycle(Hrl 2247:Powell)52/115 : An vnkynde hake þat is not craftyly reclamed…whan sche is full fedd…wyl neþer come to þe calle ner to þe mete þat is profered hym.
- (a1393) Gower CA (Frf 3)7.2103 : He wolde noght ben holde Unkinde…He yaf him good ynouh to spende For evere.
- a1400(c1303) Mannyng HS (Hrl 1701)6786-7 : Þys ryche man [Dives]…dyd þe pore man loth…God…deyneþ nat to nemne hys name…But calleþ hym yn þe gospel ‘ryche’ As vnkynde and vnbryche—For ful comunly shalt þou fynde Ofte ryche men vnkynde.
- c1400(c1378) PPl.B (LdMisc 581)10.29 : Þilke þat god moste gyueth leste good þei deleth, And moste vnkynde to þe comune þat moste catel weldeth.
- c1400(c1378) PPl.B (LdMisc 581)11.206 : Euery man helpe other…And be we nouȝte vnkynde of owre catel ne of owre kunnynge neyther, For so in [?read: noet] no man how neighe it is to be ynome fro bothe.
- c1400(c1378) PPl.B (LdMisc 581)17.267 : Þat ben vnkynde [C: vnhende] to his, hope I none other, But þei dwelle þere diues is, dayes with-outen ende.
- a1450 Castle Persev.(Folg V.a.354)3479 : He wolde neuere þe hungry Neyþyr clothe nor fede…For he hathe ben vnkynde To lame and to blynde, In helle he schal be pynde.
(a) Harsh, cruel, unkind; ungracious; of God, Christ: not benevolent; of Fortune: ill-disposed (to sb., a people), unfavorable; of a vice: pernicious, wicked;
(b) bestial, savage;
(c) unchivalrous; villainous, vile; also used with diminished force as a term of abuse; ~ blod, a vile fellow;
(d) rude, discourteous;
(e) of weather: inclement; of a storm: violent, severe; of heat, cold, etc.: harsh; also, damaging (to sth.).
Associated quotations
- (1340) Ayenb.(Arun 57)77/14 : Þanne is god ontrewe and onkende [Vices & V.(2): not trwe ne kynde to vs] þet þise guodes benymþ his urendes and hise yefþ more largeliche to his yuo yef þet byeþ zoþe guodes.
- c1380 Firumb.(1) (Ashm 33)2006 : Þan him spak kyng Sortybran wordes wel ounkende, ‘þow ert a-sotid, as y am man, þy doȝtre wil þe schende.’
- (a1393) Gower CA (Frf 3)3.374 : Tiresias…sih Tuo Sepentz…And thei, so as nature hem tawhte, Assembled were, and he…smot hem bothe, Wherof the goddes weren wrothe; And for he hath destourbed kinde And was so to nature unkinde, Unkindeliche he was transformed…Into a womman.
- a1400(c1303) Mannyng HS (Hrl 1701)4156 : Lecherye ys flesshly synne, Enuye cumþ of þe soule wyþ-ynne; lechery ys þe lesse, we fynde, And enuye ys þe more vnkynde.
- c1400(c1378) PPl.B (LdMisc 581)18.396 : I [Christ] were an vnkynde Kynge but I my kynde [vr. kyn] holpe.
- c1425(a1420) Lydg.TB (Aug A.4)2.3282 : Fortune…vnkynde to þe Troyan blood, Causeles ageyns hem a-grevid…With blynde a-waites to cache hem in a traunce.
- a1425(c1385) Chaucer TC (Benson-Robinson)3.1438 : Thow rakle nyght Ther God, maker of kynde, The for thyn haste and thyn unkynde vice, So fast ay to oure hemysperie bynde, That nevere more under the ground thow wynde!
- a1425(c1385) Chaucer TC (Benson-Robinson)4.266 : Fortune…how maistow in thyn herte fynde To ben to me thus cruwel and unkynde [It. crudel]?
- c1450(c1415) Roy.Serm.(Roy 18.B.23)195/14 : When anny þinge falleþ aȝeyns hem, þoo itt be for here owen synne…ȝitt þei gruchen aȝeyns God and þenkes þat he is vncurteys and vnkende.
- c1540(?a1400) Destr.Troy (Htrn 388)1452 : What myschefe befell, Þere no cause was to ken but vnkynd wordes.
- c1400(?a1300) KAlex.(LdMisc 622)5990 : Ȝee habbeþ yherd selcouþ tidynges Of vile folk and of felle Þat ben of þe kynde of helle—Þat als houndes ben vnkynde, And willen frete mankynde.
- c1325(c1300) Glo.Chron.A (Clg A.11)2379 : Vortiger…Þere…kudde wat he was, vnkunde ssrewe & quoynte.
- c1330(?c1300) Amis (Auch)389 : Þou traitour, vnkinde blod [vr. þu wykkyd blood], Þou schalt abigge þis nay.
- c1330(?c1300) Amis (Auch)1236 : It were michel vnriȝt To make roste of leuedis briȝt; Ywis, ȝe eren vnkende.
- c1330(?c1300) Guy(1) (Auch)4382 : Þou me hast bitreyd When þou to grounde mi lyoun leyd; No dede ich þe neuer bot gode, Þou fel treytour, vnkinde blod.
- (a1387) Trev.Higd.(StJ-C H.1)7.41 : Þe cours of his lyf was cruel and ungracious in þe bygynnynge, wrecched in þe myddel, and foule in þe ende, For while seint Donston cristned hym he defouled þe font ston…þerfore Donston seide, ‘By God and his moder þis schal be unkynde [Higd.(2): a loselle].’
- a1450(c1410) Lovel.Grail (Corp-C 80)49.116 : Thanne tooken they Iosephe…and to preson ladden hym…the Sarrazines so fals & vnkynde.
- a1450(c1410) Lovel.Merlin (Corp-C 80)18610 : This man is Slayn oþer hurt…þerfore let vs gon seke tyl we hym fynde, and ellis weren we ryht vnkynde.
- ?a1475 Ludus C.(Vsp D.8)7/219 : Kyng herownde…cruel knytys and vn-kende to sle male chylderyn he sendyth.
- a1500(?c1400) Triam.(Cmb Ff.2.38)353 : When he myght not the lady fynde He wente…as knyght vnkynde To syr Roger there he lay; Thryes he styked hym thorow owt.
- a1400(c1303) Mannyng HS (Hrl 1701)766 : Þys gentyl men…Þey ben but Goddys turmentours…But ȝe leue ȝoure fals sweryng, Ȝoure vnkynde vpbreydyng, Ȝe shul go a deueyl weye.
- (1440) Capgr.St.Norb.(Hnt HM 55)723 : At þe ende, Because he schuld not be inobedient Onto þe pope ne to þe bisschop onkende, Only for here plesaunce he gann consent.
- c1330 Why werre (Auch)101/375 : For that Shrewedom þat regneþ in þe lond, I drede me þat God us haþ forlaft out of his hond, Þurw wederes þat he haþ isent cold and vnkinde.
- c1400 To God (Wel 406)44 : Þe blake forst, þe norþeren wynde, To þys herbe beþ vnkynde.
- a1450(a1338) Mannyng Chron.Pt.1 (Lamb 131)16541 : Al þe folk wyþ tempest vnkynde Were slayn.
- a1450-1509 Rich.(Brunner)3045 : Kyng Richard so syke lay…ffor þe trauaylle off þe see, And strong eyr off þat cuntree And vnkynde [vr. vnkyndly] cold and hete, And mete and drynk þat is nouȝt sete To hys body.
- c1450 Med.Bk.(1) (Med-L 136)56/138 : For hym þat is blastid of vnkynd eyere, to do away þe ach and aswage þe swellynge: Take an ey, [etc.].
- a1500 Ihesu þt was borne (Adv)42 : Mych of owre welth hase wastud awey with…vnkynde wedurs be nyȝth and dey, Waturs stronke and flodus hee Whyche dystryde boþe borne and hey.