Middle English Dictionary Entry

bī̆nden v.
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Entry Info

Definitions (Senses and Subsenses)

(a) To tie (sth.) up, as with a cord; bind (sheaves); gather or hold together, as with a girdle; tie (a bag, purse) shut; tie off, as with a tourniquet; (b) to tie or fasten (sb., sth. to sth. else), tie on; tether; (c) to tie (a rope, sash, etc.); ~ aboute; also, twist or coil (the neck); (d) ~ up, to string up or hang (sb.).
(a) To wrap (sth.), as in or with a cloth; envelop, cover; put (sth. in a bag or purse); ~ aboute, wrap around; (b) to bandage (the head, a wound, etc.); put a bandage or dressing (on the head, etc.); (c) to bind (a book).
(a) To join (two things), join securely; ~ togider; join (one thing to another); (b) to hold (sth.) fast; fasten (a door); hold in place; grip, squeeze; also, adhere, stick; ppl. binding as adj., of soil: ?inclined to cling or clump, containing much clay; (c) to 'bind' (a wheel) with a rim, a barrel with hoops; (d) to edge or trim (a chest, a shield, a wagon) with metal, reinforce; surname: binde-cart, ?wainwright; (e) to trim (sth.) with ornaments or by way of embellishment; stud (with gems).
(a) To fetter (a prisoner), put in chains; ~ hond and fot; also, tie up (a victim), chain (an animal); (b) to fetter and imprison (sb.); imprison, confine; bounde(n in prisoun; (c) in surnames.
(a) To ensnare (a sinner), make subservient (to the Devil); bounde(n, enmeshed (in), subservient (to), or dominated (by sin, the World, etc.); (b) to involve or captivate (sb.); dominate; make subject (to law); bounde(n, engulfed (in), dominated or overcome (by love, suffering, etc.); ~ in loves las, caught in the net of love; ~ in balaunce, held in suspense; (c) to spellbind or fascinate (sb.); commit or destine (oneself); compel (to do or happen); bounde(n, constrained, compelled, restrained, bound; bounde(n of necessite.
Of feudal arrangements, the relation between master and servant, etc.: (a) to exact or impose allegiance or a duty; refl. pledge allegiance; (b) ben bounde(n, be under obligation, be in duty bound; (c) bounde(n, having the status of a vassal or serf; ~ and fre.
To put (sb.) into service (to a master craftsman); ~ apprentis.
(a) To assume an obligation, obligate or pledge (oneself); ~ bi oth, ~ to avou, etc., pledge solemnly; -- refl.; (b) binden forward, to make a promise, pledge; ~ treuthe, pledge loyalty; (c) to impose an obligation or duty on (sb.), obligate; ~ to counsel, bind (sb.) to secrecy; (d) to be obligatory; binding, obligatory, binding.
ben bounde(n, be under obligation or in duty bound; be subject (to rules); also, obliged (as in gratitude): (a) with regard to laws, custom, Christian morals, the code of chivalry; (b) with respect to Christian doctrine; (c) with respect to monastic rules; (d) with regard to debts, services, surety, etc.
(a) To impose (a burden); impose or prescribe (rules); (b) to enjoin or impose (a penalty, penance, etc.); punish, condemn; ~ fro grace; (c) binden and unbinden (lousen), to bind and unbind, i.e. (usually) impose penance and absolve sins, inflict a curse and grant indulgence; also fig.
boun(den with barn, child, burdened (?confined) with child, pregnant.
(a) To join in marriage; marry (sb.); also, unite in love; (b) to have sexual intercourse.
To join together, connect; combine, unite, unite harmoniously; ~ woh til woh, join or add wrong to wrong.
(a) To fix or keep (sth. in mind); (b) to make (the heart, love) stable; bounde in balaunce, kept in suspense.
(a) To enclose; include; close; (b) to confine under pressure.
Of reasoning: to conclude or prove (sth.); support (by argument or authority).
To consummate (sth.); terminate.
Physiol. & med. (a) To constipate (the bowels); (b) to occlude or stop (a function); (c) binding, styptic.
(a) To contract (matter); (b) to congeal; binding frost, black or killing frost; (c) cook. ~ up, to bind or thicken (a liquid); (d) to adulterate (wine).

Supplemental Materials (draft)

Note: Quot. a1425(c1385) Chaucer TC (Benson-Robinson) 3.517 now removed from sense 15. to upbinden v., q.v.

Supplemental Materials (draft)

Note: Quot. a1250 Cristes milde moder 123 ("Mid swuðe luðere lasten mi soule is þuruh bunden.") now removed from sense 5.(a) and treated instead under thurghbī̆nden v., q.v.

Supplemental Materials (draft)

  • c1300 Lay.Brut (Otho C.13)3905 : Bruttus nemen refteres longe and rihte, mid hyre wel ibunde, and hi-sote in þan grunde.
  • Note: These beams are reinforced with iron on their ends.
    Note: Quot. belongs to sense 3.(d), where it is needed for date.--notes per MLL
  • (1435) in Salzman Building in Engl.489 : The forsaide Richarde bynes hym bi this endentourez that the quere of the Kirke of Catrick sall be made newe.
  • Note: New form: 3.pres.sg.: (?error) bynes.--per MLL
  • (1465) Doc.Beverley in Seld.Soc.1452b : Thomas Dikson and everye of his felowes schalbe bonde in severelx obligacions unto the saide governours.
  • Note: New spelling: P.ppl. bonde. (Note that this form does occur in several of the quots. The form section needs revision.)--per MLL
  • c1230 Ancr.(Corp-C 402)103/18 : Þe ealleofte hwelp is ifed wið supersticiuns, wið semblanz & wið sines, as beoren on heh þet; heaued, crenge wið swire, lokin o siden, bihalden on hokere, winche mid ehe, binde seode mid te muð.
  • Note: Needed for date in sense 1.(a).
    Note: Add phrase: ~ seode mid the mouth, to purse the lips, pucker.--notes per MLL

Supplemental Materials (draft)

  • (c1392) ?Westwyk EPlanets (Peterh 75)18/8 : The egge of the circumference shal be bownde with a plate of yren in maner of a karte whel.
  • Note: Needed for date in sense 3.(c).--per MLL
Note: The list of variant spellings in the form section may be incomplete and / or may need revision to accord with standards of later volumes of the MED.--notes per MLL

Supplemental Materials (draft)

  • ?c1400(1379) Daniel *Treat.Uroscopy (Roy 17.D.1)f.21rb (1.4) : Sum seyn þat diuertik is byndand, as wyn byndyth at þe breste, and stiptik sooure and harsche, os peres or þai be rype.
  • ?c1400(1379) Daniel *Treat.Uroscopy (Roy 17.D.1)f.59va (2.7) : 'Stomacus,' þe stomac of man..is 'frigidus' & 'siccus'..be cause þat it schulde be of gode retencioun, i. schulde holde & kepe þat comeþ þider in, for þo qualites ar kindly retentif, i. holdand & byndand.
  • Note: Additional quots., sense 16. Editor's gloss: byndand, v. pr. ppl. 'binding, constricting, styptic'.
  • ?c1400(1379) Daniel *Treat.Uroscopy (Roy 17.D.1)f.92rb (3.6) : 'Viscus' is birdlym and þerof comeþ 'viscosus' (anglice: ropand and cleuand togedre) and gluten is glue & þerfor it is saide glutinowse, byndand.
  • Note: Additional quot. Editor's gloss: byndand, v. pr. ppl. 'glutinous, sticky'.