Middle English Dictionary Entry

thik(ke adv.
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Definitions (Senses and Subsenses)

In a thick layer; ~ brenning, ?burning with a wide flame; ~ walled, having thick walls.
(a) Densely; in a crowded state; so as to fill a space; also, abundantly [quot. a1387]; ~ hered (leved, sterred, etc.); (b) ~ isette (sette), of a stag's head: bearing a full set of antlers; (c) in phrases with thin(ne adv.: bothe ~ and thinne, everywhere; ~ nor thinne, fig. with no exception.
(a) In a crowd, in throngs; in a crush; comen (gon, wenden, etc.) ~; (b) closely, compactly; seuen ~, surg. to sew (a wound, wounded member) with close-set stitches; souen sed ~, sow seed thickly; brouded (brouden) ~, of chain mail: tightly woven, having closely interlocking links; (c) in great numbers; copiously, profusely; also, ubiquitously; (d) in conventional comparisons.
In phrase: ~ stondinge, of stiff consistency, viscous.
(a) Frequently; often; also, rapidly; in quick succession; (b) ~ brethed, breathing with short, rapid breaths, anhelous, dyspneic.
Forcefully; leien on ~.
In misc. senses: (a) ?tightly; (b) ful ~, fully, completely; ben alive (in lif, in this lif) ful ~, to be deeply involved in the life of this world.