Middle English Dictionary Entry

theftuousli adv.

Entry Info

Definitions (Senses and Subsenses)

Note: Stub entry.

Supplemental Materials (draft)

  • a1500 Hist.Patr.(StJ-C G.31) 171/19 : Whi wente thow thus away..in thi gret foly, thiftuously stelynge my goddis with the?
  • a1500 Hist.Patr.(StJ-C G.31) 237/6 : Go after this men in haste and accuse them of thefte, saynge that thei haue thiftuou[s]ly take awey with them my siluer peese.
  • Note: Editor: "thiftuously: Or thiftnously? MED records 'theftnese' n. 'the practice of theft', but no adverbial form except thefteli (only one citation from ?1475)."
Note: Glossary: "thiftuously, adv., 'by stealing, in a thief-like manner'."
Note: Cf. OED theftuously, adv. 'In a theftuous manner; by or as by theft; stealthily, secretly.' Chiefly Sc., with a c1400 Scottish Trojan War quote.
Note: New entry.