Middle English Dictionary Entry

squāren v.
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Definitions (Senses and Subsenses)

(a) To make (sth.) square in shape; cut (a trencher) to a square shape; mark (sth.) out as a square; ppl. squared, made square in outline; square in shape; of a cart: having a square floor; squared oute, measured out in squares; (b) of troops: to form a square formation; (c) ppl. squared, made with a square cross section; (d) to cut (joists) to a rectangular cross section; (e) to cut (batter or pudding) into square or cubical pieces; (f) to hew (a stone) to a square or cubical shape; also in fig. context; ppl. squared, hewn to a cubical shape; also, provided with a course of squared stones [2nd quot.].
(a) To grind or whet (a weapon) at a cutting angle or to a point; also in fig. context; ppl. squared, ground to a point; of wood, a stone used for circumcision: sharpened; (b) four (six) squared, of a diamond: having four (six) sides; (c) ppl. squared, of an animal's thighs: squarely or solidly built, sturdy.
(a) To deviate from one's normal behavior; of speech: digress; of eyes: stray, wander; (b) to complain, grumble; quarrel.